Holding On

To be or Not to be?

 It has been a few nights since SHINee's performance in London ended.Key went to his,or rather his and Jonghyun's bedroom to take a break from his hectic schedule.He took his sleek laptop off the table and placed it on his lap as he sat on THEIR bed, with his legs outstretched. He quickly worked on typing his password and was soon greeted by a familiar sight.A picture of him and Jonghyun in couple tee.Key grinned at his wallpaper while self praising himself for giving Jonghyun the couple tee.He clicked on the Google Chrome icon and waited impatiently for the browser to load.

"Hmm...What should i do now?",Key muttered at himself as he keyed in random urls into the browser.

"I got it!",Key exclaimed as an idea suddenly flashed pass his mind.He quickly typed in the url and was pleased as he was welcomed by a blue homepage and white fonts.

'TUMBLR',the white fonts spelled out as Key started reblogging and liking every Jongkey post he can see on his dashboard."More! More!More!",Key thought as he went thru every picture and gif that he reblogged. An hour had past and Key was still gleefully reblogging and saving everything he reblogged into a folder in his laptop.Asides from looking at the pictures and gifs , Key also read the comments left by Jongkey shippers.He thanked the shippers silently as he was grateful for their support.

Just then, a shrill cry of laughter broke the heavy silence of the room.Jonghyun immediately rushed back to his room to see Key laughing madly at the laptop.Realising that he misheard Key's laughter as a scream,Jonghyun sighed and leaned against the door as he watched Key calm himself down.

"So..What's so funny?",Jonghyun finally asked when Key seemed to have regain composure of his emotions.

"Ahh ~Nothing much",Key said nonchalantly as he tried to contain his excited giggles.Only to fail as he took another look at monitor.


"WHAT? WEDDING PHOTOS??HOW??WHY??WHAT?!",Jongkey baffled by Key's 'confession' started to freak out.He rushed to Key's side,hoping to get a view at the so-called wedding photo.The sight that Jonghyun was bizarre.It was a picture of the Royal Wedding.However the faces of everyone there was photoshopped and that SHINee's faces replaced the original.With Jonghyun and Key as the bride and groom of course.

"What is this??",Jonghyun demanded,"What are you viewing on the internet Kim Ki Bum??!"

Seeing that Jonghyun was still shaken by the 'wedding photo', Key tried to explain himself.

"Well, first of all, i was browsing a site called TUMBLR.Not some site,mind you.And secondly, i was browsing pictures and gifs under a tag called Jongkey.And for your information, Jongkey is YOU plus ME.Get it? And lastly,you can't really blame the fans for making this.Not after we walked in the London airport with Kate and William's mask anyway."

Jonghyun listened attentively and tried to digest what Key was saying. "Why were you looking at pictures of US anyway?",Jonghyun asked as curiosity got the better of him.

'Oh god...I love how he pronounced US',Key thought as he replied Jonghyun. "I simply just adore looking at pictures and gifs of US.What about you?",Key questioned Jonghyun back.

"Do you like the pictures of us together?"

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