Quiet Irritation

Behind My Back (Hiatus)

 Niel smiled, working like a busy bee to prepare the best breakfast he possibly could for his boyfriend.  He made pancakes, and bacon, his own appetite awakening as he inhaled the scent from the food. "Ah! This is going to be good!" He chirped as he flipped the pancakes in the pan.

 "Niel-ah, is it almost ready?" Byunghee asked as he shuffled into the kitchen in his boxers and a wifebeater. He smelled like Axe, which made Niel assume that he'd just gotten out of the shower. The ebony haired man ran a hand through his hair and sat at the counter.

 "Almost!" Niel grinned. "Just a couple more minutes on the bacon." He giggled as Byunghee huffed impatiently, and propped his head up on his hand. "You're so cute when you're impatient." He said as he fixed a plate, not noticing as Byunghee rolled his eyes. 

 Byunghee sighed as his thoughts drifted to Mikyung. Her flowing black hair, her ivory skin, her every curve that fit perfectly against him. He sighed a bit in yearning for her touch. He was pulled from his thoughts by the sound a plate being set before him. He looked at the food, and smiled a bit, looking up to see Niel smiling down at him. He forced himself to put on a happy expression as he picked up his fork. "Thanks yeobo." He said cheerfully as he started to eat. Niel's food was the best. He was the perfect housewife. He cooked, cleaned, and put out whenever he was asked to. He was simply convienient. 

 He half listened as Niel chattered about things with Teen Top, halfheartedly joining in the conversation. As soon as he was finished eating, he stood up and took the plate to the sink, leaving it for the younger boy to clean. Byunghee walked back into the Bedroom and got dressed for the day. Niel watched quietly, a frown on his face.

 A few minutes later, Byunghee emerged from the room in a pair of jeans, and a buttondown shirt. He walked over to the door and grabbed his blazer. Niel blinked, and looked down at his hands. "Going to work?" He asked softly as the other man opened the door.

 "Yeah." Byunghee stopped halfway out the doorframe, rolling his eyes. "Does it matter?"

 Niel reeled back a bit at the harsh and irritated tone Byunghee had used. He cleared his throat a bit and looked away. "I...I guess not." He shrugged, trying to act like it didn't bother him that his boyfriend was never home. It shouldn't bother him.  He was just working on the new album, and Niel knew first hand how much work making an album was. But still...Something at the back of his mind was nagging him that something wasn't right.

 Byunghee sighed and walked out the door, closing it behind him and walking to his car. He had things to do today. And he couldn't keep Minhee waiting. 


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Chapter 2: Emmmm..these interesting...can you update??
DIED. DEAD.<br />
OMG<br />
MAOR<br />