Light in the Dark (Part One)

Light In The Dark
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Light in the Dark

Part One



It was nearing midnight, and Baekhyun had just finished washing up for bed.  His fading red hair was a disheveled pile on his head and his skin was scrubbed clean.  He felt good, oddly enough, considering that he and his fellows had had a number of performances and events that day.

            “Your phone vibrated.”  said Chanyeol when Baekhyun had walked back into their dorm room.  “...Three times.”

            “Ah, thanks.”  said Baekhyun, retrieving his phone from the desk.  He checked the messages and his heart suddenly became a brick that sank painfully in his chest.

            TAEYEON: Ayo, Baek <3

        TAEYEON: Are you busy?

        TAEYEON: I know that it’s been a while... but... I don’t know... I just need someone to talk to who isn’t one of my dongsaengs.

            Baekhyun swallowed hard and sat the phone back down, slowly.  He grabbed his tablet and padded over to the bed.

            “Who was it?” asked Chanyeol, noticing him.

            “No one.”  was the tart answer.

            Chanyeol’s eyes went from his phone screen over to his roommate, who had slouched himself against pillows and the headboard and had begun scrolling through Drama Fever on his tablet.  His expression had gone from fresh to sullen in less than a minute.

            “I was just asking.”  said Chanyeol, raising an eyebrow.

            Baekhyun didn’t respond.  Chanyeol, curious and annoyed, shook his head and returned his attention to his phone.

            After a few minutes, Baekhyun’s phone buzzed again.  He put in his earbuds and started an episode of Scholar Who Walks the Night.

            Another few minutes passed before Chanyeol got up and went over to Baekhyun’s desk on the other side of the room.  He picked up his roommate’s phone and unlocked it (he knew the password, of course).  He read the messages, including the most recent one.

            TAEYEON: ...Hello? I know you’re at home right now...

            Chanyeol glanced over at Baekhyun, who was completely ignoring him.  He returned to his bed, sat his phone on the nightstand, and pulled the comforter up to his chin.  Many random thoughts weighed heavily in his mind.  He lay on his side, watching his best friend with a little more than mild concern.

            Baekhyun’s phone rang the next time.  Baekhyun either couldn’t hear it over the sound of the show he was watching, or was ignoring it entirely.

            Chanyeol elected to believe that it was the latter.

            Over on the dresser, the house phone rang next.  Chanyeol didn’t move.  The call went to voicemail and he swallowed, hoping that Taeyeon wouldn’t leave a message.

            “Annyeong, Baekhyun-ah... It’s Taeyeon...” Her voice was hushed and a bit congested, as if she was sick.  “Um, I don’t know if you’re in the bathroom or busy and can’t hear your phone but I messaged you and called...” She drew in a shaky breath.  “Please call me back, okay?  ...Okay, I will talk to you soon.  Bye.”

            Chanyeol got up again, went over to Baekhyun, and yanked out his earbuds.  Baekhyun just looked up at him.

            “Baek, call her back.  I know you heard that message just now.  She sounds awful.  Are you just going to ignore her forever, even when she sounds like that?  You know how she is.”

            Baekhyun couldn’t answer.

            “If you won’t call her back, I will, and say that you don’t want to talk to her and that she should just stop calling because it’s useless.”


            “Then call her back.”

            “Chanyeol, I--“

            “Call her back, or I will.”

            Baekhyun threw his tablet aside and got up, not taking his eyes off of Chanyeol’s.  He picked up his phone and dialed.  His heart beat wildly in his chest and threatened to choke him with every passing ring.


            “Noona, it’s me. Baekhyun.”

            “Noona?  You don’t have to call me that.”  She laughed a little; an uncomfortable laugh.

            “What do you want?” continued Baekhyun, trying his best not to sound mean.

            “ just wanted to talk to you, is that okay?”

            He drew in a breath, considering.  He began pacing his room.  Chanyeol watched him carefully, arms crossed.

            There was a long moment of silence.

            “Look, I know you’re still upset about everything.” continued Taeyeon.  “But I don’t want us to end like that.  It doesn’t have to be this way.”

            “What way?”

            “Ah, Baekhyun, please...I didn’t want to talk about this.”

            “What did you wa

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Minor update~ I fixed some grammar and dialogue.


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Chapter 2: My heart hurts. It was a happy ending of sort. But my heart hurts. The extreme pain she must go through... Everyone around her seems to know of her... "moments" as she put them, so it has to be big thing in her life. I'm glad she had him by her side and that he helped him regardless of his own hurt, too. Well after Chanyeol made him but that's beyond the point... Gosh, what would've happened if he didn't go?
ByunTae_11 #2
Chapter 2: Keep writing for the BaekYeon.
Nice story Author-nim.
Chapter 2: Hey, this was amazing. Kinda pissed that Tae had to beg him but lol why my heart hurts. I feel like crying. You did a great job on this lol
I hope you will write more stories author-nim.
I love this story so much ,thank you..........
qwertyuiop39 #5
Chapter 2: Wow! This is awesome :)
I hope you'll make more ♡
Chapter 1: cute ^^ make another fluff chapter pls haha
update soon :)