Chapter 10

A Warm December


Wake up. Come on, wake up! I squeezed my already closed eyes tighter before opening them slightly. It was still dark out. I tried to raise my head, but pain shot down my back, so I just let it rest back down. I took my time figuring out what kind of situation I was in, my brain was tired and working slowly anyway.

From what I could tell, I was buried worse than before; it seemed to have snowed since I feel. My body was pretty much numb from the almost-frost bite I had on most of my limbs. I turned my head to my left, my phone wasn’t there anymore, must have been covered. Not that it mattered; I couldn’t reach it even if I wanted too, not to mention it’d be frozen by now anyway.

I groaned when I tried to move my hands. I hadn’t noticed before, but I think my wrist was sprained on my right hand. I used my left instead to wipe the snow off my face. When I lifted my glove to my face, it was soaking wet. i didn’t want to take them off, but I know they’d freeze if I didn’t. I trying to move my right hand again, it made up my mind for me; I couldn’t move it without being in pain. My eyes drooped again; I was too tired to keep them open. My breathing was labored as it was.

My breathing became heavy as I started to sweat. I blinked a few times to keep the tears out of my eyes. I was crying again. It had just clicked in that I was – or soon would be – dying. I didn’t want to die here, on a ski hill, buried in snow, never to be found.

I tried to keep my sobs back. There was no point in making any noise; no one was around to hear me. Then again, I could make as much noise as I wanted since I was all alone.

It hit me then. I was alone. Completely alone. I was going to die alone. This made me cry harder, and soon I was a sobbing mess. I bit my lip. I wasn’t going out like this. Not me. I’m not going to die crying like a baby. I pulled myself together, wiping away my remaining tears with the back of my hand.

I closed my eyes and tried to keep calm. I somehow managed to trick my brain into thinking that this was okay as my breathing slowed even more. I eyes fell shut, and I didn’t bother to open them. I convulsed a few time from the cold. But I didn’t really care. I just layer there, trying to keep up my breathing for as long as I could.


Some time had passed, and I hadn’t moved an inch. I passed the time by counting my breaths and listening to the world around me.

I heard what seemed like deer walking past me a few times, but I wasn’t sure seeing has my eyes were still closed, I think my tears had frozen them shut, because despite myself, I had cried again. I let out a shaky breath, this was just depressing. Maybe I was already dead and I just didn’t know it.

I stopped thinking for a bit – decided I’d just listen to the wind blow for awhile. I pretended the howling wind was music, and pretending to have music made me want to give a small smile.

My eyebrows knitted, I thought I heard someone talking. Maybe I was father into hysteria than I’d thought. Either that or I was dreaming. I listened again; I heard something that wasn’t the wind. It sounded like someone or something walking in the snow, and it was too big to be a maybe-deer.

Great, I’m going to die by getting eaten by a bear. ing peachy.

I swear I heard voices, but it was like we were in a tunnel, it kept fading in and out as if they were passing by me over and over. I wanted to open my mouth to ask what was going on, but I suddenly couldn’t find my voice. Maybe I was asleep, I felt tired enough.

Something heavy hit me in the chest. I gasped and cried out. Found my voice. The weight on my chest faded away, along with the weight on my legs I didn’t know was there until it was gone. It took me a second, but then it came to me; I was out of the snow. I tried to open my eyes, but I really think they were frozen shut. I opened my mouth a few times in a failed attempt to speak. I sighed. I realized I was on some one’s back. I opened my mouth again, this time I succeeded.

“M-m-Minho?” I stuttered out. My voice was horse and dry. My throat burned. “Th-thank you. I’m s-s-sorry f-for being an idiot.” I was mumbling now, I couldn’t manage a higher volume. I smiled weakly. I shook violently, I was freezing.

“I should’ve listened to you.” I hummed in a low voice. “I’ll tell him I love him, I promise.” I started to cry again the tears fell down my face, in slow streams. “I’ll tell Jonghyun I love him.” I whispered before I out once again.

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Chapter 19: overall great storyyyy :D
eunhaeshipper15 #2
Chapter 19: Just what I needed this holiday. :]
great job, really love it; I kinda felt bad for Minho, and I sorta wanted Key to be with him, but I really like JongKey, I hope that Minho gets together with Minji; love the little OnTae moments, really wish there were more; I could read this whole thing again from Onew and Taemin's pov; hehe. ;-P
awww!!!.. but dnt b mad.. smwhr dwn da line i kinda wanted key to go wid minho.. cuz minho was so freaking nice!!!.. :(.. tho jongkey is my bias!!.. keke.. but it had a happy ending nd i'm happy bout dat.. :))..
phiiee #5
puppy_jjong #6
I loved this story!! So cute and adorable, with some drama. ^^
jiamiin #7
Eoah. Lol
Pohyenshin #8
Can't wait for your next update heheh, Minho likes Key? :D
erinlm515 #9
If he does like Key, oooh i feel so sorry for him. But really looking forward to the next update :)<br />
Does Minho like Key??? :O I can't wait for your next update!! ^^