Forbidden Night

Her Demons

Chapter 1-

Forbidden Night


It was my eighteenth birthday and here I was, stuck in my room, looking into my mirror. A frown was on my face as I looked at my reflection and my hazel eyes were filled with disgust. The maids had pulled my long naturally white hair into a messy bun on the top of my head, which hurt since even though it was messy it was tight. I didn't like to have my hair up, I perferred it down, but Charlotte the head maid had insisted. She had even wanted to pull my little girl bangs and part them but I had swatted her hand away when she tried. There was no way I was going to show my forehead, my neck being exposed was bad enough not to mention the dress they had shoved me into. The pink fabric was tight on my torso and left my shoulders exposed, and from the waist down the fabric turned to white and puffed out, stopping just above my knees. I do not like girly things. Why can't I just wear my pants?

"Because you are a princess Vivian and you are celebrating a very special day in your life," Charlotte answered my thoughts which I apparently said outloud, appearing behind me holding up a pair of white heals that seemed dangerously tall.

I turned around in my chair and narrowed my eyes at her. "There is no way I am putting those death traps on."

Charlotte rolled her eyes, bent down, and started putting the heals on my feet. "And there is no way that you are going out of this room with out these on."

I pouted, knowing full way that no matter what I tried that she would stop at nothing to get those heals on me. She wasn't head maid for nothing. If she could stand up to me then she deserved that title, and I truly respected her. She had been a mother figure in my life ever since she started working at the palace, which was when I was nine and also three years after my mother had passed. Charlotte was someone very dear to me and the person that I could trust with anything that I didn't want to burden my father, the king, with. He already had enough on his shoulders. He was trying his best to keep the walls around the town standing strong against the forces that lied beyond them. Outside that wall were the creatures of the night, the vampires, witches, and werewolves. Those creatures, altough strong and formidable, had only broken through once in awhile and my father wanted to eliminate that entirely.

What really troubled him though were the demons. They lived beyond the wall too, but quite they would find their way into out town and eat the humans that lived here. They were far more dangerous creatures than the others, and they were much stronger. It was hard to keep them at bay, and my father himself had went out countless times to kill them. He was the type of man that perfered to put his life on the line instead of his knights'. I was always worried whenever he went out on the hunt. He always came back in so much pain, and was always rushed to the infirmary. I was also angry whenever he went out. I knew it was selfish of me, and that he was going out to protect our people, but I wanted to be able to go out. He forbayed me from leaving the palace at night, I couldn't even go into the town once the sun started to set. My father said that he did this to protect me, that I was special and could not go out at night forever, but I really really really wanted to.

I looked toward my window in my room. It was night already so the curtains were closed, completely covering my view of the outside. I wish I could see the stars and the moon at least once. I sighed and turned my attention back to the mirror. I frowned once again at my reflection before I stood up and almost fell over because of the heals. I gave Charlotte a pointed look once I caught my ballance and she just smirked and shrugged at me.

I stepped out of my room and walked down the spiral staircase with extreme caution. I joined the crowd of people in the ballroom to celebrate my birthday. Whenever I passed by everyone congratulated me and I politely thanked them, secretly wishing to go back up to my room and tear this dress off, but I knew full well that Charlotte was on top of the stairs waiting for me to just try to go back.

After greeting everyone I made my way into the dinning room where the maids were setting the long table into a buffet. I leaned against the wall and tilted my head towards the ceiling, closing my eyes.

"Hello my princess," a voice snarled at me.

I opened my eyes to see the most annoying man alive in front of me. Joonseon smirked down at me. Even with these deathtrap heals on he was still a head taller than me. His brown hair was neatly combed back from his face and his brown eyes glowed with hatred. My face twitched in irritation. "Leave me alone Joonseon. I don't need your today."

His eyes widened slightly but that stupid smirk stayed plastered onto his fake face. "My my, touchy tonight aren't we? My fiance shouldn't be so unladylike."

I rolled my eyes. "And my fiance shouldn't be such a douche. So we should call our engagement off don't you agree?"

Joonseon shook his head and tsked at me. "You know we can't do that," he said. "Besides, I don't want to let such a fair woman escape. If only you were more elegant, then you would be the perfect bride, as stunning as a unicorn." He reached out and cupped my chin. I stared at him right in the eyes. "You don't want to dissapoint daddy do you?" he asked and reached towards my forehead.

I slapped his hand away and stepped back. "Oh my father wouldn't be dissapointed in me, I'm not worried about that. As a matter of fact I believe he would like to keep it so that I never married, which would be better than marrying you." I smiled when I finally saw the frown appear on his face and I turned to walk away.

"Yes, poor wittle unicorn. Twapped in a golden stable."

Instantly I turned back around, ready to punch that smile off his face so that he wouldn't be able to taunt me again. As soon as I took a step a hand blocked my path. I looked toward the man who blocked my way. "Keileon," I grumbled. He was the head knight in the royal army. Tall and muscular, but still a complete sweetheart.

He glared at Joonseon until the guy finally backed away and left. Then Keileon turned towards me and I bit my lip, avoiding eye contact. "Princess, you know that you should not attack the guests no matter how annoying they are." I started to whine but he cut me off. "The king has told me to escourt you back to your room until it is time for your birthday ceramony and crowning to begin."

I let Keileon bring me back to my room, giving Charlotte a bright grin when I passed her, and immediately took off the heals once the door to my room was closed. I couldn't take off the dress since I still had to wear it for my crowning ceramony and it would be a pain to get back on. That didn't stop me from collapsing onto my bed and not caring about whether my dress got any creases. Finally, I can relax for a bit. I rolled over on my bed to face the window. Maybe... just a small peek. My hand reached out towards the curtain but right before it touched the silk fabric I pulled it back. I sighed in frustration and rolled onto my back. Tonight is going to be a long night. I closed my eyes and just tried to calm down. I started to fall asleep until I heard the laughter.

It was light and fleeting. But more importantly, it was coming from outside.

I shot up in my bed and looked sharply towards my window. The laughter sounded again and this time there was more than just one person. Getting up from my bed I slipped on sneakers and pulled pants on underneath my dress. Slowly I opened the door to my room and when I was sure there was no one around I went down the hall, careful to be quiet. I walked down the back staircase that the servents use to go to the kitchen. Once at the entrence to the kitchen I hid behind the wall, next to the back door, so that no one could see me. Looking at the door I began to sweat. My hand trembled as it fell onto the doorknob and turned it. I held my breath as I opened the door and stepped out into the night.

Looking up to the night sky I was amazed. The moon was full, so big and white and the tiny stars shinned so brightly. Everything on the ground was covered in shadows and the trees looked black. I had never seen so much darkness.

The laughter sounded again and I looked towards where it was coming from, just to see the tall, white stone wall a few feet away from the back of the castle. I walked towards the wall and put my hand against it. The laughter filled the air. Its coming from... behind the wall? Suddenly it dawned on me and my eyes widened. I started to back away slowly. My heart began to race, my mind began to wander, and I was trembling. The creatures of the night.

I turned to run but abruptly stopped. The laughter rang in my ears from behind me as I looked up to the person in front of me. Sickly pale skin, red eyes, fangs glistening as he smiled. "Finally, I've found you," the vampire hissed. He reached out to me fast and grabbed my wrist, almost crushing it. Before I could scream he pulled me into his so that my back was against his chest and covered my mouth. I could feel his breath against my ear as he whispered, "You are mine now. I will take you to my home, where you will be mine and mine alone." His other arm that had been holding my wrist wrapped around my waist and we were both lifted up into the air. I looked down to see that he was flying and taking me over the wall. My eyes widened and I screamed, the sound able to get around his hand.

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. This is it, I'm going to be vampire food!


My eyes snapped opened and I looked down to see the people who had been laughing all this time. Even though it was dark I could tell that there were five of them. I brought my left foot to the heal of my right and I pushed my sneaker off, sending it down where it landed right next to the people.

I saw the people move and suddenly the vampire and I started to fall. I took advantage of the vampire's confusion and kicked him so hard that he let me go. I branced myself and hit the ground hard. The wind got knocked out of me and I started tumbling down a small hill. A few rocks dug into my side, stopping my tumbling. Weakly I stood up and moved to the top of the hill.

There I saw them. The vampire stood with his back to me and the five people stood facing him. All five of them were men, very handsome men with frowns on their faces.

"Leave me be!" the vampire hissed towards them.

One guy shook his head. He had wavy brown hair and chubby cheeks that looked really soft. "No can do. You are in our territory vampire, and we are going to make sure you regret that," as he spoke his eyes turned gold and so did the eyes of the others around him.

I gasped and everyone looked at me. One pair of red eyes and five pairs of gold. I put my hand over my mouth instantly and I was frozen in fear. Those gold eyes, they're...



Hi, 2morrowsdecision here! I hope you enjoyed the very first chapter of Her Demons. Please comment what you thought and I hope you continue to show this story a lot of love~

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roma130 #1
Chapter 1: Please come back to this story I really need to know what happens next!!!