Locked Away


Sometimes the best love was the one that was always there.


inspired by r.city's locked away :)



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chanyeolstagram #1
Chapter 1: This is indeed beautiful ;_; im sobbing
iamasushiaddict #2
Chapter 1: This was beautiful ahhh please write more double b fics!! I'd surely read them. ;_____;
Chapter 1: I love it. L.O.V.E , E.V.O.L , O.L.E.V ...... :))))))))))))))))))))))) fresh and sweet ^^
This was soooooo good, I was confused at to where it was going in the beginning but the second half cleared it up for the most part? Im assuming when we meet Bobby at the river that wasn't his first time meeting hanbin, if I'm right about that ahaha. This was a really good piece, I enjoyed it a lot!!