
blind ever since the age of 5 due to a tragic accident which claim her family's life , 25 years old pianist cassie melbourne , who has no memory of the event , later suffer from frequent dream about a little girl dress in white telling her to come to an abandoned house at echo buff if she wants to regain her memory and  to figure out the meaning of her dream. throughtout countless of research,sketches and even visit made by her boyfriend serge, she found a house named gardner field, which was well known due to it history of a curse that attack and kill anyone enter the house. cassie venture in the house, hoping to find answer herself 

althought being blind, cassie is blessed with the ability to use sound as her eye. during her time at the abandoned house, she is frequently chased by an unknown entitity, the presence. at one time, while being attack for the first time, cassie remeber something about her past in which she was a little girl and seen running on a familiar corridor. she then later somehow travel back to time, in the 1930s when a family of 4 first move here, witness the tragic death of most of the family member and before being killed by the presence,the little girl in white create a distraction for cassie to escape. she then follow the grandstair to the master bedroom,where she again travel back to the 1890s when an old man touch her. she then see a little girl crying at her father's graveyard before warning cassie to start running. cassie hide under the bed, silently watching the little girl scream in  pain as the presence pull her to the darkness. she then regain another part of her memory when pick up a medallion which show her mother singing to her before the incident took place. through confused, cassie managed to piece all of the fragment of her memory : the little girl in white is herself when she was young,before being visually impaired. it is later revealed that during the accident at this estate,where she use to live, cassie lost her vision because of the traumatic incident and became the only survivor when the police found her, she also later found that the presence was responsible to her parent's death as well as many other. cassie then rush to the main hallway where she use all of the artifact belong to the deceased,include her parent, to contact the presence only to travel back in time again in 1810s, when the presence was still human.she witnessed the tragic death of the presence (at the time tom seinfield):being pushed by his wife from the balcony and impaling his jaw on the spike. tom later revived as a vengeful spirit who later kill his wife and lover then anyone who stay at the house. after returning back to the present time, the presence attack her but she manage to evade it. as the presence grab her and about to strangle her to death, the little girl in white stop it and cassie quickly perform an exorcist ritual from the piece of paper given to her by the little girl. the presence scream in pain as he is destroyed and before collaspe from tiredness, cassie see the soul of the house victim looking at her and quickly ascend to heaven 

by the morning of the very next day, cassie is found by serge to be still alive and well. cassie quickly realize that her vision has mysteriously returned and now that she can see normally .cassie and serge look at the sunset as the little girl in white,young cassie, smile happily and disappear 


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