Lets not fall in love

Let's Not Fall In Love
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Lets not try to fall in love 
We just dont know each other enough

"Oppa...why?...why wont you date me" You said as we stood under the tree we first meet. I looked at you as you looked confuse.

" Sunghee~ah...." I said queitly.

I'm just so afraid, I'm sorry I have to say 
Let's go our own way

"Lets just go our own way" i said as tears started to fall from your beautiful eyes. Sunghee please forgive.... i cant promise you a happy life with me.

"Why? Oppa we were so happy together as it was...since we practically seem as a couple let just make it official yes?" you said as you forced yourself to smile with tears streaming down your face. 

  "Sunghee we only meet an year ago.."

"Oppa we know each other enough to the point that even our parents know each other as well" you said trying your best to stop crying. 

"Jiyong...you promised to stay by my side" i shook my head....

Let's not try to promise anything 
cuz tomorrow we could lose everything

" I never did say that Sunghee...because i know that promises are never kept" I said. Forgive this jerk....know that i truly..

But right here inside although I try hide, I like you the same

I grabbed my cheek as i felt my cheek sting as if someone slapped me across the face. And i was right...Sunghee was crying harder now.

"THEN WHY DID YOU GIVE ME HOPE? WHY DID YOU MADE ME THINK I WAS YOUR ONE AND ONLY?" you yelled as you stopped your feet when you get frustrated.

At least for now, just dont ask why 
cuz I dont know the answer inside
For now, we're happy together, let's make it last

"please lets just forget this all happen, and go back to how we were yesterday..alright?" I said hoping she would agree. But maybe i expected to much.

"Are you seriously asking me to forget my feelings for you ? Jiyong i cant erase how i feel for you just like that... i fell in love with you at first sight, i loved your smile...the way you went on and on about your dream of becoming a singer who will show the world his passion thru music. i fell in love with the way you looked at me with your special eyes..i "  i quickly interrupted you before i let my feelings control me.

Why dont you go, why do you stay 
I know it's better if we go our own way
But, you make it so hard for me, either way

" I said to get rid of those feelings...Sunghee please right now is not the right time for these feelings... we only been best friends for an year...how can you love me when we havent gone thru so much yet" I said as i felt my heart pounding at her words that she previous said. Sunghee chuckled through her tears not believing what i said . But why cant she understand that im doing this is us....she...i cant let her get hurt.

" Jiyong youre unbelievable...you give me hope in beliving you that i was who you liked...if it wasnt like you said how i was the only person you were willing to sacrafice for....you said you were willing to do anything so that i can be safe...was that only a sign of you playing around...i guess i was the idiot huh?" Sunghee said as she wiped her tears.

" Sunghee i really did.."

" Save it...i get it lets not fall in love...and go our own way right?" Sunghee said as she dropped the gift i bought her as our first anniversary as friends and ran away.

Lets not try to fall in love 
We just dont know each other enough
I'm just so afraid, I'm sorry I have to say 
Let's go our own way

I sighed as it started to rain...this wasnt suppose to happen Sunghee~


I was sleeping during free period when..

"Jiyong~oppa!" Sunghee said as she kept poking my right cheek

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