of coffee and unexpected love


      Taemin, with his overstacked piles of books and his over grown caffeine addiction, never thought that going into the coffee shop down the street would change his life forever. 


         The new presence just so happened to be a tired looking young man with bleached blonde hair and a single silver earring in his ear, constrasting the outfit of black on black that the blonde was then wearing. He unexpectingly turned around, in the process nearly knocking over the neatly stacked cups that were sitting on the table beside him. He shot a nervous smile to his co-worker, the one with dark brown hair behind the counter who had greeted Taemin, which then said greeter just sighed and shook his head in response to the blonde's notoriously good coordination skills. Obviously. Not that Jonghyun did these types of things regularly, or anything. Of course not. That'd be absurd. 


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Chapter 1: So cute~❤️
emilysername #2
Chapter 1: I love this, it's so cute. I can totally relate to Taemin here too.
Seoulqueenka #3
Chapter 1: This was adorable!!!!!
This was really sweet and cute! I love fluffy and romantic Jongtae :)
Chapter 1: Aww that's really cute..
"Jonghyun put the cup down, and let his feet hang a bit since he couldn't quite hit the floor... " kkk I love mini jjong x)