Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland


"We wish you a merry christmas~ We wish you a merry christmas~" Jaehwa happily sang along to the christmas carols, hanging christmas decorations.


Lean arms wrapped around her waist, a head resting on her shoulder as she was gently pulled back into a loving embrace. Jaehwa leaned back into the embrace, enjoying the moment.


"When are they coming over?" Taekwoon whispered softly into her ear.


Jaehwa giggled, turning around in the tight embrace and wrapping her arms around his neck, giving him a soft peck on the lips. "Soon. And don't complain this year. With all my brothers and their wives and children, your sisters and their husbands and children and our parents, and especially all our friends it's gonna be another fun and crazy christmas."


"Do we really have to invite everyone?" Taekwoon questioned, like he did every year.


Jaehwa got free from his grasp and begin to decorate the christmas tree more. She giggled, "Kitty Woonie~, we have this conversation every year. Mom and Dad always wants to see the whole family together for christmas. Christmas is like our family reunion. Besides Hakyeonie-unnie has always wanted the whole group together for christmas."


Taekwoon took a decoration from Jaehwa's struggling hands and put it on the tree for her. "I know. I just don't want you to be too stressed out and worried...." His worried eyes drifting down to a small bugle hardly visible under Jaehwa's dress.


Jaehwa's blushed and smiled lovingly at her caring husband, softly rubbing her stomach."It's fine, Mother and rest of the girls can take care of the cooking and cleaning this year. Besides I'm only in the early stages, it's not much to worry about right now."


Taekwoon approached her holding her hands gently, "The early stages is when it's most dangerous, Jaehwa. Please remember not to drink any alcohol and not to get too stressed out."


Jaehwa giggled again, loving to see this overly caring side of Taekwoon. "I know. I'm always calm and never stress when you're around, Kitty Woonie~." She kissed him on the cheek. "Because I know you'll do anything to keep me safe and is always caring for me no matter what. I'm really glad I married you, Taekwoon. I love you."


Jaehwa wrapped her arms around his neck, his hands gently resting on her waist as they passionately and lovingly kissed each other.


Their foreheads resting together as they caught their breaths. "I love you, Jaehwa and our little girl."


Jaehwa raised an eyebrow and backed slightly away, "How do you know it's a girl?"


Taekwoon blankly stared at her for a moment,  "Fatherly instinct."


"What happened to Motherly instinct...." Jaehwa mumbled under her breath, before she was swept away by another passionate kiss.


It has been about a year now since they had gotten married. All the starlights were supportive of their marriage and congratulated them. Jellyfish Ent. artists and staff and all their close celebrity friends, including their families came to the wedding. VIXX was of course there. Hakyeonie-unnie probably cried more than her own mother, Ravi comforted his girlfriend and was genuinely happy for us, as was the other couple Hongbinnie and Hyuk. The two maknaes though teased us about our wedding night during the party. But we couldn't have been happier.


"Uh hm." Someone cleared their throat, Jaehwa and Taekwoon separated.


"Hakyeonie-unnie~!" Jaehwa joyfully cried, hugging the leader.


Hakyeonie smiled and hugged the younger girl back, patting her soft curly hair. Taekwoon walked slowly up to the two.


"Congratulations. I heard the news." Jaehwa smiled up at her unnie.


"You did?"


Hakyeonie nodded with a grin. "From Taekwoon." The two girls looking back to smile at him which he turned his face away, blushing embarrassed cheeks visible. "I can't wait to be an aunt! This so exciting!"


As the two girls chatter excitedly and giggled, the two boys stood in the back watching with fondness. "So are you going to do it soon?" Taekwoon asked.


Wonshik blushed red at his hyung's question, "I was....thinking about it...." He answered fumbling with something in his coat pocket while he gazed at the shorter but older girl.


"Well you better do it soon. I'm tired of getting tons of messages every second asking 'how are you and Jaehwa?' and the very obvious 'It must be wonderful to be married. Tell me all about it.'" Taekwoon turned to see an even more nervous Wonshik.


Taekwoon sighed and put his arm around the younger in comfort. "Don't worry about it, Hakyeonie likes you very much. I bet she'll say 'yes' before you can even finish your sentence."


Ravi smiled, "Thanks, Hyung." Taekwoon returned the smile, turning back to his wife and best friend, seeing Hongbinnie and Hyuk had joined in to their conversation.


Hongbinnie was gazing with wonder and admiration for her unnie, as if she couldn't believe there was really a baby in there. And Hyuk put an arm around her shoulders, grinning as he said something that made her blush in embarrassment and it made the others laugh. The visual failing to push the younger off of her as she hid her red face with one hand. Hyuk just laughed giddily.


"How long do you think it'll take them?" Taekwoon softly, nodding at the two maknaes.


Ravi smiled, "I don't really know. At times Hongbinnie can be really straightforward or other times really innocent. She doesn't really like romantic things. I could see her being her own photographer at her own wedding." The two boys chuckled at the thought. "Hyuk is usually really straightforward. But he loves to make people mad or embarrassed, especially Hongbinnie. If he were to propose he'll probably say something hard to figure out, but it's actually really simple. She'll probably never get it and she'll get so mad, in which he'll leave her guessing. Until the time is right at which he finally tells her the answer at some really cheesy romantic event in front of a lot of people, that'll embarrass and make her so mad that she'll have to say 'yes'."


Taekwoon glanced over at the smiling younger, "So you have that all figured out, but not yours."


Wonshik lowered his head and blushed. "Awww Wonshik-hyung figured out my plan." Hyuk now stood in front of them grinning, "But I'm still going with it."


Before any of them could respond, Hakyeonie ran up to them with Jaehwa in tow, Hongbinnie walking calmly behind them. "Wonshik, you did bring in the gifts, right?"




Wonshik grimaced, "I thought you did...."


"Kim Wonshik!" Hongbinnie held back her unnie as Jaehwa and Hyuk laughed at the scene.


Wonshik held up his hands, "I'm s-sorry. I'll go get them right now."


Taekwoon put his arm around the younger's shoulders, "I'll go with you."


"Ah! Thanks, hyung."


The three girls blinked as they watch the two walk off, Hyuk following as he didn't want to get stuck with the girls. "What was that all about?" Hakyeonie wondered.


Jaehwa softly smiled, "Taekwoon just probably wants to catch up with the guys again. Besides he is always around a moody wife like me. He needs something to help him loosen up."


"That's true.....Hey! Let's have fun just like old times. Gossip about boys, our love lives and dress up." Hakyeonie suggested.


Jaehwa clapped her hands together in excitement, "That sounds like fun!"


"Yay...." Hongbinnie agreed unenthusiastically, Hakyeonie glared at the younger girl, "Yay!".


Hakyeonie smiled, "VIXX GIRLS is back!"





"Ahhh!" Wonshik yelled, almost dropping one of Hakyeonie's more precious breakable presents. Wonshik sighed as he got everything balanced, before turning to Taekwoon who snuck up on him, as he concentrated, softly speaking in his ear.




Taekwoon blinked at him, "Jaehwa just informed me that they're having a girls day, where they're secretly going to get Hakyeonie all dressed up to get her ready for when you proposed. That means-"


"Wonshik-hyung is going to play dress up too."


Wonshik blushed at their statements, feeling very nervous, "You don't have to-"


"Wonshik," Taekwoon fixed the younger with a stern gaze, softening after a while, "This is a special occasion. You got to do it right."


Wonshik nodded, not knowing what to say. As the three of walked back to the house, careful not to drop any of the presents.  



".....and then he apologized by setting up a private dinner at a fancy restaurant, using the money he got from his songs, and presented me with roses and the sweetest kiss ever. Isn't he just romantic!" Hakyeonie swooned, as Jaehwa curled the older girl's hair and Hongbinnie painted her nails.


Hongbinnie was lucky the leader was too focused on drying her already painted nails on her other hand, that the older didn't see her gagging at the cheesy story. And she used to like Wonshik?  


Jaehwa just smiled and began to sing a love song, soon enough Hakyeonie joined. The two younger girls shared a look and smiled, Hakyeonie-noona is really going to love Wonshik's christmas present and they're going to make sure she looks her best for the happiest day in her life.


"So...Hongbinnie, got any stories about you and Hyukkie?" Hakyeonie asked, with a bright smile.


Hongbinnie face grew as red as a tomato. "He....took me to the art gallery for our first date..."


Hakyeonie brightened up immediately, "Awwwwwww that's so sweet."


"It's not really..."


"Of course it is! Sanghyuk taking to your favorite place for a first date means he really does care about you."


The blush on the younger's face grew brighter as she became silent and went back to working on the older's nails again.


Hakyeonie and Jaehwa laughed at the reaction. "So Jaehwa?"




"Do you know what gender your baby is yet?"


Hongbinnie looked curiously. Jaehwa smiled and rubbed her bump, "No, It's still too early to know. But Taekwoon thinks it's a girl."


"I see..."


"Unnie, which one would you wish for? A girl or a boy?"


Jaehwa thought for a while, "Either is fine with me and twins is even better. But to choose is a hard decision. Boys are more reckless and like to get into things a lot. Girls are pretty much the same way but more emotional. Also it pretty much depends on the baby's personality. But I think we'll be just fine, after all Taekwoon does love kids."


Hakyeonie laughed, "Knowing Taekwoon you'll probably end up having 5 or 6 kids by the end of next year."


Jaehwa blushed at the thought, "It's not a bad thing to have many kids...."



"Hyung, how do you know if it's a girl if it's still too early to tell?", Hyuk blinked at the older male.


Taekwoon shrugged, "Fatherly instinct?"


"Isn't it suppose to be Motherly instinct?"


Taekwoon frowned at Wonshik, "Shut up."


"How many kids are you planning on having, Hyung?"


Taekwoon looked at all the stores as they walked by looking for a particular one, "5 or 6 kids, if not at least 4."


"That will be quite a handful." Wonshik commented.


Sanghyuk smiled at Wonshik, "How many are you thinking of having?"


Wonshik blushed and Taekwoon stopped walking, turning to see Wonshik's reaction, "I....haven't even proposed yet nor have we even talked about it yet....maybe...1 or 2..."


"How about you, Sanghyuk?" Taekwoon turned to the younger.


"Eh? Me? We're not...." The younger blushed, "We've haven't even thought about getting married, much less kids. Besides I think we just need a little more time before I start deciding to propose."


The older men both nodded and it grew silent between them as they walked on the snowy sidewalk. Taekwoon stopped a short while later, the others looked up to find a clothing store.


"Ah, here it is."



"So Hyung, what's it like being married to Jaehwa? Is it any different as they say?", Wonshik asked from inside the dressing room. Taekwoon leaning on the wall right next to the door.


"Not much different than before. But you tend to find small habits they might do and never notice."


"Like what?", Sanghyuk asked looking at the nearby clothes.


"Jaehwa has this weird talking habit when she sleeps. She also sleep walks to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a midnight snack."


Wonshik could be heard laughing from the room and Sanghyuk chuckled, "That sounds like something Jaehwa-noona would do."


Taekwoon nodded, "Once I followed her to the kitchen to make sure she wouldn't hurt herself. I found her stuffing her face with Special K with her eyes still closed. I told her she should go back to bed and stop eating, just to see what would happen, and she suddenly stopped and frowned at me. She then started to say, 'I'm hungry and this my midnight snack. Don't tell me to go back to bed.' So I just gave up and went back to bed. The next morning I asked if she remembered anything and she said she didn't."


Wonshik wouldn't stop laughing from inside the room and Sanghyuk begin to burst out laughing too. Taekwoon lightly laughed at the memory. "Does she still do it?"


Taekwoon nodded, "Pregnant woman are usually craving stuff at random times. One time I found her trying to bake a cake in the middle of the night."


They all burst into fits of laughter after that. "And she still didn't remember?" Sanghyuk looked at Taekwoon.




After a while the trio calmed down, "I haven't laugh that hard in ages. It's nice being together again. I hope Hakyeonie doesn't have any weird habits like that." Wonshik spoke.


Sanghyuk giggled, "She'll probably be sleep dancing."


Wonshik laughed, "True."


After a minute Wonshik walked out of the dressing room, "How do I look?"


Taekwoon gave him a thumbs up and Sanghyuk copied his hyung.


"Thanks." Wonshik smiled gratefully at the other two and went back in to change into his own clothes.


"By the way, Wonshik?"




"What are you going to do about that snoring habit of yours?"


"Hyung~.", Wonshik whined, Taekwoon smirked imagining Wonshik's flustered expression. "I don't think she'll mind."


"But what if she does?"


Taekwoon heard the younger sighed, "Then I'll just go sleep on the couch...."


Sanghyuk giggled at his Hyung's reaction, "At least we know who the more dominant one is."


"Hyukie~," Wonshik whined with embarrassment again from the room. Taekwoon just sighed and shook his head with a small smile.


He had missed these moments when it was only the three of them together, teasing each other. He wonders if Jaehwa's having fun too.




Taekwoon walked a few ways from the two boys and answered his cell phone.






"We got Hakyeonie-unnie all ready to go! Now all we need is some beef!"




"Yeah, for lunch! We're starving, it's lunch time, it's a special occasion and I'm craving beef!"


Taekwoon paled as he remembered how expensive beef was when paid for 6 people. Wonshik was still working as a composer though.....Taekwoon smirked, "Alright I'll get some. We'll be home shortly."


"Okay~! I love you, Kitty-Woonie~!"


He smiled, "I love you too."


After the call was ended, he turned to walk back to the two who were waiting for him. Taekwoon sharply turned to Wonshik, who was holding shopping bags on his arm and using his phone, "Who's hungry for lunch?"


"Me! I am, Hyung!", Sanghyuk shouted while he raised his hand.


"Are the girls cooking something?", Wonshik asked, without looking up from his phone.


"Jaehwa wants beef."


Wonshik almost dropped his phone and he stared wide-eyed at his Hyung. "She says since it's a special occasion and she's craving it."


"Yay! Beef! Woohoo!"


Wonshik grimaced while slightly looking at Taekwoon, "You don't happened to have any money to pay for it, Hyung?"


"I'm not a full-time composer like you, Wonshik. I still get paid for the songs I do and from Jellyfish but not very much. Only enough to pay for bills and necessities."


Wonshik sighed, "Fine....I guess I'll pay for it. Wait-Sanghyuk aren't you still acting?"


"Yeah. But I only get paid when I have roles and sometimes it's not much. Hongbinnie is still acting too and she gets paid more than I do. And she always wonders why I can't take her to any fancy restaurants."


Wonshik felt like crying at the poor state his is wallet was in but, then he reminded himself that it is for a good cause.





"Huh?", Wonshik looked over to his long time girlfriend, who was sitting next to him eating beef.


Her cheeks were puffed by like a chipmunk's and in Wonshik's sight she looked so cute and adorable, "Aren't you going to eat? You've barely touched your food."


Wonshik became flustered. He had been so caught up being nervous about proposing to her that he'd forgotten to eat. "Sorry, I was just thinking." He turned back around and begin to stuff his face with food.


Hakyeonie chewed and swallowed, "About what?"


"Oh....just some things...."


But before Hakyeonie could dig in deeper, Jaehwa spoke up, "It's such a nice day to go for a walk." Jaehwa commented with a smile.


Taekwoon nodded and he pointed out the window, "During such a day as this it's nice to walk around the garden area. I bet you would enjoy it, Hakyeonie."


The older girl's eyes brighten up, "I would love to!", she turned and tugged on Wonshik's arm, "Let's go take a walk through the garden after this, Wonshik. I need to lose all these pounds I'm gaining from this meal right now."


He glanced over at the others to see their smiles and he realized what they were doing. He smiled at her, "Sure. It is a great day after all." Wonshik shared a smile with Taekwoon.



Taekwoon and Jaehwa's house was a medium-sized country house near enough to the town but far enough to be surround by trees and nature. Jaehwa had picked this house because she thought it was nice and homey, with no noisy neighbors and big enough for family or friends to visit, plus more room for more children. Taekwoon still offered his worries about her being home alone when he was at work in the city but, Jaehwa reassure him she would be fine. Jaehwa's mother would visit her often so it never felt like she was alone. And here she could sing to her heart's content without anyone recording or yelling at her about it.


It was chilly when they walked through the back door. Trees and flowers littered the ground not far from the back of the house. Nature trails ran through the trees and led to an clearing, which held a fountain in the middle and two benches on either side of the clearing.


Before Hakyeonie began walking onto the trail, Wonshik pulled her back. She pouted up at him, as he began to fix her scarf making sure she was warm enough.


"Wonshik, it was fine. You didn't have to fix it."


He gently smiled into her eyes, "I didn't want you to be cold."


Hakyeonie smiled softly at him and took her smaller hand in his as they began walking along the trail. Snow covered the path but Wonshik could tell someone (probably Taekwoon) had shoveled the snow until it created a clear path.


The strong sunlight beated down at them through the branches of the leafless trees, Wonshik smiled at the beautiful scenery taking in all he could so he could remember this moment. Hakyeonie snuggled into him for more warmth with a smile of her own.


He loved her smile more than anything else, he had always wanted to make her smile so beautifully ever since he had seen her cry so heartbreakingly that one time. He had only wanted to make her cry one more time and that's when he makes her cry tears of joy when he finally proposes and marries her, the love of his life, the girl who he wants to spend the rest of his life with no matter what troubles they may encounter in the future. He wants to share all his moments, memories, and emotions with her. Everything from his past to the present and into the future, he wants to share all of it with her. All his dreams start and end with her and he could feel his heart beating faster with nervousness with what he was about to do next.


They entered the clearing. Hakyeonie brighten up with a large smile, letting go of him she ran to sit on the fountain's edge. She giggled and kicked her legs like a kid, patting the spot next to her, "Come sit down, Wonshik."


He chuckled at the sight, she was too cute for her own good, "Alright~."


Wonshik sat beside her at the fountain's edge. They stared into each other's eyes almost dreamily. "Hakyeonie, you look really pretty today."


"Don't I always?"


Wonshik nodded his head with a smile holding her hands gently in his, "But today you look absolutely breathtaking."


The older blushed bright red at the compliment, " don't look too bad yourself, Wonshik."




Hakyeonie nodded softly untangling her fingers from his hand to softly caress his cheek, "You should wear turtlenecks more often. You look so handsome and adorable in them."


Wonshik blushed, "How can I look handsome and adorable at the same time?"


Hakyeonie grinned, "Only to me you can."


Wonshik smiled back at her. Silence enveloped the scene, it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more calming and relaxed. They intertwined their fingers even more and Hakyeonie moved slightly to where she was snuggled up in his warmth embrace, his arm around her gently soothing her. They enjoyed the peaceful moment of birds singing in the trees and the occasional sound of water from the fountain.


"Taekwoon and Jaehwa really picked out a nice place to live."


"Yeah, they did.", Wonshik agreed softly, he somehow knew where this was going and butterflies begin to flutter in his chest at the thought that he was finally going to do it.


Hakyeonie lovingly looked down at their intertwined fingers, "It's just so quiet and peaceful. No sounds of cars, no chattering away of people, no worries about people following you everywhere once you step outside....Just pure silence." She was quiet for awhile, "I don't I could live like this everyday. The silence would drive me mad." She laughed softly at the thought.


"It's not all silence though, there are birds singing in the trees."


"I guess I'm just so use to the noisy pace of the city, it's hard to get use to," she let out a sigh, "It's a nice change of pace and it really does let your mind run free of any worries. Out here in the peaceful forest, your mind just empties and becomes at peace. Maybe....I could get use to this."


Wonshik wondered if he should do it now, but he felt it was too soon. "Hakyeonie?"


"Hm?", She gazed into his eyes lovingly.


"Do you-Do you remember the first time we met?"


Her eyes turned into sparkingly half-moons and she giggled, "That was so long ago, Wonshik. Why are you bringing it up now?"


"We met when we were trainees. Young and full of dreams, we clicked instantly because of our background of dancing. Though we did have different interests, you like to sing ballads while I loved hip-hop and rapping. I....I never saw you as a rival since you weren't a rapper but I knew you were better at dancing than I was. I grew jealous of your amazing skills and I wanted to learn more, so I grew closer to you. the process I fell for you without even realizing it..." Wonshik averted his gaze with embarrassment but Hakyeonie brought his attention back as she gently squeezed his hand and smiled up at him.


"Wonshik, it was the same for me too. I never did see you as a rival but, I found your lyrics and composing to be absolutely amazing. I was jealous of the fact that you could produce such amazing songs when all I had as talent was dancing. You had rapping, dancing, composing, and writing lyrics. You were so talented that I became closer to you wanting to know you better. I wanted to know the person behind those amazing songs and once I did, I fell without even realizing it either." She leaned up and kissed his cheek, "You have so much talent and such an amazing personality, I don't know how I can deserve someone so amazing to love me."


Wonshik could see tears begin to form in her eyes. He softly smiled and began wiping her tears away so softly with his free hand, "Hakyeonie, you're amazing too. I also don't know how I can deserve your love. But we're here aren't we? Together?"


He leaned down and she leaned up to gently kiss him, "Yeah." Her eyes shined with unshed tears, "You're all I really want in life, Wonshik. You're my past, present, and future and I never want to let you go. Please, promise me you'll never leave me. That you'll never say goodbye. That you'll hug me and kiss me for all eternity."


Wonshik kissed her forehead, staring straight into her eyes, "I promise." He leaned and kissed her. The couple melted into the kiss. Hakyeonie gasped as she felt something being slipped onto her finger, Wonshik pulled back with a grin as she stared star-struck at the new addition to her rings.


"Hakyeonie Cha, will you-"


"Yes!" Hakyeonie pounced on him with a joyful cry, tears streaming down her beautiful face in happiness.


Wonshik felt himself leaning dangerously backwards. With a cry the two new fiances fell right into the frozen water of the fountain with a splash.

Hakyeonie sat on top of his lap, laughing and crying her heart out as she tightly held onto his neck. Wonshik was about to say something about how they should get out and go inside for warm and clothes, before they both got sick. But he didn't have the heart to ruin the joyful moment. He had been so nervous about the moment when he knew it would turn out alright in the end. He laughed happily along with his new fiancé and they kissed multiple times passionately. Their clothes clinging to them and the water and cold air biting into them as they froze but they didn't care much as they finally sealed the promise of a lifetime together, loving and caring for each other, until death they do part.

Thanks to anyone who subscribes, comments, etc. This is the last part of The Holiday Oneshot Series. So I really hoped you all enjoyed reading this! Comments are very much appreciated!

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Chapter 1: Beautiful, I think your one shots were the best ones I've ever read.
I hope you start another collection, or something similar :)