So close but yet so far

My Pet Dog My Lover

When Taeyeon was about to enter Leeteuk's room, the doorbell rang so she rushed up to the door to see who it was. To her surprise, it was no other than Wooyoung.

"What are you doing here?" she asked then crossed her arms on her chest.

"I'm here for you." Wooyoung smiled.

"I'm not inetrested. So can you please go home now?" she said and was about to close the door but Wooyoung stopped it.

"Look, you come with me right now?" he said.

"What? Are you crazy? I don't want to, and I'm sleepy." she said and pushed the door again but Wooyoung insisted and stopped her to close the door.

"You'll come with me or Leeteuk will know about your secret?" he said.

"Are you blackmailing me?" she said frowning.

"Yes, I am! Now let's go!" Wooyoung said and pulled Taeyeon to his car.


Leeteuk in his room is wondering who that person was. He thought that it's Jooyeon, then he heard the doorbell rang. He waited for that person to come in his room again but no one came so he goes down to check it out to see his door hanging open.

"What the?! A burglar maybe..." then he checked everything around his house, but nothing's missing so he goes up to his room again remembering what happened on Jooyeon's birthday.

"Minah? Where is Minah?!!!" he dialed Jooyeon's number.

"Yoboseyo, oppa?" Jooyeon sniffed.

"Sorry for calling you this late Jooyeon, but I can't remember anything. Did I left Minah at your house? She's missing..." he panicked.

"She's not here oppa..." Jooyeon said and continued sniffing.

"Something wrong Jooyeon?" Leeteuk asked.

"Oppa, for your information, have been dragged out of my house by a not so familiar woman. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw her on top of you then kissed you. I don't know what happened next because I hit a wall and got unconcious." she explained.

"What? Do you remember what she looked like? Maybe she stole Minah from me.." he said.

"Slight...And why do you care so much about that dog? It's just a dog, you can replace her!" Jooyeon said.

"But I love Minah more than anything or even anyone...Wait! What does this woman looked like?" he asked.

"Fine! She has a long black hair and kinda short, I mean...I can't remember much of her face but if ever I see her again, I'll tell you immediately oppa." Jooyeon said trying to win Leeteuk's trust.

"Thank you Jooyeon, I know I can always trust you." he said. "I'll hang up."

"Bye oppa..." she hung up the phone with a victorious smile.


Wooyoung brought Taeyeon to his house.

"You'll be staying here for good." he said.

"For good? Duh..." Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

"I bought you some clothes too. In here, you won't see Leeteuk. You will see only me and fall in love with me only." he said.

"You sound like an obssessed fan! I hate it! I hate you!" Taeyeon said and cried behind blankets. "I hate you Wooyoung!!!"

Wooyoung was hurt by her words, he knew that it's not right to force her but he doesn't want to let go of her right now that he has her.

"Sorry, Taeyeon..." he whispered and leave her behind.


Leeteuk dialed Wooyoung's number now.

"Yoboseyo Mr. Park?" Wooyoung answered. He thought the reason is no other than Minah or Taeyeon.

"Mr. Jang, can you help me tomorrow. I know you do love pets right?" Leeteuk asked.

"Yes I do! Sure...But what is it?" he asked back.

"Let us post pictures of Minah. She's missing right now and I was like crazy looking for her. I'll pay for whoever will see her and bring her back to me." Leeatuk said.

"Uh....Where did you last left her?" Wooyoung asked.

"At Jooyeon's place, I'm kinda drunk that time. And I gained conciousness here at my house without Minah by my side. I called Jooyeon earlier and told me that she saw a woman with me while I'm at her house. She told me that, than woman has long black hair and kinda short." Leeteukl explained.

"Ok...Let's meet tomorrow at the park." Wooyoung said.

"Thank you Wooyoung." Leeteuk said and hung up.

Without his knowledge, Taeyeon was listening to him and she heard that it's Leeteuk. "He must have looking for me right now..." she sighed.

Taeyeon nrushed up to her room when she noticed that Wooyoung is going to approach her.

"Come with me right now..."Wooyoung said as he entered her room.

"What? It's so late!!! I'm sleepy." Taeyeon covered herself with a blanket.

"You're going to have a make over." he said.

"What? Do I look ugly? You're really getting into my nerves!" she said.

"We will go to my friend's house to have your hair done." he said.

"Fine! But I want something in return. You'll bring me back to Leeteuk." she said.

"Deal!" Wooyoung lied. Taeyeon happily jumped out of the bed and change clothes.


They go out of his house and go to Wooyoung's friend, Tiffany.

"Fany-ah! Please do some changes to her hair." Wooyoung said as he showed Taeyeon to her.

"Wooyoung-ah! Who is she?" Tiffany asked as she rolled her arms around Wooyoung's neck.

"Ah! It hurts Fany...She's...."Wooyoung said.

"I'm his friend, Taeyeon!" Taeyeon said snobbishly.

"Uh...Where and when did you meet?" Tiffany asked while loosening her grab to Wooyoung's neck.

"Ah! Stop asking and just give her a new hair style." Wooyoung said.

"Fine! But you have to stay at the living room. I don't want anyone to disturb me while doing something." Tiffany said and pushed Wooyounf hard.

"You're always hurting me!" Wooyoung yelled.

"So what? Let's go Taeyeon." Tiffany said and pulled Taeyeon to her room and locked the door.

"Now! Tell me!" Tiffany asked Taeyeon while making her sit in front of the mirror.

"You won't believe me. You'll think I'm crazy." Taeyeon told her.

"Come on. I won't tell Wooyoung. I know you and him are keeping something, I can sense it." Tiffany insisted.

So, Taeyeon told her the real story and to Tiffany's surprised, she accidentally cut Taeyeon's hair short.

"Omo!!! I'm so sorry...It was just your story is...unbelievable, it's not possible..."Tiffany said.

"Yeah...I know you'll be surprised. Don't worry I really plan to cut it short." she said.

"I'm really sorry...So after that Wooyoung found out that you're a human, he got obssessed? He's crazy, I'll teach him a lesson." Tiffany said with a angry tone.

"Shhh...You promised not to tell him, right?" Taeyeon tugged her arm.

"Oh yeah! Don't worry, I'll help you. I'll bring you back to Leeteuk, just give me his address." Tiffany said.

"Thank you so much!!!" Taeyeon hugged Tiffany.

"Now, we're done!!! You look awesome!" Tiffany praised her new look.

"Thanks!!!" Taeyeon said and smiled at Tiffany.

"Come! And make Wooyoung drop his jaw." Tiffany said and pulled Taeyeon out of her room.

"Wooyoung-ah!!!!" Tiffany screamed and Wooyoung almost fall on the sofa while taking a nap.

"Taeyeon-ah???" He said while rubbing his eyes.

"Oh yeah! Shall we go home now?" Taeyeon walked pass him. "Thank you Fany." she smiled at her.

"No problem. See you again." Tiffany waved goodbye to her. "And for you!" she hit Wooyoung on the head. "Don't make anything crazy or you'll get hurt worse."

"Fine! See you..." he said as he gets out of the house.


"Wow Taeyeon, you look so good." he said.

"I know! Now take me back to Leeteuk." she said.

"Ok..." he said, the Wooyoung started to drive. Taeyeon noticed that it's not the way to Leeteuk's house.

"Where are you taking me? You promised!" Taeyeon said.

"Sorry, Taeng. I lied." Wooyoung said and continue to drive.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" she  said while hitting Wooyoung's arm and cried.

Wooyoung continued driving while Taeyeon is crying like a kid and wiping her tears. When they reached Wooyoung's house, Taeyeon immediately get out of the car and rushed to her room given to her by Wooyoung and locked it. Wooyoung knocked the door.

"I don't want to see you! Leave me alone!" Taeyeon continued crying until she fell asleep.

Wooyoung stayed outside her room and when he realized that her sobbing stopped, he unlocked the door with his key and sat beside Taeyeon's bed and looked at her.

"Sorry Taeng! I don't want to give you back to Leeteuk." he said.

"I miss you, Leeteuk..." she talked in her sleep and a tear fell down from her eye.

Wooyoung's heart was crushed after hearing it and seeing her hurt, hurt him even more. But still, he doesn't want to give up on her. He wanted to win her heart.



Wooyoung kidnapped her...

And she misses Leeteuk.

And Leeteuk won't stop until he sees her again.

Taeyeon got a new friend, and she's willing to help.

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Chapter 1: share more please
shiehany #2
Chapter 28: Great story !! Please continue to writing taeteuk story ㅋㅋ
Chapter 28: Great story OMG ! <3<3 Make another taeteuk story pleasee ? *puppy eyestaeyeon
taenyforever13 #4
Chapter 28: great story.......... <3 <3 <3 ^^
Chapter 28: aweshumm story ouo me likey :3 and jooyeon became a dig thoo xD
thank you!!! and ok sure i'll make another story when i'm done with my SeoKyu ^^
Haha, that was AWESOME! Jooyeon got what she deserved!
Best TaeTeuk fanfic I've ever read~ :)
Thanks for writing!
The storyline is so cute :D <333
Love it!!! Make another story..