In high school~

Teen Top Click & Drag!^^

Your best friend:

Your most disliked classmate:

The friend who cluelessly hangs around you the most:

The prankster:

The nerd who doesn't like company:

The player who seduced half of the school:

These two are the bestest of friends and are always together (pick 2):

The one who tries too hard to make jokes but no one laughs:

The one who's always on his phone playing games and checking messages:

The fashion terrorist:

The mirror prince (looks at mirror and takes selcas):


The one who's bothering everyone for fun:

The one who randomly sing his lungs out every now and then:

The one who's always being gossipped about:

The one who's good at sports:

The 4D loner lost in his own world:


Your crush:

Crushes on you since you were kids:

Pretends to be nice to you but he doesn't like you:

These three are your buddies (pick 3):


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Chapter 26: Usually I die from uncertainty while choosing, but this one was ok. xD

I would be besties with Changjo probably. I have the feeling that the other two wouldn't quite work out lol
Singing lessons from Niel because yes! <3
Dancing lessons from Changjo (Main dancer hello -run-)
Rapping lessons from C.A.P (I like his tone -run-)
Act alongside L.Joe. I don't know why. xD
M/V kiss with Niel because he's amazing (and my bias lol)
Dance Miss Right with the boys (since I probably would trip on my own feet with Rocking -run-)
And finally a collab with GOT7, because I think their sounds could blend well together. x3
Chapter 24: Soooo, Niel spends too much time deciding about his costume and ends up looking the worst, while C.A.P barelly put some effort and rocked it. (lol)
Ricky is exited about going trick or treating (SO MUCH HIM -run-) while Chunji just wants to eat candy.
Changjo ends up losing the drinking game and throwing up because he can't hold his liquor while Ricky just fall asleep after drinking way too much.
C.A.P suggest going out for some fresh air (I bet he's the only one that's sobber at this point too xD lol)
But in the end I get paired up with L.Joe because we're both dressed up as cats. When the night ends, he got too shy to give me a kiss. (...seriously, L.Joe is haunting me!!! xD lol But I preffer shy Byunghun than playboy Byunghun that want to give people hickeys lol)

... Tho if I could choose the costume, I probably would be paired up with C.A.P, Niel or Changjo. xD
Chapter 23: HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO! -waves and run-
I got L.Joe (I seem to get him a lot... But I'm still faithful to Niel! lol -run-)
He noticed me because he found my laughter cute?! Man, you're not normal, are you? xD My friends and family joke that they never now if I'm laughing or having spasms...
He takes me to a bike ride along the Han river (not the first thing I would think, but oh well, I presume that rivers are nice places to bike by xD lol -run-)
I totally loved the crown rings <3
And he said he felt in love at first sight. Oh well, tha't explains why he found my weird laugh cute. xD lol -run-
To finish everything, he asked if I wanted a hickey. ... Really? You're lucky I didn't slaped you for saying that. u.u (lol)
After checking the outfits, I think I really would dress like L.Joe's one. -nods- From all the options, that one is more my style xD -run-