Car crash

This kid

Parents' pov

Awww our kids look so cute."Janelle,take a picture of them"I whispered to my wife.She stirred then got her phone from the glove compartment.She removed the flash and snapped a quick picture of our kids.I turned back on the road and saw an out of control truck heading towards us in high speed.I swerved the car as much as I can but the left back side was hit.Ambulance and police cars were rushed to the scene of the crime.Our 3 kids were rushed to the ER and we were just treated for a few minor injuries.

Kris pov

Jongin's head was bleeding,his limbs were cut and bruised and his back was burned.Kyungsoo hit his head,HARD;and his legs were broken.I had a broken arm and a sprained ankle along with a cut on my head.It hurts not just my injuries but seeing them like this.I'm their hyung,I was supposed to protect them.Why was I so useless?!

Kyungsoo pov

After 2 months of being in the hospital Kris and I were juat waiting for our little brother.But when the doctor was supposedly gonna bring him to us an old couple with the doctor came out.The doctor said,"These are the boy's real parents.They want custody of their child,so I'm sorry but you can't have him anymore." "B-but doctor h-how can you be so sure?" I said."We ran several DNA tests to confirm it sir."

Jongin pov

My real parents went to my bedside earlier and told me I'll be coming home with them.I don't wanna.They treat me badly.No I'm not.

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