
This kid

Kris pov

Kyungie hasn't gone to school for 2 years now.The first few years he'd been using the internet to catch up with school because of his broken limbs.Now that they've been healed,he still refuses to go to school.But now I'd had enough! I walked to his bedroom and opened the door in a serious-business manner.I walked to his bedside and held his little hand."Kyungsoo-yah you know that no one wanted this to happen" It took a while for him to answer. "That's everyone always says hyung.But I can't....I just can't hyung"*sigh* He's still so stubborn."Please Kyungie,do it for mom and dad,for me,for Jongin" Β for every name I said he just shook his head,but when I mentioned Jongin something clicked. "Jongin wouldn't like this very much." "Aish fine but only for him."

Well that escalated quickly

A/N Sorry if I'm not that good with drama.I'm just 12 but theres next year still.YAY 13!!! Saranghaeyo!!!😍😍😍😍

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