Episode 16

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I've been gaining a little bit of weight, this isn't normal for me I'm always able to maintain my weight but this time things are different so its best if I have a doctor check it out.

Wonwoo," Do you need me to go with you?"

(Y/N)," No its ok you have to get back to work, I'm sure there are lots of people who need you right now. Don't worry about me I can drive there myself."

Wonwoo," Alright, call me if anything happens."

(Y/N)," See you later."

He drove off and I headed to the doctor's office.

~At the office~

Doctor," What seems to be the problem?"

(Y/N)," I'm not acting normal, I've always been able to maintain my weight but this time, I seem to be gaining a bit of weight."

Doctor," I see. Then have you been a bit picky with your food."

(Y/N)," Somewhat."

Doctor," Alright, we will do some scans and find out what is the problem."

(Y/N)," Thank you."

~20 minutes later~

Doctor," Congratulations!"

(Y/N)," What's this all of a sudden?"

Doctor," You're going to be a mom."

(Y/N)," Oh I see, I'm going to be a- wait, can you say it again?"

Doctor," You're going to be a mommy! You're 3 weeks pregnant!"

(Y/N)," Really?!"

Doctor," From now on make sure you are full and watch what you eat, you don't want to upset the baby."

(Y/N)," I understand. Thank you!"

I go home, made dinner and waited for Wonwoo to tell him the news. The door started to open and Wonwoo walked in.

Wonwoo," I'm home."

I went up to him and took his jacket for him.

(Y/N)," Welcome home."

Wonwoo," So how did it go? Is everything alright?"

(Y/N)," Almost everything is fine."

Wonwoo," What is it?"

(Y/N)," I'm pregnant."

Wonwoo," Really?! I'm going to be a father?!"

(Y/N)," Yes, you are."

He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up.

(Y/N)," I'm as happy as you are. Come eat dinner before it gets cold."

He puts me down and we go eat dinner together.

~Nine months later~

(Y/N)," Aww, he's so cute!"

Wonwoo," He looks like you."

(Y/N)," I think he is going to be like you."

Doctor," Do mom and dad know what his name is?"

(Y/N)," We are going to name him Jin."

Doctor," Well what I'm going to need you to do is to bring Jin with you next month for a check up on how he's doing."

(Y/N)," We understand thank you."

I put baby Jin in his car seat and sit next to him while Wonwoo takes us home.

(Y/N)," Aww your so cute~ who's a little cutie? You are!"

Jin starts to giggle as I lightly tap his nose.

(Y/N)," What am I going to do? You are so cute!"

Wonwoo," We're home."

As soon as we walk in Jin started to cry.

(Y/N)," What is it? Are you hungry? Don't cry ok?"

I rub his back gently to soothe him. Wonwoo went to the kitchen and made some milk.

Wonwoo," Can I feed him?"

I handed him to Wonwoo and he started to feed Jin. When Jin finished the milk, he fell asleep in Wonwoo's arms. He brought him upstairs and put him in the crib.

Wonwoo," He's so cute!"

(Y/N)," He may be cute now but he's going to become handsome."

Wonwoo," How do you know?"

(Y/N)," It’s just a guess."

Wonwoo," I want a baby girl next."

(Y/N)," What? We have one that we need to care for now and you're thinking about another?"

Wonwoo," We’re still young, it’s not too late to think about it. I think we can manage two kids. What do you say? Do you?"

(Y/N)," You say it like it’s easy to take care of kids."

Wonwoo," It can be. We can hire someone to help."

(Y/N)," I don't like that idea."

Wonwoo," We need our privacy don't we?"

(Y/N)," What are you talking about?"

Wonwoo," I think we both know."

~A year later~

Jin," Ma.....ma.....da.....da"

(Y/N)+ Wonwoo," Did you just say mama and dada?"

Jin," Ma...ma? Da...da?"

(Y/N)," Your first words! I'm so proud of you!"

Wonwoo," You're going to become smart like your dada aren't you?"

Jin giggles at his father's words.

Wonwoo," I have to go to work now."

He gives me a quick kiss and a kiss on Jin's forehead before he leaves.

(Y/N)," See you."

Jin," Dada?"

(Y/N)," Daddy's going to work, he will come home soon."

Jin," Dada..."

He looks upset."

(Y/N)," Jin what's wrong?"

Jin," Dada..."

He keeps calling for Wonwoo. He doesn't want Wonwoo to go.

(Y/N)," Hmm... Looks like daddy didn't bring a lunch today, why don't we bring something for him?"

Jin nodded his head in agreement.

(Y/N)," Let's make a Bento."

I washed some rice and put it in the rice cooker. Then I prepared some broccoli and chicken. Jin kept watching me prepare the food and started to whine.

(Y/N)," What is it? Are you sleepy?"

Jin is starts to kick his feet while sitting in his high chair and s

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Chapter 17: So sweetttt!!!:))