Part 1

Surprise Confession


   Dear Amber,

  I have been wanting to ask you something for a very long-


  "No. That doesn't look right. I should start over..."


  Amber, I'm pretty sure you weren't expecting this from me, but I-


  "Ugh! That isn't right either!" Mark said to himself. He looked at the paper once more before crumpling it into a ball and throwing it into his trash bin.


  He had been trying to write a love confession since yesterday, but nothing seemed or felt right. He had wanted to talk to one of his friends during the weekend. but all of them had been too busy to hang out with him. He could have asked his older brother Jay, but seeing as how he would have straight up called Amber, since they both knew each other, he would have been forced to tell her about his feelings. And who in there right mind would ask there older sibling, who would put you in a head lock and force you to talk to the person you like, for help? He would have died in embarrassment because of that.


  He sighed to himself before looking at the clock. It was currently six forty-five and his older brother must already be outside and waiting in his car. If he didn't leave soon his brother would just leave him there. So he reluctantly got out of chair, picked up both his jacket and backpack, and headed out the door.


 Maybe I can ask JB for help during lunch... Mark thought  to himself. He shook his head slightly at that thought. JB wasn't really the best person to ask for help when it came to love confessions considering what happened back in middle school. It'll be better to just ask Jr. instead...




  Lunch couldn't have come faster for Mark. He was stressed out, from both the thought of his love confession to Amber and the surprise test Mr.Kim, his math teacher, gave his class just last period. And he was sure that he had flunked that test.


  "Hey dude!" Vernon, Mark's younger cousin greeted him. He gave him a small smile before sitting down beside JB.


  "Woah! What happened to you? Did you get hit by the ugly truck this morning?" Jackson asked him before getting slapped on the back by Jr.


  "What? I was just asking..."


  "It's alright. I know I look like I got hit by the ugly truck this morning. And honestly, it feels like I did get hit by it." Mark told them before resting his head on his arm and shutting his eyes until he remembered that he needed to ask Jr. something.


  "I need to go ask your older brother something Mark, be back in a little." Vernon excused himself before going to Jay.


  "Okay! Well, I need your help with a love confession." Mark exclaimed to Jr. once his cousin had left the table and was far away enough so he wouldn't hear.


 "Uh, okay?" Jr. told him. "But why are you asking me for help? You could ask JB instead. He is right next to you."


 "Yeah? Why not me? Is it because what happened back in middle school?" JB asked. "At least Jackson still got to go on a date with Jimin!"


  "Well, yeah, he did. But I don't want to draw attention to us like that. I want it to be simple and sweet." Mark told them.


  "How about some confetti, a banner, roses and some chocolates?" JB asked. Mark shook his head. 


  "I was just thinking of writing her a letter and putting it in her locker instead." Mark told him. JB looked shocked by that.


  "If you want to ask her out then it should be big and awesome! Not boring and lame. And you should ask her face to face." JB told him. "How about you sing her a song when she's in the music room? Or how about baking her some cookies and writing ' Will you go out with me? ' on them? Maybe you could-"


  I should have asked Jr. when JB wasn't here. Mark told himself, hanging his head in annoyance. Suddenly from the other side of the lunch room a paper airplane landed in front of Mark.


  "Who did that?" Mark asked no one in particular while looking around to see who could have done it. When he couldn't find who did it he just looked at his friends before shrugging.


  "I guess you have plans before school ends Mark." Jr. told him, having read what the paper airplane had inside.


  "Let me see." Mark said, holding his hand out for the letter. Once Jr. gave it to him he started to read what the paper said.


   Meet me by your locker ten minutes before the bell rings during your last class. 

  See you soon.


  "So? Are you going to do that?" 


  "I guess so..."




  It was exactly three minutes before the last bell of the day rung when Mark left his last class. Being the good student he was, or nerdy student as Jr. kept whispering to him during class, he had wanted to stay as long as he could until there was nothing left to class beside just waiting at his table for the bell to ring.


  Upon arriving at his locker, or just turning the corner to go to his locker, he saw Amber. And she was the only one there in the empty hallway.


  She sent me that paper airplane? But why would she do that? Mark asked himself.


  He didn't move from his spot at all until Amber noticed he was right near the doors of the hallway. Glancing at the black watch she had on her wrist she quickly walked towards Mark and gave him a quick kiss to his nose.


  "Meet me at the park around five. And you better not be late!" Amber told him before heading off to somewhere in the school.


  "Well, I guess you have a date." Jr. suddenly said, having followed Mark to his locker a few seconds once he left the classroom.


  "Yeah, I guess I do..." Mark said, staring off to where Amber had walked to. Jr. slung his arm around Mark and walked him to the car lot, people soon starting to leave their classes as well.

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Chapter 1: So cute!! Wish it was longer though! Either way, it's still a great story! Great job author!
Mich517 #2
This is great <3
AnyBer_Lover #3
Chapter 1: I wish it was longer but no matter what, the story was still good.