NaNo Help

NaNoNet | resources for writers + those participating in NaNoWriMo

If this is your first time participating in NaNoWriMo and you have no idea what anything on the website does, then this chapter is dedicated to you. Any questions you have after reading this can be directed to me through comment or PM.

If you haven't already, it's a good idea to just go on the website and click around. You'll find a lot of things by doing that, and it's pretty easy to navigate the site.

My NaNoWriMo. Here, you can find a lot of just basic information and links to things. Settings, your profile, your novel, etc. Pretty useful, though there's a link to your settings, where you can reach most of the same things from, when clicking on your username in the top right-hand corner as well.

Regions. This is for real life stuff. Meet people who live in the same area as you, talk to them, go to write-ins and stuff. It's fun, and most of the people on NaNo are very nice and welcoming.

Inspiration. Very useful. Find pep talks by published authors and other really helpful links here.

Conversation. Probably my most used tab. I go on the forums a lot, particularly the Adoption Society, but here you can find a ton of people and information and resources that are really helpful. It's also very organized and easy to navigate, and there's a bunch of different information and categories to look through.

Shop and Donate. For those of you who want NaNo merchandise or have a little extra money to spend. I personally am a broke student who can't afford this, so I don't use these tabs except to window shop, but maybe you can find something here to buy and support the site! (There's also some pretty helpful books in the shop, if you want to check them out.)

The envelope button (top right-hand corner) leads to your NaNo inbox. You can send NaNo-mail to other participants, and you'll receive pep talks and NaNo-mail from your municipal liaisons here. There will be a little number next to it indicating how many unread messages you have.

To update your word count, there should be a box in the top navigation bar to do so. I can't say for sure right now, but this will be updated once NaNo officially starts for me if I'm wrong.

Any questions will be added to this chapter, since I'm not sure what people need help with and I don't want to have this go on for too long by explaining every single link on the website.

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[NaNoNet] reminder to add me as a friend to join the group chat!


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Chapter 9: Awww. Yeah that top quote was definitely needed. I will try to finish!!!
Chapter 3: Oh nice, thank you!!!
I've submitted a form, and I just thought I'd let you know! ^~^)/
YEAH gonna try this~
Hey there, so HeadToToesLove just wrote an awesome pep talk that if she consents, you might want to add in here! =D
Chapter 1: I wasn't sure if we had to comment about it, but I did fill out the form ^^
Chapter 1: I have filled in the form and sent a friend request to this account. =)
Sounds awesome =D