until after sunrise.

Drunk [and] in Love

Mina flickered the light switch on in the bedroom only to be surprised with a big amount of beer cans spread around the room and her boyfriend sleeping soundly, yet not peacefully. An hour ago, she was in the practice room with her roommates Momo and Sana, they were about to head back home when Mina checked her phone which displayed a total of 17 missed calls and 56 messages. She tried to reach him, even Momo and Sana did, but there was no answer. Worried about her boyfriend's well being, Mina rushed to his apartment. Good thing Yunhyeong had given her his extra key since he was highly convinced he would lose it anyway. 

The first thing she noticed when she took a step into his place was the strong smell of liquor making her shake her head. She told Yunhyeong many times to stop his bad habit of getting rid of all negative emotions through alcohol. Personally, she thinks listening to music and crying yourself to sleep in bed alone is more effective. Each their own, Yunhyeong would say before bringing her in his arms and telling her she didn't have to cry in bed alone when she had his shoulders to do so.


But now she was in his apartment, knowing he was drunk and also knowing why, based on the messy texts she received. She closed the door behind her and made way to his bedroom, opening the door slowly before peeking in. It was dark, and she heard small snores. 

Once the light was , she closed that door, too, before picking up the cans and throwing them into a plastic bag. She walked towards the bed and sat down on her knees on the edge. He was still wearing what she saw him wearing to college earlier this day. Her eyes scanned his face, noticing the wetness underneath his eyes. She brought her hand closer to his face to wipe them away, “I'm sorry you had to feel this way.”


She turned to his closet to get some comfortable clothes for both him and her. Undressing him was no problem, she was eighteen, not twelve; and Yunhyeong was sleeping, not teasing. After she was done dressing both of them, she pulled the blanket over his body before getting his hair away from his face, admiring him just a little longer until she kissed his forehead, turned off the lights and laid next to him hugging him tight in his sleep

She missed this, she missed him.


The morning after, she woke up with an unfamiliar warmth next to her until she remembered the events of that night. She smiled softly to herself, facing the still sleeping Yunhyeong. Her arm slung around his torso, pulling herself closer to him. See, Mina was a timid girl, shy in a lot of cases. But when she's around her close friends or Yunhyeong, she's comfortable enough to express herself in the way she wants to. That's one of the many reasons she loved them, she loved him. 

She turned around to take a look at her phone to check the time. 10:30AM. She searched through her phone a little longer, answering the texts of her roommates and other friends but stopped once she felt shifting take place in the shared bed. She faced Yunhyeong again, who's eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning.” She whispered with her delicate voice while smiling. Her heart was beating fast and she could feel the butterflies in her tummy. He looked too cute in the morning, especially with that grey dyed hair he's been rocking these few weeks. She watched him rub his eyes while his raspy morning voice was heard muttering a good morning back. She giggled and she guessed that was when he had noticed her present. He stopped his movements and removed his hands slowly, taking a look next to him with his eyes wide as golf balls when they met hers. “Myoui Mina!” He squealed her full name, well, as far as squealing gets for him with his voice like that after waking up. His arms automatically wrapped around her body, forgetting the headache that was getting through him, and hugged her tightly which she did return full heartedly. 

“Mina,” he called her softly, “I missed you. So much.” By now they were sitting on the bed with their legs folded, Mina's around his body, that is. She didn't reply right away, instead she hugged him even tighter, pressing her face against his neck not minding the heavy smell of alcohol still lingering around him. 

“I love you.” She told him. Again, Mina might be timid, but he made her feel comfortable. Because Mina knew what Yunhyeong felt, she knew and understood his needs, his wants and wishes she's pleased to grant. And right now he needs affection. After minutes they had finally separated and Yunhyeong leaned in for a kiss that got blocked by her hand, “First, I request you to take a shower and brush your teeth.”


After Yunhyeong returned from the bathroom, Mina announced to him that she called Nayeon and Bobby to take notes for him while he gets to spend three days without school stress.

First things first, Yunhyeong told her before finally capturing her lips. 


“When did you come?” Yunhyeong asked her when they were in his bed again after breakfast, cuddling. Mina laughed and handed her phone to him, making sure he sees her caller list and messages. “After I saw those, I knew I had to come by. I was here about thirty minutes afterwards, I think.” She told him. He squeezed her hand tightly.

“When I entered your room, I was greeted by way too many beer cans. What did I say about drinking so much!” He grinned sheepishly. 

“I cleaned it up, dressed us into these clothes and hopped into bed.” She finished. 

They were quiet for a while, just Yunhyeong her hand with his thumb and her leaning her head against his shoulder.


“Thank you,” He broke the silence. 

“Thank you for being the greatest girlfriend ever.”

Mina showed him a soft smile before pecking his lips.

“Thank you for loving me and caring for me. There's so much more I got to say and I just want you to know how—”

“I know,” Mina cut him off, “And I understand. But you can be a cheesy fluff ball later. For now, you should sleep and get rid of that headache of yours.” She let her hand slide through his hair which he grabbed, kissed and held before she made him fall asleep [and in love] again.



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Chapter 4: I almost had a heart attack when I saw that its gonna have a sequel. Thank you
Chapter 3: Its really good.
Im not really into twice but I see a lot of people shipping them together so Im starting to get curious
Chapter 2: Awwwww. This is so sweet. I want this kind of relationship too. Too bad Im forever single
Chapter 1: What is his course though?
I didn't know some people could get drown of studies like this. Im pretty sure he isn't the nerd type
This reminds me of Yun in their Apology MV. This is his concept there
twiceeeeett #6
Chapter 3: i dont ship twice members with any other boy groups but i really like your fic!! ^^ well written piece, author! keep up the good work
ilbonline #7
Chapter 2: i love this so muchhh gaawwddd
zahrafifah #8
Chapter 3: Oh God, I really love this story. They're my bias! And I'll start to ship them.
apyoonmi #9
Chapter 3: This is cute. Haven't shipped anyone on TWICE & iKON yet. So maybe I'll start to ship them? Well, hope you can make another one :)
alfabeta #10
Chapter 3: I like it so much. My two biases <3

Thank you for making this story. It's so cute~