
He's Kinda Hot

My boyfriend's always naggin' 'cause I always stay in
He's always yellin' when he's watching a game
He's kinda hot though
Yeah, he's kinda hot though
(Just an itty bitty little bit hot)

You're walking towards the cafeteria when someone knocks against your shoulder, passing you by. You see the back of a guy who is wearing a black denim jacket as it stretches at his broad shoulders. His caramel-brown hair is lightly ruffled by the wind, but still perfect. A soft smile graces your lips when he turns, walking backwards so that he is facing you. His brown eyes are twinkling, dancing at the mere sight of you. His bottom lip is caught between his teeth, the corners of his lips tilted upwards slightly. 

"Baekhyun, you're going to hit a tree if you keep walking like that," you chastise gently. 

He rolls his eyes playfully but stops to wait for you. When you reach him, he rests his hands on your hips gently, sighing. "Can't believe this is our last week of this semester already."

"Yeah, you're getting old." Baekhyun narrows his eyes at your giggling. His eyes soften before he squeezes your waist and starts walking to the cafeteria, an arm around your hips. 

"I hope the others got a table already," he mutters as he slips his hand into the back pocket of your jeans. "I'm famished." 

"You're always hungry," you point out. 

"Okay, so?" he raises an eyebrow at you. 

You lightly roll your eyes and he squeezes your . You sigh tiredly, "Baekhyun, we're in public." 

"Okay, so?"

"You're annoying," you crinkle your nose at him. 

"I'm still hot though," he shoots a blinding smile at you. His grin only grows when he hears you sigh. He pecks the side of your lips. 

Because he's right. He's still kinda hot.





"Baby," Baekhyun whines, crawling onto your bed where you're catching up with a drama. "Let's go out."

"Go away, Baek," you sniffle, blowing your nose and chucking the tissue with the pool of other tissues you had used to wipe your tears from crying because of this sad drama. "I'm at the c-." 

"That's what you said 15 minutes ago before I went to the toilet," he points out as he lays his head on your lap. He sighs and asks you softly, "Why are you even watching this if it only makes you cry?"

"It's a g-good show..."

"I don't like seeing you cry," Baekhyun whispers, reaching his hand up to clean your tear-stained cheek. "Don't cry." 

"I'm not crying." your voice comes out shaky and more tears well up in your eyes. The scene playing isn't even close to a sad one. But the tears are not because of the drama, but because of Baekhyun. Because he is always so endearing and so concerned over you, it makes you love him so much that you want to cry. 

"I don't like this show," he finally declares, sitting up and switching off the TV. He turns back to you and hands you a fresh piece of tissue. "Now let's go out. I don't wanna be cooped up at home." 

"That's because you have ADHD," you mutter. He doesn't have ADHD, but your boyfriend is known for not being able to stay still.

"No," he clucks his tongue admonishingly. "It's because I have been staying home with you for the past week and I just want to go out and enjoy the weather. The only time I get to see the sun is literally when I'm on my way here. How can you stay home for an entire week, kitten? It's not healthy—"

"Okay, fine, we'll go out," you interrupt his complaint by cupping his mouth with your hand. 

"Finally," he looks up as if thanking the gods, your hand still covering his mouth and his words coming out muffled. 

Baekhyun is driving while you sit shotgun, your legs crossed on the seat. You're humming along to the song playing on the radio as Baekhyun drums his fingers on the steering wheel. The annoying sound of your alarm goes off and you scowl at your phone, only to see that it's not trying to wake you up. Your boyfriend snickers as he fixes his bluetooth earpiece into his ear. You really hate it that Baekhyun uses the same ringtone as your alarm for his incoming calls. You have tried forcing him to change it, but he likes annoying you (he blatantly said so), so he sticks with it.

"Hello?" Baekhyun says as the car halts at a stoplight. He glances to the side and the both of you see a car filled with girls. You stare when they openly flirt with your boyfriend, giggling and waving cutely. Then you fix your eyes on Baekhyun, watching his next move. He only turns to you, his face showing confusion. "I think they're waving at you. Do you know them?" You roll your eyes because you know he knows they're flirting with him. His lips tilt into a playful smirk, his hand reaching out to thread his fingers through the spaces between your fingers. "Ah, sorry, Yeol. I wasn't listening." 

You squeeze his fingers and he winks at you, nudging your cheek softly with the back of his hand that is holding yours. The red light turns green and he starts driving off, not even glancing in the direction of the other car full of girls. 

"Tonight?" Baekhyun repeats, frowning a bit. He glances at you before mentioning, "I'll ask if she's okay with it." You look at him in curiosity and he clenches your hand, asking, "The boys are having a get-together at Chanyeol's to watch a soccer match... Do you wanna go?"

"Do I have to?" you tilt your head. "You can go if you want to, you know I won't stop you." 

He makes a face, "I know. I just... I want you to come." 

"Because you might get drunk and probably need a ride home?" you . 

He chuckles softly, nodding. "That, yeah. And also because I want you there?"

Your heart swells and you feel the adoration and love for your boyfriend flooding to your fingertips. You smile softly, "Of course, Baek. I'll go."





You and Baekhyun have been in the arcade for almost an hour and in the past ten minutes, Baekhyun has been trying to catch a soft toy for you. You had insisted that he shouldn't waste his money like this, but he counters that a guy winning a soft toy for his girlfriend is romantic. After the fourth try, you finally block the coin slot with your hand. Baekhyun tries to push you away by nudging your hips with his. 

"Baekhyun," you sigh. "I don't collect soft toys." 

"Then you can start," he mutters, still trying to get you out of the way.

"Baekhyun," you say sternly, voice rising to be heard over the noisy place. He stops and finally looks at you. "Let's go. You can buy me a soft toy, I don't want you wasting your money like this." He sighs and nods in resignation. When the both of you leave the arcade, you link your arm with his. "If you wanna spend your money like this, maybe you can buy me that pair of shoes I have had on my wishlist since forever."

"The Nike ones?" You nod, grinning, and he screws his lips. "I've tried looking for them; they're either sold out or only available in mens." 

You stare at him incredulously, "You actually looked for them?"

He gives you a weird look. "Yes...?" He extricates his arm from your hold to pull you closer by the waist, his fingers splayed out on the flat of your stomach. "You're my girlfriend and you deserve to be spoiled by me. I've been looking for those shoes for ages."

You cannot explain how much you love your boyfriend, how much you ache for him. You turn your head and kiss his shoulder through the fabric of his shirt. "I was kidding, Baek. I really don't need you looking for those shoes."

He shakes his head, smiling softly. "I want to buy them for you. If I don't get them for you then no one else can."

"You're stupid," you laugh, slipping your hand into the back pocket of his jeans. He hums, knowing you're just teasing. "Should we buy something for the boys?" you ask, changing topics.

"Hmm, yeah..." he nods, biting his bottom lip. "We could get some food. Since I'm hundred percent sure they've got the alcohol part down, but not the food."

You agree because after all, they're boys. The two of you enter the closest supermarket, buying a basket full of snacks. After paying, Baekhyun and you drive off to Chanyeol's place, which takes a little less than half an hour to get there.

"Kitten," Baekhyun murmurs softly, combing his fingers through your hair. He really shouldn't do that if he is trying to wake you up, because it only makes you feel more comfortable and sleepy. But then he tugs on your locks, hard enough to make you groan but not enough to cause pain. He chuckles, "Come on, baby. We're here."

You flutter your eyes open and Baekhyun slides his hand from your hair to your face, cupping your cheek. He swipes at the bottom of your eye with the pad of his thumb, a caress that makes a contented sigh escape your lips. He smiles. Dropping his hand, he clicks on the release for the buckle of your seatbelt.

"Get out of the car, come on," he urges gently.

You do, only because Baekhyun has left already and you don't wish to be alone in the car. As he takes the bags of food, you stretch your body, yawning. Baekhyun pulls on the hem of your shirt where it has lifted and exposed your stomach, making sure no one sees skin. You follow him to the lift while he locks the vehicle. He chuckles when you slump against the corner of the elevator, your head resting sleepily on your shoulder.

There are a lot of shoes in front of Chanyeol's apartment. It is also the loudest unit in the level, which makes you wonder if the neighbours are okay with this. Chanyeol opens the door for you when you press the doorbell and you're surprised that he could actually hear it over the noise. The voices of boys wafts out into the corridor and Baekhyun looks amused.

"Ah, the couple," Chanyeol says, trying to act all gay and lovestruck. Baekhyun rolls his eyes and enters the house, shoving Chanyeol's shoulder as he passes. You smack the giant's arm when you follow your boyfriend. "What'd you get?" he asks, peering over Baekhyun's shoulder as he sets the bags he brought on the dining table.

"Chips," Baekhyun shrugs.

"Yes!!!!!" the boys cheer.

"Some idiot forgot snacks but bought a ton of alcohol," Jongdae pointedly glares at Chanyeol.

Baekhyun holds your hand and guides you to the living room where the other seven boys are seated. Chanyeol trails behind with more cups for you and Baekhyun, as well as the bag of food. Your boyfriend sits on the armrest of the couch, pulling you to rest on his lap. All of you take time to greet each other, catching up after not meeting up in so long. You lean against Baekhyun's chest and he immediately hugs you closer.

"Sit on the couch or something," Junmyeon gestures to the tiny space on the furniture where Jongin and Jongdae are sprawled out on. "The both of you look uncomfortable."

"Where are your girlfriends?" Baekhyun asks, ignoring Junmyeon's suggestion as he glances at the few attached boys in the group.

They shrug and Yixing mutters, "She didn't want to watch soccer."

"Same," Junmyeon makes a face.

"She wanted her beauty sleep," Sehun rolls his eyes. "As if she needs it," he sighs, although you can hear the endearment behind his action.

"Why are you here?" Chanyeol flicks his chin at you, his question not unkind.

"Baekhyun wanted me here," you answer simply. They seem like they're waiting for you to elaborate. Your eyebrows furrow because what else is there to elaborate? You tell them, "I came because Baekhyun wanted me to come." Baekhyun leans forward to rest his chin on your shoulder, his cheek pressing against yours.

"Even if we're watching soccer?" Yixing raises his eyebrows in surprise.


"What about your beauty sleep?" Sehun asks.

"I had a ten-minute nap on the car ride here," you mention.

"Well, you could just sleep on my bed if you're tired anyway," Chanyeol offers. "The game starts at 2AM."

You make a face and Jongin laughs, "She's thinking about that beauty sleep now."

"I am," you nod solemnly. Baekhyun chuckles and you crack into a grin.

"Baekhyun, come and drink," Kyungsoo beckons, shifting to create space. "You too," he looks at you.

You shake your head, "No, thanks. I'll be driving us home when we go back." Then you stand and nudge your boyfriend, "But Baekhyun will join."

"Then at least sit in with us," Minseok offers. They all start moving to create space for you and Baekhyun.

Baekhyun sits between Junmyeon and Sehun. There isn't much space left for you and the boys are busy trying to rearrange themselves when your boyfriend tugs on your wrist. You understand his action and settle in his lap, causing everyone to stop and stare. Jongdae and Chanyeol roll their eyes.

"Of course," Minseok mutters. "Why did we even have to try?"

You and Baekhyun laugh, his arms snaking round your waist to hug you. You're a spectator as you watch the drinking games happen; the shots, the giggling, the redness. Almost two hours later, most of them are already high. You wonder how they'll even be able focus on the game later. Baekhyun has drank his fair share too and when he drinks, he is the kind of drunk that gets sleepy but very touchy.

Well sure, Baekhyun is normally already very touchy, but when he drinks, he's touchier. He is snuggling his face into your neck in front of everyone, a hand already under your shirt so he is in contact with more skin. At least he doesn't do anything inappropriate, because you know you would never live this down. Especially when Jongin and Kyungsoo are still slightly soberer to notice things.

"The game is starting!" Minseok exclaims, or more like yells. You cringe, but you doubt he knows he is being loud.

"There's still half an hour, Minseok oppa," you tell him gently.

"Are you tired, baby?" Baekhyun murmurs, his lips brushing against your skin. "Do you wanna go to sleep?"

You shake your head. "I'm fine." After a short pause, you mention, "I think you guys need someone to watch over you. You're all... out of control."

He chuckles and your heart clenches at how low and gruff his voice sounds. You feel like you can't breathe, especially when he buries his nose into your neck and leaves light kisses on your skin. About ten minutes before the start of the game though, you get everyone to sit properly and make sure that they're facing the TV. You clear the rubbish too, trying to make the place neater and less hazardous for drunk people.

You sit at the corner, watching your boyfriend, who has forgotten about your presence when the players of each team are introduced. He cheers loudly when his supporting team shows up, giving high-fives to the fellow supporters around him. It is amusing just how excited and loud all of them are. The game starts and all of them sport serious faces; Sehun and Kyungsoo frowning while the rest might or might not have their mouth slightly agape.

It is only about half an hour later that Baekhyun seems to suddenly remember that you're not with him. His eyes fleet to meet yours right away. He opens his mouth to call out to you, but a movement at the corner of his eyes snaps his attention back to the TV. He yells with Minseok in frustration when their supporting team doesn't score a goal that is so damn close. On the other hand, you hear sighs of relief.

"ing Suárez!" Baekhyun growls, his tone annoyed and loud.

"Baekhyun, baby," you call out gently. No one turns to you except for your boyfriend. "Keep your volume down, it's the middle of the night."

You hear a collective "No!!!!!" and Baekhyun whips around to face the TV again, forgetting about you. It takes him a while to understand that the other team is in possession of the ball now.

"No, !" he yells belatedly when everyone is already over the agony.

You sigh tiredly when you realise Baekhyun will never be quiet during a football match.





You hear someone in your ear before you feel them hugging your waist tighter and snuggling into the crook of your neck. You lean your head down and the familiar scent of Baekhyun hits you. You immediately move closer to him, kissing the top of his head before falling asleep again.

You're the first one to wake up the next day, since you were sober and had gone to sleep early last night. Baekhyun is half on top of you, his head laying on your bosom. Your legs are tangled and he has an arm on your waist and the other under your head for you to use as a pillow. You wonder how you ended up in this position, but Baekhyun moans softly and rubs his face into your chest, making you focus your attention on him. He his dry lips and continues sleeping, his mouth slightly open.

You comb through his hair absentmindedly as you look around the room and see that most of the boys are in the bedroom, either squeezing on the bed with you or laying on the mattress on the ground. No one is awake yet and that is because it is only nine in the morning. It is too early for you and undoubtedly even more so for the drunkards. So you close your eyes and go back to sleep.

Two hours later, you wake up to see that you're in an entirely different position. You're now the one half on top of Baekhyun, your head resting on the base of his neck. His fingers twitches against the dip of your spine. He is still unconscious, but there are a few boys already up. Kyungsoo is sitting up on the mattress on the ground, staring up at Jongdae who is on the bed as they converse. You turn your head to look at them sleepily.

"Morning," Kyungsoo gives you a small smile.

"Morning," you rasp out, feeling like you've drunk the night before even though you hadn't had one drop of alcohol.

"Baekhyun hyung talks in his sleep," Sehun's sudden sleepy mumble on your left makes you face him. His arm is over his eyes to block out the sunlight.

"Yeah," you confirm. "He does."

"It's annoying," he grumbles.

You chuckle because it can be disconcerting at first, but now that you have been with him for almost a year, you have already gotten used to it. You have gotten so accustomed to it that you would find it weird if he doesn't mumble in his sleep.

"Yeah..." you agree absentmindedly. You glance up and see a little stubble has already poked through Baekhyun's skin. His lips are shut and his hair is falling all over his eyes.

"I'm still hot though," his lips move and you feel his finger lightly running up the valley of your spine with his eyes still closed. You laugh because of course he has to wake up just to tell you this.

"Just an itty bitty little bit hot," you relent. 

Author's note:

I've changed the lyrics to the song and now I'm just following it as a prompt, kind of. There aren't much about the girlfriend in the actual song, just three verses. So I'm making a chapter for each verse, thus making this a three-shot! This is really just a cute story, no actual theme, lol.. I hope you like it though? 

Till next time

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151130 Russian translation by AnetLee is up! Check in foreword♥


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syaff_04 #1
Chapter 1: it makes me wanna go read all of ur books❣️🌹😁
syaff_04 #2
Chapter 1: why I found this book just now..TT
43 streak #3
Chapter 3: Oc really cried a lot.. but I'm now a crying mess.. TT TT TT... why so cute..omg..this is really one of the best fluffiest fic I've ever read..fluffy ball.. their relationship and specially how baekhyun treated her delicately and with so much care and love was super cute.. he was like a dream boyfriend.. so cute and dreamy... so loving, caring, supportive, trustworthy ,understanding and loyal to oc... awww... I'm so in love with them.. really enjoyed reading this... loved it so much... thank you authornim for writing such a cute and fluffy love story..
brjvessh 44 streak #4
Chapter 3: both of them are so cutee. he is so caring about his girlfriend😍😍
Chapter 4: Can I ask what fonts did you use in the pdf file?
Chapter 1: perfect read for this rainy weather
Chapter 3: yes YESS this is so fluffy so dreamy you truly never dissapoint Cara-nim!
Chapter 2: Since receiving gifts is my first love language... that nike scene really is catch my feelings. What a man, BBH. What. A. Man.
Chapter 1: rereading this again! gosh baekhyub’s here definitely a boyf material!
Chapter 1: just wanna know what inspired this