Chapter 6

With or Without You
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Jin rested his head on the face of his door as he silently collapsed and broke down.  He never intended to hurt you this much.  All he wanted was to take a shot on his relationship with Sora and pray that it works out well. He is too afraid to face what he truly feels for you.  

He then heard footsteps nearing the door and  heard Jimin's soft voice comforting you as your sob echoes the entire dorm.  He wanted so badly to open the door between the two of you, run to your side and be the one to remove the tears he caused.  But he can't.  Then he remembered what you said about Sora.  He can't believe that she will have the boldness to do such thing.  He trusted her. He trusted her that she will be the reason for him to slowly forget about you.  

Jin's thoughts were still wrapped around Sora that he didn't notice that  Jimin had already taken the initiative to accompany you home.  He slowly opened the door and was only greeted by an empty apartment.  



"Argh!!!" Jungkook said in frustration as he stood up from the couch and looked at the clock on the wall.   It's already 8:45pm and you are not yet home.  All of a sudden a loud rumble was heard and his hands immediately flew towards his stomach.  Yup, he is definitely hungry and his stomach is already starting to protest.  He walked towards the kitchen to check what snack he can nibble on while waiting for your arrival.  Jungkook opened your refrigerator and found a small box of pastry on the top shelf.  "Yes!" he muttered to himself as he slowly took the box out of the fridge and dived into its contents.  The sweet and savory flavor of the pastry danced in his mouth as he savor the delectable snack.  He was still relishing the pastry when he heard the front door unlock.  He instantly closed the box and shoved it back inside the fridge and ran towards the door.

"Noona! what took you so long! I'm -" his shouting was interrupted when he saw Jimin with you walking into the apartment and noticed right away your puffy eyes that were swollen from crying. 

"What the hell happened to her?" he shrieked

"Jin hyung." was all Jimin was able to say as he dropped off your things on the table and guided you towards the couch.  You collapsed on the couch like a heavy boulder and hugged the pillow near you.  Jungkook knelt in front of you and stared at your face.

"Are you ok, noona?" He worriedly ask.  You just shook your head and didn't say anything.  Jimin carefully sat on the adjacent seat and same as Jungkook looked at you worriedly.  

"She hasn't been talking ever since we left the dorm.  She hasn't said a word about what caused their argument earlier." he narrated

"Wait, what is she doing in the dorm?" he ask curiously towards Jimin.  The elder just shrugged his shoulders.

"I really don't know. When I got home from school,  they were already arguing and Jin hyung shouted something about noona being pathetic and there is something about Sora and about noona creating stories." Jimin tried his best to recall the disagreement that he witnessed earlier.

"Then Jin hyung shouted at her and told her to leave him alone before slamming the door on her face." then the boys heard a loud sob coming from your direction and they saw you breaking down again.  

"I'm sorry" was the only thing you were able to say to the boys before you stood up from the couch and ran towards your bedroom and shut the door.  Jungkook followed you and knocked on your door asking you to open it up. But you didn't.  

"Let her be for the meantime, Jungkook. She is suffering a lot right now." Jimin said as he closed in to Jungkook.  Jungkook stepped away and walked towards the dining table.

"I wanna go back to the dorm and have a talk with hyung."  Jungkook said furiously as he grabbed his coat hanging from the chair.  

"What do you think you're doing?" Jimin asked curiously as he faced the magnae.

"He should stop doing this to her.  Soon enough there's nothing going to be left of her if he keeps on breaking her." Jungkook almost shouted.  Jimin just stood there calmly as he watch the magnae act upon impulse.

"We are all worried about them, Jungkook.  But you should just stay her and take care of noona.  She would need you more by her side rather than you fighting with Jin hyung.  I know for a fact that soon enough, Jin hyung will regret everything." Jimin said sadly.  Still pondering about what Jimin said he soon agreed with his hyung.  

"Come on, let's get you and noona something to eat before I head home." Jimin volunteered making the magnae's face lit up for a moment.  Because of his excitement, another loud rumble escaped his stomach making Jimin die in laughter before heading out.



Seeing how broken you were, Jungkook decided to extend his stay in your apartment a little longer to take care of you until you feel a bit better so you would have company.  It's also for making sure that you won't do something stupid if there's no one around.   At first you don't agree but then you thought that It will be nice to have someone around to keep you company so you agreed.   Jungkook was sweet enough to go home immediately from school and made sure to you are recovering.  

You got home a  bit early today and you're watching a nice thriller movie on cable when you heard the door open.  Jungkook's smiling face immediately greeted you as he ran towards the couch and crashed beside you.   

"Hey squirt" you greeted him and flashing a small smile.  He immediately handed you a box of chocopie.

"Aww thanks, that is so sweet of you Kookie!" you said as you took the box from him. He just smirked.  You immediately opened the box and unwrapped the pie and took a bite.

"Actually, someone just left that on my desk.  I felt bad just leaving it there so i took it home and gave it to you."  you immediately grabbed a piece of tissue from the box sitting on the coffee table and spitted out the contents of your mouth making Jungkook almost die of laughter from where he is sitting.

"What the hell, Kookie!" you uttered as you replaced the remaining chocolate back in its wrapping and placing it on the table in front of you.  You just lost your appetite with the chocolate snack.   Jungkook is still laughing.  

"I was just messing with you, Noona! I really bought that from the store near school.  I swear!"  he said in between breaths as he slowly tried to compose himself.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." you laughed sarcastically and rolled your eyes.

"What are you doing, anyway?" he asked curiously as he took off his bag from his shoulders and started fishing for something inside it.

"Oh, I'm just wathing some movie that is being shown in cable. What are you doing?" you asked curiously as you watch him pull out a piece of paper from his bag.  He then eagerly flashed the paper in front of you.

"Noona! I got straight A's on my tests." he beamed proudly as he showed you his grades. You took the paper from his hand and was reviewing its contents.

"Well almost all except for Math and English." his voice trailed off.  You looked up from the paper and looked at the boy sitting beside you, how his head hung low.  the smile never left your face.  

"I'm still proud of you, Kookie! You still did well on your other subjects." you said as you ruffled his hair.  You placed the paper on the coffee table and faced him. 

"Why don't I tutor you with Math and English until you pull up your grades. That sounds fun, right?  Do we have a deal?" You offered and this made him smi

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Alternative ending is uploaded :D hope you like it!


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Chapter 15: i cried ! but i loved the end .. its exactly like what i imagined !
amazing fic for real !! congratulation ~ you wrote a really one of a kind fic <33333
dyqakim #2
Chapter 15: It's a good and sad ending
Chapter 15: both endings were nice but the happy ending kinda left me hanging and wanting for an epilogue lol xD the sad ending just makes me wanna sing I need U out of the blue. XD Good Job Authornim and Thank you for this fic :D i hope you can make more fics like this lol I particularly like OC fics like yours idk (like you use y/n for the heroines part instead of a girls korean name or something) ;;

Again, Congratulations on this fic Authornim! \o/
Chapter 15: Awwww so sad this is what I want. After he broke her heart there's definitely no happy ending.
Sykrh_ #5
Chapter 14: This is beautiful. I cried
Chapter 14: Awwww the ending is sweet . Hehe but poor myungsoo. Hahaha
Chapter 13: i kinda felt sorry for myungsoo , but seriously .. well written chapter , it felt real to me ^_^ <3333
hello author-nim, i'm finding a story about Jin and character is [yourname] and it's hard that kind of fanfic. But i'm glad that i find out your story and thank you for writing this story. ♥
Chapter 12: i am thankful for the extra two chapters .. this fiction ... its something special for real <333
thanks authornim .. cant wait <33
Chapter 12: Omg is Jin just gonna give up without a fight? Man up Kim Seokjin!! Dx I know i want him to suffer but my poor heart cant take it lol Yeey at least two more chapters! Thank you Authornim and fighting ^^