Time To let Go

Time to Let Go

“Do you think there’s only one person out there that we are meant to love?” Zhou Mi asked Sungmin as they rode in the back of a taxi on the way to their high school reunion.

It was their twenty-fifth reunion, but only the first one they decided to actually attend. For the most part, they had fallen out of touch with their classmates. Sungmin was still Zhou Mi’s best friend though, which was probably due more to the fact that they had attended college and secured jobs at the same company than any teenaged bond.

“Oh, Mi, you aren’t seriously thinking about him, are you?” Sungmin asked, his tone condescending and a little judgmental. He had never been a big fan of Kyuhyun.

“How can I not, Min?” Zhou Mi asked, looking out the window instead of directly at Sungmin. “It’s been twenty-five years, I still think about him, and I have yet to find someone that I love in quite the same way.”

Sungmin let out a frustrated groan and let his head fall against the cool glass of the cab window.

“You were teenagers. Both of you were confused and hormonal; I don’t think you can reasonably call that love. Besides, don’t you think that maybe a part of the reason you never found someone else is because you never let go of him? I get that he was an important part of your life, that he helped you figure out your uality and all, but I think you’ve been confusing that for love for a bit too long.”

Zhou Mi turned towards Sungmin, his eyes big and anxious, and put a hand on his arm.

“You just…” Zhou Mi started.

“Don’t understand what you went through,” Sungmin finished with a sigh. “I know, Mi. We’ve had this conversation a hundred times.”

Zhou Mi sank back into his seat and looked out the window at the lights flashing by. His mind was filled with memories, both the good and the bad. Kyuhyun had helped him realize who he was. He had known he was attracted to men for years, but it was Kyuhyun who made him admit it. If it wasn’t for him, Zhou Mi may still be in the closet.

The cab slowed in front of the hotel where the reunion was being held and Zhou Mi was brought back from his thoughts. They paid the cab driver and got out.

“Just, try to have some fun tonight. But don’t get any crazy ideas, okay?” Sungmin asked as he raised his eyebrows. He knew Zhou Mi well enough to know what he was probably wishing for.

“I’ll be okay, Min. I promise,” Zhou Mi said with a reassuring smile. Sungmin just rolled his eyes, just knowing he was going to have some sort of mess to clean up later tonight.

Together they walked into the hotel and towards the conference room. When they opened the doors they were greeted by a crowded room of people that looked strangely familiar, though names seemed to escape them. They saw a table off to the side with nametags and each picked one up.

“Oh hey, Sungmin!” a small man called as he approached them. “And Zhou Mi! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you come into my store.”

“Hi, Ryewook,” Zhou Mi said as he bent down to hug him. “Sorry, they’ve been keeping us pretty busy so we haven’t been able to escape for lunch in awhile.”

Ryewook owned a small bakery a few blocks from the office where Zhou Mi and Sungmin worked. They had made a habit of going there for lunch when their bosses didn’t have them working overtime.

“That’s alright, I’ll forgive you since I know you are working hard,” Ryewook said with a slight pout, though Zhou Mi knew he was just joking.

“Isn’t this so weird? Everybody looks so different and it’s interesting seeing who showed up with their spouses.” Sungmin said, seeking to change the subject.

“Oh my god, I know!” Ryewook said, quickly surveying the room. “Some people aged so well and then others, not so much. Look at Kangin over there.”

Sungmin and Zhou Mi looked to where Ryewook was pointing. There was a man sitting alone at a table. He already had a full head of gray hair, and was wearing an old suit.

“Remember how he was so popular and a bully? He was always taking my money to buy snacks and I remember the one time, when I tried to stand up to him, he punched me and nearly broke my nose. Now he’s got no wife and no friends. I guess karma is real,” Ryewook said as he hid a grin behind a hand. Zhou Mi gave Sungmin a glance and nodded his head in the direction of the bar. Neither one of them was much a fan of Ryewook’s gossip.

“We’ll catch you later, Ryewook,” Sungmin said and gave his shoulder a small squeeze as they made for their escape.

“Oh, okay. Stop by soon! Oh look, there’s Seoyoung. Seoyoung-ah!” Ryewook shouted and he was gone before they had even made it a few steps.

“He’s something else isn’t he,” Sungmin said as he ordered a beer.

“Yeah, but I don’t think he’s changed a bit since high school. He was always a busy-body,” Zhou Mi commented as he took his drink from the bartender.

They both turned to survey the room, looking for any familiar faces. He saw some people he recognized, but none with whom he would really want to catch up with. Zhou Mi didn’t have too many friends in high school, what with being the strange foreigner and everything. Sungmin had always been his best friend, and then there had been Kyuhyun.

At that moment, Zhou Mi caught a glimpse of a very familiar face on the other side of the room. His eyes were different and his hair was a lot more stylish than what it used to be, but there was no mistaking that jaw line or his mouth. Zhou Mi felt his heart start to pick up and he knew he should quit staring, but he couldn’t help it. How many nights had he dreamt of that face? Kyuhyun must have felt his stares, because he looked up and caught Zhou Mi’s eye. Zhou Mi felt his breath hitch as Kyuhyun gave him a small smile. Kyuhyun turned back to the person he had been talking too, and that was when Zhou Mi realized that Kyuhyun had been sitting next to a woman. He watched as Kyuhyun whispered something in her ear and then kissed her cheek. Zhou Mi felt his heart drop into his gut as the woman gave him a smile before turning to talk to another woman at their table.

Zhou Mi felt his panic begin to set in as he watched Kyuhyun head in his direction. He turned to his side, only to see that Sungmin was gone. He frantically searched for his best friend, but by the time he spotted him nearby talking to someone, it was too late and Kyuhyun was already in front of him.

“Zhou Mi! It’s certainly been a long time. How have you been?” Kyuhyun asked as he leaned in awkwardly for a one-armed hug. Zhou Mi returned the gesture half-heartedly as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat and find his voice.

“I’ve been good. What about you?” Zhou Mi asked, trying to sound casual and hoping Kyuhyun didn’t catch the pain in his voice. He couldn’t help but keep glancing at the woman Kyuhyun had just left behind.

“Really good. Life’s certainly been keeping me busy, but it’s good to get the chance to meet some old friends again,” Kyuhyun said.

They were silent for a moment, and Zhou Mi continued to look over Kyuhyun’s shoulder at the table where he had been sitting. Kyuhyun followed his eyes and then turned back to him with a smile.

“That beautiful woman over there is my wife,” Kyuhyun explained, his smile growing prouder.

“Your…wife?” Zhou Mi asked, and unable to hide his surprise he ended up choking on his words.

“Yeah, I know, right?” Kyuhyun paused, looking at his feet awkwardly as he shuffled.

“I didn’t really see it coming either. I mean, there I was, a senior in college. I had gone through a handful of guys at that point, and then she sits down next to me in an intro to lit course I had forgotten to take as a freshman. The rest is history.”

Kyuhyun stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels, clearly uncomfortable. Zhou Mi, though heartbroken and shocked, could tell that Kyuhyun was really happy.

“That’s great, Kui Xian,” Zhou Mi said and Kyuhyun beamed up at him at the sound of his Chinese name.

“Oh, and this,” Kyuhyun paused as he grabbed his wallet and took out a photograph. “This is my little girl.”

Zhou Mi took the photograph and studied it. Pictured was a little girl, about six or seven years old, and there was no mistaking the similarities between her and her father.

“Of course, she’s not so little anymore. She’s actually going to start high school herself next year. I can’t believe how fast time flies. She’s still the love of my life though. I can’t imagine my world without her,” Kyuhyun rambled on.

“She’s adorable. I’m so happy for you,” Zhou Mi said with a smile as he handed back the picture. And he meant it, even if a small hope he didn’t even know he had been holding in all of these years was dying inside of him.

At that point, Zhou Mi saw that whomever Sungmin had been talking to had left and he was standing alone now. He saw his out and intended to take it.

“It was great seeing you, Kyuhyun, but I better go. Sungmin looks a little lost,” Zhou Mi said and nodded in his friend’s direction. Kyuhyun followed his glance and then turned back to face Zhou Mi.

“Okay, uh, Mi?” Kyuhyun asked, suddenly awkward again.


“I, um, I really just wanted to say that I’m sorry,” Kyuhyun said with a sigh. “You know, for how things turned out between us all those years ago. I was a jerk. I realize that now. I shouldn’t have led you on like that. You were confused and I took advantage of that. I just wanted you to know that I feel terrible for it now.”

If Zhou Mi had been shocked before he was even more so now. Never had he ever imagined that Kyuhyun would apologize for the way he had treated him. Zhou Mi always knew that it hadn’t been the healthiest relationship, but Kyuhyun was still the first, and possibly the only, person he had ever loved.

Zhou Mi drew Kyuhyun into a real hug this time and kept him there, not caring that he knew they were drawing strange looks.

“It’s okay, Kui Xian. I forgave you a long time ago,” Zhou Mi whispered and when they pulled apart they smiled at each other.

“It was good seeing you, Mi,” Kyuhyun said with a final squeeze to Zhou Mi’s arm.

“You too. Take care of yourself, Kyuhyun,” Zhou Mi said with a grin and waved as Kyuhyun turned to head back to his wife.

Zhou Mi walked over to Sungmin who gave him a skeptical look.

“Was that Kyuhyun?”

Zhou Mi just nodded.

“I think I’m going to get out of here, alright?” Zhou Mi asked as he took one last look around the room. There was no one else he wanted to see tonight. He had come to see Kyuhyun and get an answer. And while it wasn’t the one he necessarily wanted, he had it.

“Yeah, okay. I think I’ll stick around a little longer. Maybe grab a few more drinks,” Sungmin said and then leaned in closer to Zhou Mi. “You alright, Mi?”

“I think so,” Zhou Mi said with a small smile. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow, okay?”

Sungmin nodded and then headed over towards a few people he hadn’t spoken with yet. Zhou Mi headed out by himself, but instead of grabbing a taxi he decided that the long walk back to his apartment might be a good idea.

The cool air filled his lungs and while he still felt a dull ache in his chest from earlier, it was starting to turn into something else. So Kyuhyun had fallen in love with a woman, of all people. And he had a teenaged daughter. There was something about the idea of Kyuhyun being a father that made Zhou Mi proud.

Sungmin was right; it was time that he let go of Kyuhyun. He was the first man he had loved; the person that had taught him it was okay to love another man. Zhou Mi still loved Kyuhyun. He didn’t really think there was anything wrong with that, but it was time he stopped holding onto the idea of him. Zhou Mi realized that he would probably never be able to fully let Kyuhyun go. But maybe now, after twenty-five years, he could find someone else that he wanted to hold onto.


A/N: What do you guys think? Is there only one person out there that we are meant to really love? Or, if we really do love somebody, do we ever truly get over them? Or do we continue loving them but just sort of...let go and move on?

Also...am I the only one who ships friendship MiMin? I love them, I don't know why. And the idea of Kyu as a dad just gives me too many feels...anybody know any good Daddy!Kyu fics? Oh gosh...QMi adopts...probably Siwon's love child...and they kind of triple parent. Someobody stop me before I write this fic.

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Annroy89 #2
Chapter 1: Beautiful and heart warming. There will be more then one person in our lifetimes for sure and I am grateful for them all.
Chapter 1: Wow. This story made me cry. I ship Kyu and Mimi but it was nice to see Zhoumi and Sungmin as best friends. Loved it.
Chapter 1: oh gosh this broke my heart at the apology;;; um... well, coley does have some? her slip stich au? that's as far as i can think about that hnnn.... also siwon's love child /snort