Maknae's History (Part One)

Color : New Boy Group


♫♪♫ Be Mine by Infinite ♫♪♫ 


"Aish .... Shut up. ", Kala moaned then rolled to the right side of her king-size bed and pulled her comforter only to cover her face but the loud music wouldn't stop at all.

"Aish!!!",she groaned. "That damn phone! I should turn off that alarm yesterday. Aish!!!",she continued with her unstoppable moans.

She then stomped her feet to go pick her phone which was across her bed; on her study table . She then started to mutter something on her way to get the phone. She then lightly touched the iPhone which was hers and in a split second the room became quiet.

"God~~. I'm tired .", she yawned and made a way to her bed safely with the phone gripped tightly at her hand. She then jumped onto her bed. She hugged her pillow and fell asleep again.

[Few hours passed]

Kala yawned for a few times and rubbed her eyes . She blinked a few times trying to get a clear view of her surrounding.

"Omo, why is the sun looks so high? Omo, what time is it?!", she looked for her phone."Aish!! Where is that damn phone?", she looked around her bed and suddenly fell down."Ouch~",she groaned and rubbed her and stood up."There it is." She took the phone and lightly tapped the phone.


Kala's POV

"I guess I should just take a bus. I don't want to pay for the expensive taxi fare. I really wish that taxi fare isn't that expensive .", I said as I make my way to the bus station. It is a good thing that the bus station is near though . I took a seat at the seat provided at the bus station . I should check my mail now.

"Would you be my girlfriend. My girlfriend. My girlfriend. My girl~", I started to sing Jay Park's new song,  Girlfriend and rapped while opening the mail .

Before I read the mail, I looked around me because I felt like somebody was staring at me. It was true. Someone is staring at me. He is a guy...He doesn't really look a stalker but more like a stylish and kind guy but why is he staring at me like that ? I don't have any bad thoughts about him so I just waved my hand at him with an awkward smile. The guy then stop staring at me and looked somewhere else. I guess he blushed because his cheeks are obviously pink from afar.

“He looks really cute." I thought. "What am I thinking right now?", I shook my head as I read the mail I took out earlier .It was a my electricity bill for the month.

Stranger's POV

I was busy with my phone when I suddenly I heard sound of rap. The rap was...AWESOME. It was Jay Park new song. I respect Jay Park for his talent and now I heard someone that is rapping like a real pro. Like a real pro! I swear!!! Geezzz...I hate talented people because they are talented and most importantly more talented than me.

I turned my head backwards because the sound is coming from the backseat.

'Dude, he's rapping while opening his mail. What a weird guy indeed . Well...he shouldn't be call weird. He is more likely to be...UNIQUE. That's the word. A regular bus passenger who can rap like a pro while opening a mail? So unique.'

I continued to stare him as I hear his rap.

'Damn! I'm so jealous. I wish I could rap but I just could dance and sing but my voice is kinda okay. Haha, I’m so self-praised.'

I pouted a little.

'I want to learn how to rap.'

Suddenly, the guy stopped rapping and looked at me. I didn't acknowledge that he is looking at me until he waved at me with a smile. I quickly turned my head around and acted all innocent. He didn't yell my name or do anything else. Heh, he don’t even know who I am.I don't have enough courage to look around again.

'That guy is weird. Waving at some random guy with smile. But his smile is kinda cute though... Ahhhh!!  What am I thinking?!!! His smile is cute? That's crazy thought man, crazy thought.'

I kept scolding myself until I could forget about the person who is behind me.

Kala's POV

I opened the next mail which is my internet bill. I put that aside with my electricity bill.I opened the next mail which is another bill.

Is all my mail is bills?Ugh!!!

I put the mail aside with my other bills.

I hope this mail isn't a bill too.

I looked at the mail wrapping paper.

'This seem different.I wonder what is it?',I thought with curiousity. started to rip the wrapping paper.

[The Letter]

Starship Entertainment

You've been invited to our private audition.

'Audition?What the hell is this?',I wondered and continue to read.

This is an opportunity for you to be in our new group.


We heard you sing and rap and we think that you have talent that we looking for.

'Where actually they hear me sing and rap?This is nonsense.'

You probably wonder where we hear you sing but we accidentally opened your blog where we found a video of you singing but we still need to audition you because we afraid that you might 'videoshop' the video so-

"What the hell?Video shop the video?!!!",I yelled at the yell the letter loudly unknowingly.

Stranger's POV[The person from before]

I was busy looking at the street when the 'unique' guy suddenly cursed.

What the hell?This guy is sure is weird..but not fully though.He is weird but unique too.I guess he is special.Maybe different?Yeah different suit him the best.Such a different kind of guy.I better just don't think about him.

Kala's POV

Oooppss!!!I accidentally said that out loud didn't I?Damn!!I looked around me.All the people around looked at me.I tried to curved a convincing smile then apologized,"Mianhae.Mianhae.",I bowed 90 degrees for a few times.

Eeeekk!Everybody is still looking at me.

I sat down by the seat again and looked down,refused to hold my head up high.I continue to read the letter.

[The letter continue]

So,we want confirmation.That's why we inviting you to our close audition today at the Starship Entertainment Company at 1.30 p.m.We will appreciate it if you come earlier as we have a busy scedule.We hoping you would come.

(Starship entertainment signature)

[End letter]

Phhh...If they want me to come they shouldn't request something like hoping me to come early or stating that they are busy.I wonder if I should come to this audition or not?Ummm...

I stared at the letter,debating with myself.

Should I or shouldn't I?Should I?Shouldn't I?Should I or Shouldn't I?Grrr..This is confusing.

Suddenly there is a loud noise infront of the bus station.I looked infront of me.

O-ohh..the bus had arrived.

I walked into the bus carefully,avoiding to fall down but I fell down when I arrived infront of the bus's door.

Why is bad luck are approaching me?

I looked around me.

I hope nobody noticed me.I tried to get up but to no avail.

God,today is such a bad luck.

I try to get up but to no avail.

Damn it!

I tried again but no avail.I look infront of me.My eyes were automatically widen as I saw the guy that sat infront of me was looking at me weirdly.

'For god sake!!It just afternoon but my life is ruin.God,why are you so good to me?'

"Do you need some help?",the stranger asked me.


"No..."I kept my head down so he wouldn't know my cheek is crimson red because of the embaressment I felt.

"You look like you need some help.It's okay.Don't be embarass.",he said as he streched his hand at you.

'I should grab his hand right?But it would be the first time I hold anyone hand excepting it from my parent though.'

I hesitated for a while but grab his hand and he pulled me up in a swift motion.

"T-thank you.",I said shyly.

"Young man!Are you going to get in the bus?",the bus driver asked.

"Yes ahjusshi!",we both said and bowed together.We looked at eachother with a puzzled look but I quickly ran into the bus.

'I can't stand the awkwardness.' I whispered, feeling a shock from inside my body.


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Cshinmi #1
Go Jumo! Color fighting! :)
ambzchan #2
ambzchan #3
Cshinmi #4
Hi! I just read this stroy and Must say that this is really unique. I hope you can update. Did you hear the rumor that Jiyeon's boyfriend is Taejun (Jumo in the story)? It's an old rumor.