
I'm saying goodbye

Victoria POV
" I'm so sorry for everything " I said to Kris crying. " it's okay" he said wiping my tears and hugged me tightly. 
" promise me you won't go anywhere else with out me" he said. " I promise you" I said and kissed me on my forehead. " they are probably going to be looking for me" I said. " why" he said. 
" because I got out of the hospital " I said. " what then I'll take you back" he said. " no it's fine Amber is waiting for me" I said. " okay I'll go see tomorrow " he said. " no it's fine I'm going to be able to get out of the hospitals tomorrow " I said. " okay then" he said and kissed me. 
Next day
I took a shower and got change into my regular clothes. The doctor then came 
" okay Victoria you're free to go" he said. 
" thank you" I said and Amber came to pick me up. I got to the house and it was dark. Then Kris came and and blinded me. " what are you doing" I asked. " you'll see " he said. He then let go 
" tada " he said. " omg Kris you shouldn't had done it" I said. The table was full of food, and he had candles around the house. " come" he said pulling me to the chair and I sat down. " I don't guarantee that it'll taste good but I tried" he said. 
" it's fine " I said. 
After dinner
Kris POV 
" so do when will you get your ultrasound for the baby" I said. " umm I still have to make an appointment " she said. " I have an excellent idea" I said. 
" what is it" she said. I then took out my phone and place on the table. " stand up" I said to her. " what are you doing" she said. I then kneed down and pulled he shirt up and her stomach was showing. I then kissed her stomach and Victoria started smiling. Flash my phone went. " okay now I'm going upload it on my Instagram." I said. " what no Kris" she said. " to late" I said. " Kris we are going to be all over like right now" she said. " you're right a hella people are commenting on it" I said. " I even have a call from the CEO already " she said. 
Victoria POV 
" hello " I said. " is the picture true" he said. " yes I'm pregnant " I said. " really congrats well then what I'm going to do is umm tomorrow we have the SMTown in China so that will be your last concert" he said. " what but why that soon" I said. " well I don't nothing to happen to the baby , so these are going to be your vacations" he said . " oh okay." I said. 
" my last concert is tomorrow " I said to Kris. " that's good" he said. 
I packed my clothes to go to China. Kris was taking a shower so I packed his also. " you ready " I said. " yea going" he said. We were on our way when I started getting nausea. " Kris stop the car I need to vomit." I said. I rapidly got off the car and started vomiting a lot. 
Kris POV 
I got off the car and held her hair up and patted her back. " are you okay" I said. 
" yea I'm fine" she said. " give me some gum cause my mouth stinks " she said 
" oh okay let's go" I said. We got to the airport ✈️ and Victoria picked up the luggage " leave I'll do it you can't do any strength " I said. " but" she said before I cut her off " no buts " I said and grabbed her hand we hand our hand in between. 
It was extra full of reporters , I've never seen anything like it. I kept blocking Victoria from them, and we were off to China 🇨🇳. We were in the airplane and all our friends were congratulating us. We got to China and we prepared for the concert. I kept checking on Victoria a lot. 
We actually practice  all night long. I went to Victoria's dressing room and she was asleep in the sofa. I kneed down and kept staring at her. I kept brushing her hair with my fingers while thinking how l am the luckiest guy in the world having a wife like her. Then I heard someone knock on the door. " come in" I said. 
" hey Kris it's our turn" said suho. 
" oh okay I'll be there" I said and kissed Victoria on her cheek. 
Hours later 
Victoria POV 
It was 4 in a morning and we were still practicing. I went to Kris dressing room and he was sleeping in the chair looking all uncomfortable. I took off his jacket and then cleaned his mess he had. I then laid down on the sofa and feel asleep for a little time but it was time for the ending. I went to the stage and suho asked me where Kris was. I told him he was sleeping. I went back to his dressing room and he was awaken already. 
" why didn't you wake me up" he said. 
" well because you looked like an angel " I said and got closer to him and grabbed his tie and kissed him.
Amber POV
I was passing by the hallway when I saw Victoria grabbing Kris tie. I then took out my phone and record them. " and that's why I have it all in my phone" I said.  
Victoria POV 
" and that's why I have it all in my phone" I heard Amber say. " Amber don't you dare" I said. " now I have something to threaten you " said Amber and left running. " Amber!" I screamed. " let her she won't put it" said Kris. " but what if" I said before Kris put his finger on my lips " let's just continue what we were doing" he said. 
Concert day 
I was getting ready for the concert when Kris came in " hey " he said and kissed my on my cheeks. " do well on stage " I said to him. " you to and be careful , I'll see until our own performance " he said. 
" okay " I said and he left. It was our turn on the stage and I was really nervous especially cause it was going to be my last performance for year. We went up stage and started with Red Light. We were done with our performance and I had to change fast cause I had the performance with Kris. I put on a cute dress and Kris was going to wear a cute suit also we were dress like a teenager couple. He came to my dressing room " let's go" he said . We headed backstage and we were really nervous. We were on and we walked holding hand to the middle. All the fans were screaming and screaming our fan name. Then Hot Summer came up. We had to dance to that song and it was extremely funny how Kris danced. The song ended and we greeted everyone 
" hello everyone we Kristoria " we both said and the fans went crazy. " so we have good news and bad news" said Kris. 
" the first bad news is that this is my last concert at least for a year" I said and all the fans " aww" they screamed. " but it's all for the baby health cause I'm sure everyone knows that me and Victoria are going to be parents already" said Kris. 
" but I'll still be on variety shows but I'll just would be able to perform " I said. 
" but make sure to support us and make sure to keep up with my Instagram " said Kris but then all the fans started screaming " kiss kiss kiss" and Kris turned around and faced me , and slowly came closer to me. I tried hard not to smile, we kissed and the fans went wild. 
8 months later
Lately I have been getting pain. The doctor left me for until Saturday but it was barley Wednesday. I made dinner and waited for Kris. It was was 7:30 and Kris still haven't came until I heard keys 
" oh he's here " I said. I stood up and went up to the door. " hey bae" he said and kissed me. " how was it" I asked. 
" it was good " he said and kneeing down kissing my stomach. " I made dinner" I said and getting a plate. " it looks good" he said. 
After dinner 
We were watching a movie and I started getting some pain . " why does it hurt " he asked. " just a little but I'm fine" I said. " you sure" he said. " yea" I said. 
The movie ended and we went to sleep. Well the pain got even worst I started sweating. It was 3 in a morning and i woke up Kris because I couldn't do it with the pain. " take me to the hospital " I said to him. " what's wrong " he said. 
" well I think it's time" I said. " really" he said. " well hurry up go get the car " I said and he got change and went to get the car. I then went downstairs and Kris came in. " come on let's go" he said while grabbing my arm and guiding me to the car. 
At the hospital 🏥
We got in the emergency room and waited for a doctor to come. The pain would get worst and worst. 
Kris POV 
I kept holding her hand tight and wiping her sweat. " everything is going to be fine" I said and kissed her. Then I saw Victoria bleeding from down there. 
" Vic you're  bleeding " I said. " it's about to be born" she said and called a nurse. 
Then a doctor came " Victoria you ready" said the doctor to her. 
30 minutes later 
I then heard a cry . The doctor then said 
" it's a girl" and handed me the baby. I then headed to Victoria " Vic look it's a girl" I said , but then she fainted. 
" doctor she fainted " I said. " it's okay she has used all her strength she's just tired" said the doctor . I then handed the nurse the baby and asked me " and what is going to be her name" " Emily " I said. Victoria once said that if she had a girl she would her name to be Emily. 
2hours later 
Victoria then woke up " where's my baby" she said. " she's okay" I said. 
" what relief " she said.  Then the nurse came in with Emily. Gave the baby to Victoria. " she's gorgeous " said Victoria and started getting tears in her eyes. 
" you and her are my everything for me now" I said and gave them both a kiss on the forehead. 
Next day 
Victoria POV 
I got out of the hospital with the baby and Kris. s and mine would come to see Emily. We then got home. 
" we forgot something " I said. " to take a picture of us to show the world our new family " I said. " okay" he said. 
Months passed and Emily wouldn't stop growing. Victoria would barely get out of the house while Kris would be on tours . They lived happily ever after 
I hope you guys liked it,pls vote or comment. I'm actually writing a new book and its called forced to love , it's the same characters since I'm a big fan of Kris and Victoria so check that out. 
And thanks for all the readers

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Chapter 22: Thanks for the nice story, author-nim ^0^
Chapter 22: Hope you guys like this story please subscribe it. Comment if you guys liked it
Chapter 21: Waiting for your next update :)
CodeLyoko #4
I so love love-triangles and in this case, it's a quadrilateral lol :D

I'm excited to start this! :P