❀ ( Flourish ) ━ A Different Review Shop



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all about flourish
→ i've been reading the confession threads again and there are people asking on ways to improve their apps, or wondering why their applications don't get chosen.
then there are those who want to give blunt reviews but don't have the heart to. or they don't want to come off as rude and mean. 
this is where flourish comes in. here, applicants who wish to receive criticisms post the link to their blogpost in the link below, and viewers can hopefully give a few pointers on how to improve your app (through anonymity).


→ people who wish to receive their reviews should subscribe otherwise you won't know when someone does give you the review. and that's all the rules. also, this thread is probably not for the weak hearted so don't link your blogpost if you can't stand criticism.


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Chapter 1: 2b :(
i miss sol so badly lol