The Past

Love will find You

 At Taeyeon’s apartment

Since today is the weekend, the girls decided to meet each other at Taeyeon’s apartment. Now Taeyeon is not close with only Yuri but also her gang and even Jessica and Tiffany are get along with them well.  Whenever they are together they need to do the lucky draw to decide who will cook and today as usual they did that again. Hyoyeon and Sunny in charge of cooking with the helpe Yoona and Seohyun. Jessica and Tiffany will wash the dishes and Sooyoung need to clear the table while the luckiest are Yuri and Taeyeon who picked up the princess paper mean they don’t need to do anything. So, while the four are still in the kitchen cooking, the rest just lazing around in the living room except Taeyeon who is working beside them.

Jessica who is lying on the couch lazily while watching Taeyeon designs the interior the living room “Put the big vase of flower there to make it fresher.” She suddenly shareed her idea which makes Taeyeon paused for a moment.

“You have a good sense, Jess!” Taeyeon replies which do as what Jessica suggested.

“Well, just in case you forget I’m also a designer.” Jessica put her legs on Tiffany’s lap and yawn “What will the food finish, chef?” she shouted.

“20 more minutes, princess!” Yoona replies from the kitchen. “It will be faster if you help.”

“Nah!! Designer doesn’t cook.” Jessica’s reply make the other scoff.

Putting vegetables into the frying pan Hyoyeon rolled her eyes “Shouldn’t you eat only the fabric and threat, Miss Designer?” Hyoyeon’s question earnt a laugh from everyone.

“Tae, who is the owner of that house you decorate?”

“I don’t know Tiff. Jiyong told me that she’s his friend. And why did you laugh Yuri?”

“Huh! Ah nothing. I just remember something.”

“So, how can you match the owner taste if you’ve never met or even talk to her?” Tiffany slaps Sooyong’s hand that play with her hair.

“He told me that she’s very similar to me and told me to do what I want!”

“That’s weird.” Taeyeon just shrugged and continue her work.

“I’m hungry. Do you anything to eat before dinner, Tae?” Sooyoung whined while rubbing her tummy. Tiffany put her magazine down and look at Sooyoung “You’re just finish the big bowl of cereal and still hungry?”

“That’s 10 minutes ago.”

“Gosh! There’s nothing more, you’re already eat everything.” Taeyeon chuckle while eating her ice cream. And when Sooyong eyes her ice cream, Taeyeon immediately holds it tight like a kid “This’s mine and I won’t share”

“So, stingy!!” Sooyoung murmurs to herself but loud enough for other to hear “Fine! I’ll just watch TV.” She grapes the remote control and turn on TV. Sooyoung keep skipping the various since nothing catch her attention but then she stop on one chanel.

Taeyeon frozes and her face become pale as soon as she heard the news.

News : Wu Yifan, aka Krist, a famous model and an heir of Wu Group is going to tie a knot with his 2 years girlfriend Lee Soyeon.

“OMO! Is he getting married?” The four in the kitchen running to the living room when they heard the news. “My prince is no longer available.” Hyoyeon exclaimed dramatic.

Seeing Taeyeon state, Tiffany motions Sooyoung to change the channel. “Why? He’s my favorite model.” Sooyong still clueless about the situation “Do you like him that much that you don’t him to get married?”

Taeyeon stands up abruptly which caught everyone attention “I….ne..ed to go to my room.” She said as she run to her room.

“What’s wrong with her?” Sooyoung asked curiously. She stands up want to follow Taeyeon but Jessica pulls her back “Let’s her alone for a while. She’ll be ok”

“What happen to her?” Hyoyeon clueless “Is she like him that much?”

“Yes, she loved him.”

“What?” Everyone except Tiffany and Jessica exclaimed loudly.

“I bet you guys will stop fangirl over him when you knew what did that jerk do to Tae!” Jessica mutter angrily.

“Tell us about it.” Everyone sat down on the couch eagerly want to know the story.

“Well…” Tiffany decided to tell Taeyeon’s story to the other even she know that it’s not right.


On the other hand after she closed her bedroom’s door, Taeyeon leans against the bed hugs her knee. Taeyeon sure that she is completely get over him but when she heard the news she felt like her world is collapsed. It’s not the feeling that she used to feel for him but it’s more about betrayal that left the deep scar in her heart that she would never want to fall in love again. She still remember the first time he asked her out and confess that he loved her. I love you, Taeyeon! Please be my girlfriend. That simple sentence used to bring Taeyeon to the heaven.

I love you too, Krist! She was the happiest girl alive in the world when she said those world. And she still remember their kiss under the moonlight on the eyes of England.

Tear felt from her eyes when all those painful memory come to her. That three years span was the best yet it flown away like a smoke when she learnt that he was cheating behind her back. She still remember when they first moved in together, he’s nothing but a sweet and caring boyfriend. He always cooked breakfast for her before went to work, and hugs her to sleep when she’s sick.

But life wasn’t always beautiful, right? She caught him cheating with his future wife, that lee soyeon and worst was that they’ve been dating behind her back for 6 months. She didn’t say anything in hope he’ll come back to her but his honest feeling was like a thousand of arrows pushed into her heart.

“Let’s break up, Tae.” They sat quietly in their apartment. He became so cold to her like he’s never love her before.

“Why? Didn’t you promise that you’ll love me forever?” Taeyeon feels stupid to ask that question.

“Nothing is last forever,Tae.” He took off their promised ring and put it in front of her.

“Do you at least still love me a little bit? Taeyeon started to cry when he shaked his head.

“I’m sorry, but I’m don’t love you anymore. It doesn’t feel right to be with you anymore. So, let ended everything here before it’s too late.” Taeyeon hoped that he would just lied to her since his honest words hurt as hell.

“Goodbye,Tae. Hope you find someone that can love you forever.” He said and left her crying alone in the room.  

After that day Taeyeon was a mess. She always locked herself in her room and cry until she slept. She skipped her meal and just lying helplessly on the floor around with their picture and all the thing that Krist gave her.

“God Tae!!!! What happened to you?” Her bedroom’s door opened for the first time in 4 days span. Tiffany and Jessica were shocked to see their friend’s condition. Taeyeon curled her body on the floor and tissue were scattered everywhere.

“I’m sorry I just knew today.” Jessica pulled Taeyeon to sit and hugged her while Tiffany picked up the litters and put in the trash can.

“He’s gone, Jess. He said he didn’t loved me anymore.” Taeyeon cried as she spoke.

“Be strong, Tae. That jerk didn’t deserve you.” Tiffany kneeled down and joined the hug. “I’ll let you cry today and tomorrow you’ll need to start a new life without him.”

 The day after that, Tiffany and Jessica managed to drag Taeyeon out of her room. They always visited and tried to entertain her. They suggested her to take a short vocation and that when Taeyeon started to like travelling. She would go from one to another country until she can moved on completely.

But today all those memories that she forget long time ago rushed back to her. Taeyeon wept her tear and take a deep breath. She won’t let this affect her anymore. She’s no longer love Wu Yifan a.ka Krist and she’s sure about that.



“I can’t believe he did that, that jerk!”

“Poor Tae”

“I’m going to become his anti-fan” Everyone giggles when Seohyun said that. They didn’t expect her to be this angry.

“I’m so angry right now. If killing isn’t illegal, I’ll make sure to kill him with my own hands.”

 They girls are fuming after Tiffany told them. They’re ranting and cursing nosily in the living room but when they saw Taeyeon came out they fell into silent.

“Why so silent?” Taeyeon sit next to Jessica on the couch.

“Are you ok?” Sunny asked worriedly. “Tiffany just told us about that jerk”

“Oh…” Taeyeon just nodded her head slowly “I’m fine! Don’t worry.” She gives them an assuring smile.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know” Sooyoung feel guilty that she even fangirling over that guy.

“That’s ok! He’s handsome and rich after all.” Taeyeon tried to light up the mood.

“Don’t worry, Tae! I’ll find your prince charming.”

“So, to find a prince charming let’s go to the club tonight.” Hyoyeon excitedly stand up.

“I don’t think the prince charming will exist in the club Hyo.” Taeyeon chuckles but also stand up. “But I’m sure it will be fun. Let’s go girl!!!”

“Let’s go!!!!” The other shout like they’ve never been to the club before. “But who will clean this mess?” Yuri asked while looking at the mess they made.

“Of course it would be Jess and Tiff for the kitchen and living room for long legs Sooyoung!” Sunny pointed at the three who are secretly walk away.

“Aish!!!!” the three grunt before started to clean. “You guys need to help, so we can go in a minute.” Jessica puts the plates into the sink while Tiffany and Sooyoung clean the table.

“Sorry, Unnie! But the doctor doesn’t wash the dishes.” Yoona imitate Jessica’s tone while crossing her arm “Bye, Unnie” She runs to the door before Jessica can throw her an icy glare.

~      ~      ~       ~  



Here is chapter 5!!! Forgive me if this chapter is that meet your satisfaction. Honestly when i started this story i didn't have an outline or the whole plot of the story. So, now i don't know where the story should go or how should i end it but I'll not abundance it for sure!

Welcome all the new subscribers and to those who left comments, you guys really made my day!!!

See you soon (maybe) in the next chapter!!!





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Smthbttr #1
Chapter 10: Cute!
Chapter 10: Great story
Chapter 10: Stupid dragon
Chapter 6: FINALLY
Chapter 4: Can i have a jiyong in my life 🤭
Chapter 1: Ohhh am loving this
Chapter 10: I love Gtae stories.
Chapter 10: Cuteeee... ❤ Thank you for this one!
Bumella #9
Chapter 10: Thx for the story...ahh so cute
Kyaa!! That was such a cute lovely story o∩_∩o