Chapter Four

Reverie (A Healer AU)(discontinued)
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Chapter Four:

This chapter is un-edited, so beware when reading it!


I woke up early for work this morning and got dressed for work. I have a ton of Taekwoon's stuff to edit. It sort of being an editor but it keeps me busy so what can I say.


I get dressed, do my hair and brush my teeth before finishing up by doing my makeup. Then I head downstairs to grab myself some breakfast.


Jiah had breakfast laid out when I arrived at the kitchen island. My mother was also up and eating while reading something to do with work on her tablet.


"Morning." I greet her. I don't bother with waiting for a reply because I wasn't expecting one.


After I grab a plate and place some food onto it she looks up. "Are you still working for that wannabe publishers place?"


I nod. Why does she want to know?


She sighs. "When are you going to give up on that stupid dream of yours and find a real job?"


I frown. "It's not stupid."


She chuckles. "Whatever you say."


I sigh before standing. My breakfast was just ruined because of her. I head into the hall and grab my jacket and bag before heading out.


Once I arrive at work Jaehwan greets me from his cubicle. I wave before I sit down at my desk.


"Minah, can I see you in my office?" Jihoo, my boss calls out to me. I look up to see him leaning out of his office.


"Yeah sure, boss." I stand and head into his office. I saw someone else sitting in the chair in front of his desk.


"This way please." Jihoo directs me to the seat beside the man.


I sit down and glance at the man. He spares me a glance and smiles at me. He was handsome.


I smile back before turning to face Jihoo.


"So, what did you need?" I ask him.


"This," he points towards the man beside me. "Is Cha Hakyeon, your new assistant editor."


I look over at the man who smiles even wider.


He was wearing a bright red shirt and jeans. He gave me the peace sign before turning his attention back to Jihoo.


"Taekwoon asked me to search for a assistant for you because he's impatient and wants his work edited faster." Jihoo sighs. "You know how he is."


I nod. "Alright."


"Hakyeon here is under your wing. So take care of him, this is his first editing job." Jihoo smiles wide before moving to pat the guy on his shoulder.


"Please take care of me, boss." Hakyeon stands and bows quickly.


I nod. "I'm Ahn Minah. Please you don't have to call me boss."


He nods. "Alright, boss." His eyes widen. "I mean alright." 


I chuckle. "Come on, I'll show you around."




"That's my desk, we'll be spending most of our time there." I smile towards him. He looks so lost.


"Oh it's really nice." He compliments it even though he seemed the least bit interested in it.


"Thanks." I reply. "Oh and last but not least this is Lee Jaehwan, he's a fellow editor."


Jaehwan waves towards Hakyeon.


"Hi, I'm Jaehwan. I'm also this woman's best friend." He smirks. I roll my eyes.


"This is my assistant editor, Cha Hakyeon." I inform Jaehwan. "Not to rub it in your face or anything." I smirk towards him.


"Man, Taekwoon really goes all out." Jaehwan sighs. "I wish Hongbin did."


"Um, it's nice to meet you Jaehwan." Hakyeon smiles.


"You too, Hakyeon was it?"


Hakyeon nods. "So, uh-boss can you show me how to edit in Taekwoon's liking?"


"I told you that you didn't need to call me boss." I sigh.


"Oh right, sorry!" He quickly bows.


"Yes I can show you how he likes his stuff edited. Come on." I grab his wrist and pull him forward towards my desk.




After a while of showing Hakyeon the reins I let him edit a bit while I watched. He wasn't bad but he wasn't amazing either. Just average.


I heard a growling noise and Hakyeon's hands fly to his stomach.


I giggle. "Are you hungry?"


He silently nods. "Yeah, I didn't have breakfast."


"The same thing goes for me." I relay to him.


He just tightens his arms around his waist.


"Come on, we can go on a lunch break now." I pull him up to a standing.


We decided to go to a restaurant near our office. The whole way there Hakyeon talked. He seems like a very energetic person. He talks a lot.


I learned a lot of things about him, like that he doesn't like it when people point out that he has dark skin (which I oddly find attractive, usually I'm not attracted to any skin color, unless of course it's N's skin. Sadly I haven't figured out what his skin looks like yet.) or that his parents have both passed on (reason unknown, because he didn't tell me), and that his favorite colors are black and white.


Once we arrive at the restaurant and order he stops talking about himself.


"So what's your story? Since I kind of rambled on about mine." He smiles wide.


"Well my favorite color is baby blue." I start out.


He chuckles. "So you must be one of those ones that doesn't like to talk about their lives."


I shrug. "Well it's just we don't really know each other yet. But I guess that's what we are doing right now, getting to know each other." I bite my lip.


Suddenly his finger meets with my lip. My eyes widen as he pulls it out from between my teeth.


"Oh sorry." He offers me a small smile.


He pulls his hand back quickly.


"No it's okay." I say, that was weird, did my heart just race whenever he touched me? "Anyways my family life isn't as bad as yours I guess."


"How so?" He asks as the waiter sits our plates down.


"Well I still have parents for one." I sigh. "Although, sometimes I feel like that I don't have them. They are never home and when they are they hardly even acknowledge me."


He nods. "What do your parents do?"


I shrug. "They own their own company, Ahn Incorporated. I don't know what they do other than buying stuff such as subways and bus lines." I grab ahold of my chopsticks and look down at my meal. The pain from what I heard last night resurfaces. "You know my mom, she won't even let me call her mom."


I look up towards him and away from my food.


He frowns and pauses his chopsticks mid air almost to his mouth.


"She says it makes her sound old."


"But she is old anyways. It has nothing to do with whether you're own daughter calls you mom." Hakyeon sits his chopsticks down.


"I just-I've never told anyone this and I don't know why I'm telling you. You just seem easy to talk to. But I just don't understand why the

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01/05/16 Minah's part in chapter ten is written, I'll start on Hakyeon's tomorrow!


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Farmayish26 #1
Chapter 4: Happy Birthday
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Chapter 3: i love it please update soon