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Mingyu had been dating Wonwoo for about two months now. Although they haven't been dating for long, they were the complete opposite of strangers since the two were best friends, practically since birth. They were now awkward teenage boys who shared feelings with eachother.

It was a cool Autmn Friday, Mingyu had taken the elder on a date to the park after school.  They pretty much just sat down and talked, with the occasional tossing of multicolored leaves at eachother when the other wasn't looking. Wonwoo wore his usual attire, a thin, dark grey sweater with black skinny jeans. Mingyu wore a black tee and jeans, topped off with a warm red and black flannel jacket. Of course, the older boy got cold so Mingyu jumped at the chance to offer his jacket to Wonwoo. There wasn't much to date, but the mere presence of eachother was enough for the two.

After a couple hours, the two had to go to their individual homes. Wonwoo walked Mingyu to his house, which was on the way to the elder's house anyway. The slightly shorter boy tiptoed to kiss Mingyu on the cheek, earning a slight blush from the latter.

"I don't want you to leave.." Mingyu whined, pursing his lips and holding onto Wonwoo's hand.

"I'll see you on Monday! Or maybe even sometime this weekend." Wonwoo chuckled as he slightly pulled away from Mingyu.

After about five minutes of gentle pushing and pulling, the two separated as Mingyu finally went into his home, blowing a goodbye kiss for Wonwoo.



The date from earlier that day played over and over in Mingyu's head as he layed in bed. It was 3 in the morning, Mingyu had just taken a shower after a two-hour phone call with his boyfriend. He promised Wonwoo that he'd go to sleep shortly after they hung up, but he didn't, of course. The tall boy ran his fingers through his hair, still damp from his shower.

He opened his mouth to take a deep breath and he then realized just how parched he really was. Mingyu turned to reach for his glass of water on the nightstand. That was when he realized that he forgot to get a glass of water. The time before he went to bed was when he usually got his nightly glass of water, but he got a bit distracted on his phone call. He knew he should just get up and get the water right now, but he was simply too tired.

Mingyu tossed and turned for about the millionth time before kicking his covers away, he just couldn't fall asleep. So instead of attempting to count sheep again, he picked his phone off of the nightstand and sent a text to his boyfriend.


03:34 AM

To: Wonwoo From: Mingyu 

Babe, I can't sleep.


Wonwoo groaned as he heard the buzz from his phone, which woke him up from his light slumber.

Who the heck is awake right now? He thought.


03:35 AM

To: Mingyu From: Wonwoo

Too bad :)

lol but why not?


03:36 AM

To: Wonwoo From: Mingyu 

I keep thinking about you, you dummy.


The older boy scoffed as he read Mingyu's reply. Mingyu seemed to get cheesier and cheesier every day.


03:37 AM

To: Mingyu From: Wonwoo

-_- yeah right.. ok so what's the real reason?


03:38 AM

To: Wonwoo From: Mingyu 

I forgot to get water before I went to bed and now I'm really thirsty and can't sleep.. : (


Wonwoo chuckled as he read the text in his head, imagining the cute whining noise Mingyu would make when complaining about silly things.


03:39 AM

To: Mingyu From: Wonwoo

god, you're so lazy. it's a good thing you're cute.


03:40 AM

To: Wonwoo From: Mingyu 

lmao shut up. i wish you were here so i could bug you until you brought me a glass of water.


Back in Mingyu's home, the tall boy was biting down on his lip in anticipation of the elder's reply. Their conversation didn't have much to it, but just the fact that Wonwoo was talking to him this late at night made the moment special.

A minute passed, and one minute turned into five, and then five turned into ten and ten turned into twenty. Before he knew it, half an hour had gone by and Mingyu still had not recieved a text from the older boy. But of course Mingyu just had to become drowsy at this moment. 

The tall boy yawned, snugging into his covers as he drifted into a relaxed state, still not able to completely fall asleep.


Knock Knock

Mingyu's eyes shot open. Who the hell would knock on their front door at this hour? His eyes immediately went to the baseball bat in the corner of his room, which he kept in case any creeps decided to barge into his r

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 1: ohhhhhh…~
not to bad for a first timer. and also thank you for choosing meanie! love you!
Chapter 1: this is just s o sO SUP E R ADORABLE anD god wonwoo's wearing his adore u outifit in this i'm ♡
icetsoii #3
Chapter 1: Ahhh shooo cuteeeeeeee ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: What do I think?? Im?? I kinda died for a moment because this is just too cute for my poor fragile heart?? But you did great!! I'm loving it xx
omg. i just died lol.
fangirlsetail #6
Chapter 1: ahhhhh minggu mingyu is soooo cute. i can't T___T
Chapter 1: I'm happy I finally got the time to read this! it was so cute~ (›´ω`‹ )

damn good job authornim! ^^
SeventeenCarrot #9
Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH This is so c ute! ;u;
Chapter 1: d'awwww
meanie gets me every time x)