
In Virtue
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“Where am I?” 
“What happened to me?”

To Junhoe, everything was pitch black and light feathered. It was a space filled with nothing but silence, and the only thing that he could see, or more like feel, were his thoughts. 

“In Virtue I obligate this self to be yours and yours truly, and from now until then or forever, one would hold the thrones as the eyes of others behold” Within the words, the soft voice that soothed the ear, a flash of light intruded and started the everything to an end.



“Huh— Huh— Huh—“ He sat himself and tried to control his breathing. Looking around, he was stranded in the same place as he remembered he had lost in that same ground too. The dim light of the streetlamp only showed a part of the street name which didn't help at all. Evening’s ray had officially left the place and the night came to sort out, which one should stay and which one should go home. Junhoe you—

“Kill him,”. The boy who had barely found his pace turned around as he had no choice but that. “Kill that blondie”

A woman who almost reached the number 180 cm, appeared  in black leather suit and had a whip in her right hands. She was a beauty, with her long black hair and red lips compelling her sharp eyes. Making steps with her red stilettos, the sound of it hounded his ears and sent shivers to all over his body. She was powerful, that, he also was sure of it.

And as she stood near the corner, one more self appeared from behind the corner, from behind her back. “With my pleasure,” That person was a guy who only reached her ears, dressed casually in a hoodie and jeans. But once he finished what he was saying, he turned himself into something handy. A revolver, a revolver with a red handle made out of wood. 

Junhoe saw the bullet coming for him. It was made out of crystal and aimed for his head. He could see it as if he own the time and speed mean nothing for him. But at the same time, he also felt hopeless, since he couldn't move an inch of his body. “Ah—“


The bullet fell onto the ground and scattered into pieces, once a white tiger appeared and clenched it fangs. 

“He— Heol,” The woman trembled for a little and took a step back. 

As for the white tiger, it didn't growl a bit, but had its body set for killing. ‘Do you want her dead or not?’

Junhoe flinched. “What?” Just before, he heard someone talking to him.

‘I said, do you want her dead or not?’ The tiger turned its head and glared at him. ‘do you want her dead or not!?’ 

“What— what the hell— of course not!” He shouted.

Its head looked down for a little, then locked his eyes with the boy. ‘Despite everything that she had done to you? And everything that she would do to you later on?’

He dragged his body aback for a few, “Ya— Ya, of course, why would I want her dead?”

The Tiger nodded, and set its head straight, looking at the woman with a revolver and a whip in each of her hands. ‘As your wish’. It jumped and threw its body towards her. Had its mouth wide open, and showed the collection of its fangs. It landed right on the top of her, pinning her to the ground and placed it heads right above her face. The furry head slowly trailed downwards and rested on her chest for a moment, until it opened its mouth and ripped the clothes, then eventually the chest of the woman. 

“ARGHHH!!!!” She screamed in pain. 

The boy who was sitting on the ground helplessly watched the event occurred with his own eyes. Watched the blood coming out of a woman’s body and pooled the streets. 

“ARGGHHH!!!!!!!” One last shout of pain was heard, before the tiger lift its head. The whip on her right hand vanished into dust, and so did the revolver on her left. Her body too, eventually, drowned in its own blood and disappeared as it became nothing but a larger pool of blood. 

The white tiger took a step back, then locked its head down as it started to breathe in the dust. It was a whip, it was a revolver, it was then nothing but a something that choked its throat. “Rrrr” For once, it growled. But that was just the opening, when the main attraction was for it to everything that was thick and red enough to be called blood. Almost seemed like it drank everything at once, it left nothing but a clean concrete floor for people to step on. “Raawwwrrr!!”

Junhoe tried to get up, but he couldn’t, once his eyes were locked with it. The four legs moved to his way as soon as it made the loudest growl, he ever heard in his entire life. He never imagined himself to be that frightened. To face the white graceful tiger, it was scarier than having a gun pointed to his face. “Don’t— please— don’t kill me—“

‘of course I wont’. A light struck in front of his eyes and when he finished blinking for once, there was no Tiger, no creature with fangs and fur anywhere to be found near to his existence. But there was one that he couldn't believe. One person standing in front of him, right in front of him and looking down at him. “Master,” And that person bowed in front of him.

A girl with a black shirt and jeans, lowered her head and shoulder for him. Her hair was white, so much lighter than his blond lightning hair, and it was styled in a bun. “Master?”

As Junhoe was sitting there, she changed position too. From bowing, she lifted her head and sat herself in front of him. “Why would you want her alive?” When she talked, she leaned in to had her face only an inch away from touching his. 

“Be— because I don't see the need of killing her”

“She was clearly about to kill you” She insisted, “If it weren't because of me you would have been dead”

“Then Why am I not be dead by now?” Junhoe trembled upon his own words, “Who— Who are you? Why are you here?? ”.

She sat herself normally and moved away from his face, but her eyes were still locked with his. “I’m your regalia, I’m here to help and protect you”








“Re— regalia?” He repeated. “Help me? Protect me? From what?”

“From the people like her, from the people who are after power and the imbalance of the world” She meant every word that she said, she made him believe and not to laugh at her (what normal people would believe as a nonsense) explanation. “How old are you?”

“Nine— nineteen,” 

She tilted her he'd to the side. “Korean age?” 

And He nodded.

“Still in high school?”

He nodded again. “Yes…”

“Pretty young thing” Her tone changed as it became less intimidating. “What have I done to deserve you”

“Ex— excuse me?”

In a mere of seconds, she changed into a whole new persona as  she crossed her arms and smirked. “You’re just a kid, a plain kid and I guess I have to do all the dirty work for you”

“A— Kid? I am not a kid!” Junhoe too, he raised his tone.

“Oh great, a plain kid with a lot of pride. I must be a total sinner back then”

“What?? Hey, you— you’re the one who killed her—“

“Watch your mouth, master” She was back to her intimidating self when she cut him off. “I have done what you asked me to and to say the other way around is a big insult”

His eyes were pierced with her glares. “but— you ate her…”

“I prefer the term; keeping her alive inside my stomach,” She patted herself on the area. “And her blood tasted like , you have no idea how miserable I was back then”

Junhoe got up, and dust off. Not long after that, the girl also followed him and stood in front of him. When she had her feet standing on the ground, she was only as tall as his chin. She still need to look up to meet his eyes. 

“Master, what’s your name?”

“My name?” Finally, Junhoe had stop stuttering. “Junhoe, Koo Junhoe. And don't call me master”

“But why, master?” A little experiment she did when she repeated the word and add a little aegyo.

“Tsk,” He clucked and bit his lips. “I am not your master!”

“Fiesty, prideful, a kid, but also thoughtful. It’ll be interesting to serve you” The Aegyo was gone once she lifted an eyebrow, “So what should I call you, master?”

“Junhoe, just junhoe”

She bowed and salute. “Okay, Junhoe”.

“Do— don’t do that too!” He startled, “Stop acting like that! Just act normally!”

“You don't want me to call you master, you don't want me to treat you highly but you command me to do things, so what should I do?”

He heavily sighed. “Well, just do whatever you like!” 

“Well, I’m currently doing what I like, I’m acting like myself” Her jeans pocket was tucked with her own hands and she rested on

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