chp. 3

Our Own ways

It's weird to find myself back here, I thought i would never see these doors which lead to our teams practice hall. There they were inside, the whole team waiting from me. There were mostly new faces, none that i could recognise.

"Team may i announce the legendary, Coach Kwon Yuri." Siwon announced, and the team clapped and cheered. I guess it was good to be back.

Perhaps i should've really thought about this thoroughly though, i didn't have intentions on coming back as the teams coach but it sort of just happened.

Hae introduced me to the new members of the basketball team. At the moment there are only 7 members, apart from Siwon Leeteuk and Hae who were the seniors on the team there was also: Onew(7) a junior, Taemin (3)another junior and Chen (5)and Suho(6) who were both freshmens.

"So listen carefully to coach Kwon she probably knows alot about basketball more than you kids." Siwon said earning a smile from me.

Since there are only 7 members for now perhaps we should recruit for more. "How do you feel about making some new additions to the team?"

"Why not?" Siwon says agreeing.

"How do we go abouts that?" Hae asks

"We'll find a way." I say reassuring mostly my self.

"How about how we did it back then when we were freshmens." Leeteuk suggested.

Back then we had many people try out but many would quit when my oppa asked them to do ridiculous amount of training, he wanted to make sure that he got the best from the pact and so the only ones that made it were Leeteuk, Siwon and Hae. Oppa only needed three more for his team.

"How about we bring in Hyung, Yul? none of these kids got to meet the legendary Kwon Hyung" Leeteuk says. I think the word legendary with regards to my Oppa has been overused. But i guess he has proven himself to be a legend at Cheongdong high. Oppa's now 22 working on becoming to be a professional basketball player, i can see why so many of the guys looked up to him since his passion for basketball never died. Even if his team did lose to S.E.A at the finals back then.

"Im afraid hes way too busy with training since the seasonal games are coming up, hes away training in japan."

There was a clank at the entrance, it was Soo and Hyo. "Annyeong! you kids working hard?" Soo said.

"We decided to stop by, hows it going Yul?" Hyo asks.

"Okay, we're just deciding on how to recruit new members."

"There were a bunch of guys out there playing basketball on the outside court. From what we could see they were pretty decent." Soo said.

Intrigued, we went outside and checked out what Soo was talking about. There outside were 4 guys playing basketball, some of them i was acquainted to since theyre in my year. Actually i think all of them are.

"I didn't know those guys played the game." Leeteuk says mouth slightly opened from watching them play.

For the four years that we had been in the same year its true these guys had never said anything about basketball, they never came for try outs either.

"You know those guys?" I asked.

"Yeah, Cho Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, Sungmin and Ryeowook. They're all in our year." Hae replied.

"Okay how do we appro-"

"Hey guys!" Leeteuk shouted.

Thats one way to approach them i guess. They stopped playing and looked at us. We came closer the whole lot of us, the team plus Soo and Hyo.

"Hi..." One of them said.

"Listen Kyuhyun, we're recruiting some new players and well, you guys seem to have an interest in basketball so how about it join our team." Siwon straightforwardly said.

"Nah." The shortest of the lot said back.

Siwons face quickly turned into a frown

"But wait, im sure we can work on something that'll make you consider joining our group." I said.

"We don't do comeptition." The shorter one said again.

I guess thats that then. "Please! Please! come on guys! Pleaaaaaaase." Siwon was on his knees begging, and seeing Siwon begging the juniors and freshmen got on their knee's too.

"Yo Siwon that doesn't look cool." Leeteuk said hitting Siwon to get back up. But he didnt budge, and the four looked at him first thinking that he was insane but then felt sorry for him.

"Listen you don't have to join straight away you could just come to practice and meetups and see if they suit you."

He hesisitated for awhile and i was prepared to hear no. "Okay fine. But don't think we're part of the team now, im Ryeowook" he said and Siwon crawled up to his feet and started kissing it.

"Man! Siwon get up!" 

So altogether we had 11 members now, our next game was next week so we had no time to be fooling about.

"Theres an open game right now, Saewon elite academy against Yewon High." Soo said.

So in an attempt to learn our opponents we went to spectate the game.


There were 26 teams all together competing, like every year. But every year either S.E.A or YG Academy would win. Some teams would just drop out instead of competing against the two in order to avoid humiliation.

We watched the teams play it was 54:12 to S.E.A right now, Yewon High had no chance on catching up at this point. I looked over at Siwon and he was closely watching Tyler, his jaws tightened whenever Tyler scored. He must really hate that guy.  

Although i didn't really have anything against Tyler, why does it feel like he'll do something to make me hate him as much as Siwon does. I guess a friends enemy is an enemy of mine too.

The game came to an end and S.E.A won 68:22, they basically tripled Yewon Highs score.

I eyed Tyler, i watched him as the two teams shaked hands after the game. He walked over to what appeared to be Yewon Highs team captain and whispered in his ear. My eyes were stuck on the scene, seconds later Yewons team captain had turned red and tried to attack Tyler but luckily his teammates were holding him back. It was disturbing how Tyler can smirk at him but once turned around can put on a fake innocent face.

He walked back to the rest of his team and a long light brown haired girl ran to him from the benches checking to see if he was alright, im assuming that it was his grilfriend. What girl could love that ?

It suddenly hit me who that girl could be.

Her light brown hair seemed too familiar.

"Omo Yuri." Soo said "Isn't that"

Jessica Jung.

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lei0606 #1
Chapter 7: more YulSic moments please~
youngyul #2
Chapter 7: thank you for updating authornimmmm..... i'm waitinggggg
Chapter 5: Yulsic!!Now I'm really curious what happened to them.
Welcome back to you. :DD
lei0606 #4
Update please~
mascott #5
Chapter 3: Update soon please.
youngyul #6
Chapter 2: authornim... update pleaseee... i really really like ur story.. hwaiting!:)
cooljags #7
Chapter 3: Omggggg i knew it Sica will be wid Tyler..anyway can't wait for yusic to meeettttt...wanna se Sica's reaction excited for rhe next update
cooljags #8
glorya #9
Chapter 2: update soon