Orchid Heart

Memory Lane

Taehyung pressed a hand down his torso, flattening the already crisp dress shirt and adjusting his tie of which he struggled to adorn in the first place until Jimin helped him. Looking down, he caught his reflection in the shine of his polished dress shoes. The last time he wore this much luxurious branded clothing was at the previous date he had with you, the only occasion he would ever willingly dress up.

it was another one of your infamous dates : Taehyung visiting you, telling you about his days and the moments in his life when he wasn't with you or by his side. You two would meet at the usual spot but Taehyung wouldn't deem it complete without flowers.

The familiar ding of the bell sounded as Taehyung enetered the quaint flower shop, the waft of lillies and hydrangeas crowding around him upon entrance. The shop owner greeted the boy with a light smile, already knowing what he would purchase given how many times he frequented the establishment which was almost weekly.

Exiting, Taehyung closed his eyes, reveling in the smell of the pale orchid in his hand. You were always a er for a single flower instead of a multitude. 

Along his way, Taehyung strolled past a cafe unnecessarily blasting music that really didn't suit the atmosphere of a coffee shop. The upbeat tune of the girl group's summer single played, reaching he who was standing rimrod straight. A faint smile played at his lips as he reminisced in a sudden memory that ran through his mind. Of course, it was about you.

"YAH! Come here!" Taehyung screamed at an inhumane decibel with a grin on his face as he chased you into the living room.

Laughing like a maniac, you rounded the coffee table and held onto your phone for dear life, which was the reason he was following you after to begin with. Taehyung was livid and manic all at once, chuckling at the game you two were playing at. 

"Next time, lock the door!" You shouted at him with a teasing smirk while springting to the kitchen even though he was right on your heel.

"Next time, knock!" He retorted just when his fingers were centimeters from catching you by the waist.

The island counter being the only thing separating you from him, you pressed play on your phone. Within seconds, the screen displayed Taehyung in all his glory: shirtless, clad in boxers, dancing to a well renowned song, screaming the lyrics with such ferocity and passion. Of course, you had to record him in the moment yet your giggling fit gave you away, rendering an embarrassed and shirtless Taehyung running aftery you around the house.

"Got you!" Taehyung cried out as he looped an arm around your body, spinning the giggling mess that you were into his embrace. He felt a ticklish sensation run down his spine as you laughed into his skin, your lips grazing his collarbones.

"Give me your phone," he prompted in all seriousness yet his smirk said otherwise. You felt his finger twirl a piece of your hair ever so sneakily.

"No," you coyly responded into his skin, making sure he felt the vibration of your voice run through his body. "I'm going to use it for blackmail."

"YAH!" He voiced, reducing both of you into a chain of endless laughter and tight hugs in the middle of the kitchen.

The memory seeped and reverberated throughout Taehyung's thoughts. The smile permeated his expression, lifting the corner of his lips and adding a slight twinkle to his eye. 

He continued down his path which would eventually lead to you yet his natural impatience made the distance stretch out longer than it actually was.

Taehyung walked past the city park he often frequented even up til now yet he hadn't played there in a while as he would never go unless you were with him. So the sight of the park filled a void of need in his chest he never knew he possessed. Playing in the, kids in colorful outfits and different levels of craziness giggled mercilessly as they played with a bottle of bubbles. Spheres of iridescent light blew through the park as some attempted to catch them with their tiny hands or even their mouths.

The scene sent Taehyung back through his memories again, remembering a treasured one where you and him had a messy encounter with bubbles yourselves. 

"What happened?!" You shouted at the sudden mayhem ensuing before your eyes.

"Help me!" Taehyung pleaded frantically as he scooped the stampede of foam and bubbles washing onto the kitchen floor.

Your eyes widened at the kitchen that once was but was now flooded with water and heaps of soap and bubbles. A heaven or hell however you wanted to see it. Either way, Taehyung looked desperate and lost as he was slowly being swallowed up by a tower of bubbles seeping from the dishwasher.

You should have been mad; you should have been extremely livid and antsy to save the kitchen. But you reacted completely different from how Taehyung expected. His jaw dropped when you fell into a fit of laughter before joiingin in the flurry of bubbles, squealing at the feeling of bubbly froth on your skin.

"Yah! This is serious! Stop playing!" Taehyung voiced but was readily ignored as you blew bubbles at his face.

So Taehyung added laundry detergent instead of dishwasher soap; so he forgot to properly close and lock the latch; so he created a kitchen of lemon scented bubbles. Why be mad, you thought, when you two could this this chance to just play and be children again?

"Come here," he articulated just above a sultry whisper, embracing you into his little coat of bubbles.

Uncontrollable laughter, cloathes soakced to the bone, kitchen technically cleaned and polished yet drenched in detergent, you and Taehyung made an adventure out of your mistakes- his mistakes, technically.

That's what you two loved about each other: allowing each other to feel like children, free and loved at the same time, loving each other despite being immature more often than not. Even when you woke Taehyung up with a water gun, when Taehyung wouldn't let you pass by him to go to the bathroom until you declared how much you loved him, when you two tried to have a sensual bubble bath but ended up having a flooded bathroom as well, you two loved each other through the mess and antics. You two were made for each other even if you were both made into jagged edges.

Taehyung restrained the laugh in his throat, thinking about how truly wild you two were. He couldn't wait to ask if you remembered the bubble fiasco as vividly as he did.

Waiting at the crosswalk, he noticed a couple in front of him, wearing matching sweathers, proudly holding hands, swinging them to and fro. He found the sight of affection pleasing, reminding him of how he, himself, loved sharing to the world how you belonged to him, and he belonged to you.

"Hold my hand. We're going to cross the street soon," Taehyung said, one day, holding out his outstretched hand out to you.

"What am I? A child?" You scoffed although grinning afterwards.

"Well, you're as cute as one," He playfully cooed, lightly pinching your cheek to emphasize just how adorable you were.

"Stop," you chuckled, smacking his hand away. "You're such a child."

In the midst of bickering over something so petty and childish- as you were basically children yourselves- you two didn't notice you had chided each other through two stoplights indicating that you two could go but decided to stay rooted to your spot until one of you won the arguement. Bystanders genuinely thought the couple were seriously having a go at each other when in reality this was just another way of saying they loved each other.

There were times, however, where you two did have serious fights, taking verbal jabs at each other, trying to establish who was right. It reached points in your relationship so awful and harsh in nature that you two didn't talk for days at a time.

"It's been two days. How long do you two plan on ignoring each other?" Jimin approached his best friend who was moping and grumbling as he lifelessly switched through the various TV channels.

Taehyung had quickly turned into a sad soul harbored in an immoble body. Ever since he'd gotten into an argument with you, he'd forgotten all about his responsiblities as a human being like eating more than a half finished apple or maybe doing more than running his head under cold water for more than ten seconds. All the basic functions exited his thought processing as he welcomed sadness and self-criticism into his mind.

You two had gotten into a fight bout... wow, Taehyung couldn't even remember but he knew it was something petty and miniscule. You two hadn't spoken to each other nor seen each other since then save for the accidental brushings past each other in the hallway or in the bedroom. Whoever's fault it was, Taehyung just wanted you back, not just your physical being but your actual presence.

He saw the world in all its vibrance, playing as a background while you were the main star, radiating bold colors and glimmering hues whenevery you were around him. Without you, the world dulled and greyed even more in comparison.

"Taehyung," Jimin pulled his friend out of his sad trance, waving a hand in front of his face. Frowning, he tried advising the boy on what to do. "Why don't you just apologize to her?"

Taehyung shook his head with a sad, bitter smile. "She doesn't want to talk to me. It's all my fault."

"How do you know that? She's probably thinking you don't want to talk to her either. I'm sure she misses you too," Jimin tried alleviating some of Taehyung's sadness but made no budge.

For some strange reason, Taehyung instinctively found Jimin's words threatening and a little worrisome in which his jaw somewhat tightened. "Do you think you know more than I do? No, you don't. So why don't you mind your own business?" He snapped without hesitation.

Jimin knew not to react as this was just Taehyung being aggressively callous especially when it came to someone telling him how to handle his relationship. Still, Jimin knew not to let it get to him and continue in helping his friend.

"No, I don't know more than you do but I know a few things about you two that you seem to forget."

Taehyung quirked a challenging eyebrow at his friend standing before him. 

Jimin started out by saying your name, establishing some ground in the conversation. "I know you love them with every fiber of your being. I know you look at them as if they're the reason the sun rises and sets, why the moon casts light at night. You look at them and treat them the way God would have wanted you to. Whenever you miss them, anyone can tell because it's like they're the ocean and all you want to do is sink to the bottom.

"And I know how they feel about you too, Kim Taehyung. They wouldn't trade you or your love for the whole universe. If they had to pick between having immortal life without you or a day in your arms, they would even pick you even if it was just for a second. That's how much you're loved. If they had to exchange your happiness for crying, they would shed tears for a thousand years plus one. Don't take what you two share for granted."

Taehyung felt something unsettling in the pit of his stomach. Was it guilt? Was it anger? He didn't know, but he knew for sure Jimin was right which was a fun thing to think about. 

Suddenly, the sound of a doorknob rattling and keys jingling entered the scene. The two instinctively turned to the front door. It was Jimin's cue to exit the room so they could have their privacy. 

When you crossed the threshold and entered the room, you were suddenly cast under a shadow and someone's presence. Taehyung was extremely close in proximity to you, closer than he's usually been in the past few days.

"Taehyung. Wha-" Before you could complete your question, he grabbed your hand and quickly pulled you up the stairs, unaware of how he made you drop all the things in your hand onto the floor. Your eyes widened at his ghostly pace, practically flying past the walls as he pulled you two into your bedroom. 

As soon as Taehyung shut the door close behind you two, he didn't hesitate to pull you into a tight embrace. Your heart went haywire, beating rapidly and viciously, almost as if it was trying to beat out of your chest. What the hell was going on? 

Taehyung held onto you as if it was for dear life. You heard him start whispering, repeating words into your hair: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

That's when you felt a slight eruption in your chest, heat rise to your eyes as tears welled up and your emotions exploded like fireworks in your system. 

Your hands gripped the back of his sweater, clinging onto him with such need and force that it was nearly beyond your control. All you could say back was a measly, "It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." Yet that was all Taehyung needed to now know you two were going to be okay.

"Don't ever let me not talk to you again, Kim Taehyung," you threatened as you pressed your face into his chest, taking in the smell of detergent and cinammon.

"I wouldn't let it happen even if someone paid me a fortune."

"Really? Cause... I think I would," you tried lightening up the mood with a slight chuckle, laughing harder when Taehyung pulled away by a fraction and gave you a look.


"I'm just kidding. I love you too much to do that to you, you child." Promptly, you affectionately pinched his nose, making his eyes crinkle in admiration.

That was when you both asked God what they hell they did so well in their past lives to ever cross paths and end up in each other's arms.

Taehyung rounded the corner; the streets were becoming quieter and more familiar as he'd always used this route. It was the fastest way to see you. His finger lazily touched each post in the iron wrought fence surrounding the grass beside him. He ignored how his palms were getting sweaty, showing how nervous and anxious he was to see you again. Instinctively, he adjusted his tie again, making sure he looked adequate before your eyes. He found the entrance of the tall gate, saluting the guard at the kiosk before passing through. He recognized the familiar fragrance of freshly cut grass watered down along with a plethora of flowers of various meanings and prophecies.

The minutes seemed dragged and stretched even though it would only take another thirty seconds to finally see you. He passed acres of grass, following a strict but looping path before stopping at the foot of the hill. Looking up, the top was where he knew you would be. He could see the oak tree looming over the whole area. You always loved the shade so you were always there before him anyways. He huffed before he used his energy to run up the hill. Finally he reached the top and that's when he saw you and his breath hitched and his chest felt weighed down.

The last time he'd visited you, your stone wasn't covered in dust or pollen, the flowers he left for you wasn't wilting or lacking petals. At the very least, the shade of the oak tree cast over your stone, giving you some relief. Taehyung bent down to his knees just in front of the stone, using a free hand to wipe the surface of the dust. That way, he could read the date you were born and the date you had left this earth but more importantly, the words carved into the stone: I'll love you to ruins. Even after death, you still wanted to be a little ironic much to Taehyung's chagrin.

In an instant, a heavy breeze blew past Taehyung, making him lose his balance and fall onto his bottom onto the soft grass, planting him there so he didn't think about leaving.

It had been a year since you passed. Though he seemed fine from an outside perspective, he could barely cope. 365 days later, nearly everyone in Taehyung's life knew he cried himself to sleep because at least the tears kept him company when your presence couldn't fill the other side of the bed. He'd gotten better though if he had to admit to himself. The first few months after your leave, Taehyung was nowhere to be found in the morning; it was Jimin who was the first to find him sleeping next to your gravestone, in which followed a pattern of him having to wake up early in the morning to pick the mess that was Taehyung before he got in trouble with the groundskeeper. 

But he'd gotten better. He stopped sleeping through the cold under the sad oak tree and next to your colder stone. He'd moved from sleeping on the couch to accepting sleeping along in your once shared bed. He didn't need to cry himself to sleep but he still cried. Every week he took time out of his life to spend it with you, telling you about his days, how Jimin would visit him more in your shared house and have dinner and just talk about life, how Jungkook helped you pack your things into boxes and clean any excess in your home that would trigger him, how Yoongi and Namjoon were always offering a shoulder for him to cry on, how the owner of the flower shop tried to sneakily discount the orchids he bought even though he figured it out. He told you everything because deep down, somehow you were always listening.

Taehyung closed his eyes for a second, letting the breeze take his conscience for just a second as he spoke.

"It's me again. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, I hope you're happy. I hope you still love me because I still do too. I love you and I'm going to love you until, I, too, am resting by your side once again. For now, I'll just be here, living for you."

Taehyung smiled at your tomb stone as the breeze picked up the weak branches of the oak tree above swiftly. Finally, Taehyung replaced the dead orchid with the fresh one he had bought today, scooting it just by where your name was so you would be able to smell it until the next time he would return.

Orchids, Taehyung knew, were your favorite flowers, not because of the color or the scent but because of it's universal meaning: I will always love you.

And like you, Taehyung felt the same way as he closed his eyes and thought of you.

[the end]









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JongByung #3
I love fluff, I love angst... So when I read this story; I love it!!! I'm touched by it!!!
emmetropia #4
Chapter 1: IT'S 4AM IN THE MORNING AND I HAVE SCHOOL IN 3 HOURS. YOU BROKE MY FRIGGIN FEELS. I had no problem with it being long though, I didn't even notice it approaching the end until I reached the A/n. That was so beautiful T-T