At the Park

The Other Side

We just kept on walking though not side by side. She preferred it much if I was ahead. Weird girl she is. Even though I can't see her, I could feel her stare pierce me from the back. 


"Where are we going?" I stopped and asked. She just stared at me before stating a reply.


"I don't know. Where do you want to go?"


"I don't know either," I said. She raised her eyebrow and shrugged.


"Well, let's just continue walking to the bus stop."


I stopped on my tracks and she did too. I was now facing her and she was looking at me.


"I know where to go," I said and grabbed her by the hand. We started running like crazy and she didn't even complain to the slightest bit.


"Jungkook-ssi, I didn't know you were some kind of evil," she said while we were running through some alleyway.


We continued running until we went out of another side of the street and another and another. We stopped at a park. She wasn't very happy with it.


"A park? Really dude?"


I just shrugged and she gave a light laugh. We bought ice cream and sat at the swing set. There were still a couple of children playing. Minjung was slightly fascinated and played with a couple of them when they went to our side.


"So, Jungkook," she said when she finally sat down at the swing again. 


"What?" I asked.


"Aren't we gonna talk or something?"


"What do you want to talk about?"


"What do you want to talk about?" she repeated after me.


"Well, what section are you from?"


"Seriously dude?" she said mockingly at me and my question. "II-A"


My jaw dropped when I heard her section. She just laughed at my reaction.


"You know that I could tweak the truth to a stranger, right?"


"Seriously where are you from?"


"Mars." she said flatly.


"Have you been hanging out with Taehyung? That guy's a total alien," I joked. I don't even know if she knows him, but yeah I just randomly said it out.


She laughed a little,"Probably."


"You know Taehyung?" I asked.


"Well duh, why not?"


"I don't know, because I've never seen you anywhere that he could be which is right next to our squad."


"Maybe you haven't looked enough," she said. It struck me like a stab at the heart. "And you haven't looked into your friend that much. You see he's in our band and he pretty much sings there. That's how I became an alien. The vibes are just radiating off of him," she continued. She laughed and I joined in, but I still feel terrible.


"Oh right, I forgot that we have our own lives," I said.


She just shrugged and smiled. She looked up the sky contemplating more thoughts. 


She then looked at me and said, "You should join our band or at least until the festival is over."


"Are you guys really that desperate?" I blurted out of a sudden.


She smiled and said, "You could say that."


"I'd join your band," I said, "on one condition."


"And there goes the catch. Shoot."


"Sing for me."


"Dude you've got to be kidding me. I already did when I was at the bus and you were practically creeping me out. Well I'm sorry, but it's true. Like seriously, I thought 'Who the hell is this dude?'"


I scratched my head and thought of something else. Hearing this now and how straightforward she said it made me rethink of my doings and yeah it's really creepy. Suddenly an idea pops up into my mind.


"Why don't you write me a song?" I said.


"Great idea. I'd love that. I love writing songs and all that stuff so yeah. But this is just the surface of everything else. It holds deeper meaning to me and no, I don't have family issues, thank you."


"Wow. You really love it that much, huh?"


She just nodded and looked at the kids slowly walking home with their guardian. "You know the one thing that I really hate but really love to do?"




"Being sarcastic."


It took me a little while longer to get what she meant by that. I really had to work hard in realizing that because the awkward silence game is too strong. "So you don't really want me to write a song for you. Is that it?" I asked then she immediately answered, "Exactly." That's a shame. A song could've been very special. I guess I'm not that important anyway.


"I'll sing for you. Soon. Just wait for it. I'll sing to you the lamest song you'll ever hear that you're gonna want to not listen to me anymore."


"Do try, but I'm not gonna buy it," I said. We both got off the swing when the caretaker of the park started dimming the lights as a sign that it's closing time.


We started walking the path that leads to the bus stop. By then I asked her another question, "Why do you want to join the festival that bad?"


She went silent for a few seconds as if thinking for a better answer. "Because I want to win the big golden trophy of a guitar on that freaking table so bad," she said.


"Alien Taehyung alert. Alien Taehyung alert."


She just shook her head at me. It's starting to become a habit moving her head sidewards even upwards. "Sorry not sorry. If you went there, you'd want it real bad too." 


"Oh yeah, how bad?" I stopped for a bit so I could catch up to her.


"People care about the money and the fame and the recording contract and the fame and the girls and the boys and the money and the fame, but I want the trophy cause I'd be more proud of myself that way. Like dude it's the best memory you'd get out of a contest and everything else follows."


"You do have a point. Usually when I ask Taehyung about something, it leads to more questions rather than real answers. So I take it that you're just half an alien."


She just shook her head and laughed at my silly comment. We continued walking like what we did earlier. She was resting her head on the guitar on her back. The exhaustion from today's work really drained out everyone's energy. I wanted to hold her hand to- I don't know- make her feel relaxed? But I don't think that I'm allowed to after my crude attempt earlier today. Should I take the risk?

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Lol sorry masabaw nakakabad-trip lels XD


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Chapter 8: Well someone loves jumping to conclusion and being an now, doesn't he?
iluvberrytart #2
Chapter 7: I love minjung's character because she is not a hopeless damsel in distress that falls in love with the male lead instantly. She has a very interesting personality and also not a total badass that tries to look or act all tough. Love where this story is going and looking forward to the next update!!!!!