Chapter 6

School, Love and Dance

Jung Kook's P.O.V

I was talking to Tae Hyung and Ji Min when Ji Young came. Her face was pale and her eyes were wide with panic. She looked as though she was on the verge of tears.

"I got seperated from Song Yi! I... I can't find her!" Ji Young exclaimed. That was terrible. I might not like Song Yi but no one should be alone and lost. 

"Jung Kook, Ji Young, Tae Hyung and I will search for Song Yi. Ji Min and Mi Sook, stay and look after the camp," Miss Li ordered. We all nodded our heads. Ji Young and I looked for her together at one part of the forest while Miss Li and Tae Hyung looked for her at the other part of the forest. I was faster than Ji Young so I was slightly ahead of her.

"Song Yi! Where are you?" I yelled, running as I did so. Just then, I spotted Song Yi.  I ran towards her.

"Song Yi!" I said, relieved to find her. Upon seeing me, her eyes filled with tears. Without warning, she threw her arms around me. A feeling came over me when she did that. What was it?

"I was so scared... I thought you guys won't find me and I would remain stranded here," she sobbed. Not knowing what to do, I gently patted her to comfort her.

We stayed like that for a while until Song Yi realised she was hugging me. She quickly let go of me, blushing slightly.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to hug you so suddenly," she apologised.

"It's alright," I replied. Just then, Ji Young caught up to us.

"There you are! I was so worried about you!" Ji Young exclaimed, hugging Song Yi.

"Come on, let's head back to the camp site," I told them. Together, we made our way back to the camp site.

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