
Daesung Drabble~ "I Win!"

"Do not pass go, do not collect two-hundred dollars." Daesung read out loud to me. "Oh come on!" I threw my hands in the air, only joking of course, I'm not really a sore loser. "Anddddd........ doubles!!!" he picked up the racecar to move ahead ten spaces. I reached for the dice, but he swatted my had away. "I got doubles, remember?" He said in a "I thought it was obvious" tone.

"Your turn~!" He eye-smiled back at me. This guy..  "1..2..3...4..5, 6." I counted at an unsteady pace.  "Aish~" Daesung observed the board. "What?" I nervously asked. "You landed on Park Place... I own Park Place. You don't have enough to pay me." He clearly stated. "B-but... that means........."

"YOU LOSE!!!!!!!!" Daesung screamed, jumping up to do a celebratory dance. "I don't care, this is a kids game anyway!" I'm only being honest, if I took it seriously, I TOTALLY could've taken him. "I CHALLENGE YOU TO COOKING MAMA!"

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"You can still back out if you're, you know... Chicken." He teased me. I held my Wii remote tighter, looking through the list of things to cook.

I gave Daesung the look of a warrior preparing for battle. "Steamed Pork Buns." He replied with one short nod.

We can just skip ahead now, I obviously won in the end. "I win, I win, I win, I win!!!" I jumped up and down at a ridiculous speed. "Okay, last game settles it!" Daesung said in a matter-of-fact voice.

Daesung: O________O .....

Me: O________O .....

"YOU BLINKED!!" We yelled at the same time.

Aish...... (-_-;)

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