ㅤKISMET / affrp ↪ take a glance, give us a chance? ⋆



the philosophy.
stay true to yourself. believe in yourself and you can make a difference.  
↘ maybe this is a hit-and-run, a total failure or a complete success. maybe kismet will be success and have a dramatic decline, fail to start up or immediately rise to fame but who knows? hence the name, kismet — let destiny takes its course. successful or not,  maybe kismet will stick around for a bit just for the heck of it.    
↘ now, a lot of you reading this have probably roleplayed for a long time. maybe some of you are new. i could honestly care less about your roleplaying experience, all i care about is you being you. you can be your idol and yourself at the same time. in the end, people don't create bonds through the idol's personality but yours and in my opinion, that's how true bonds form. we're not all going to get along, some of us are going to love each other and some people will hate each other. some people are going to put their trust in someone and some people will betray that trust. some people will try too hard, others will try to hard. we're not going to be perfect together, we may not even be a familiar and i don't expect us to be but what i do believe is we're going to make at least one friend, meet new people and learn things we never knew. we may not be a family even if we want to be one but we will be friends and create bonds with one or two, maybe more people. now, it's up to you to decide whether or not you want to join. choose your fate.
about me.
i don't know what to say. what do you what to know about me?
drop a question?
ask anything from ooc questions to roleplay questions, whatever keeps ya'll entertained feel free to do so. i don't mind what kind of question you drop as long as you keep in mind that the attitude you get may not be the best. i'm not going to pretend to be the nicest admin, i'm not the nicest person. i want to be a genuine and real admin therefore i'm going to be myself. so drop your question with that in mind. click.
just because you don't like me, doesn't mean you should hate the face because whoever i am is most likely a million times better than i am, talent and personality wise. 
/ + drop us a comment and let us know what you?


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i really like that idea of being yourself and genuine. its refreshing to hear rps preach about being happy with themselves while roleplaying over trying to get along and be a big happy family. it makes more sense for people express themselves than care about being a family. when roleplays look family like, i try so hard to fit in and idk, the objective of being myself instead of trying to creative a happy family appeals to me. wow, i'm confusing myself so stopping here and good luck with the rp! :) you got yourself one rper. except i need to brainstorm who to be now ; ; <|3