Chapter 4

Gayageum and Guitar

Lee Gyu Won grabbed a water from the vending machine before walking to the bus stop. She sat at the bench. She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. Gyu Won had so much on her plate. Not only the gayageum competition this upcoming weekend, but a dance competition in a few weeks, as well as the audition tonight, practicing her instruments, and studying. But, she was sure she could manage. If she became a star one day, she would have to cope with even more.

It was nearing dinner time when Gyu Won finally reached her home. Peering in the door, she loudly said, "Halabeoji, I'm home!"

"Yah, Lee Gyu Won, get in here and make me some dinner!" her grandfather yelled. He shuffled away muttering about disrespect and young people. 

Gyu Won bowed respectfully and rushed to cook some dinner. 

As they sat at the table eating, Gyu Won said, "Halabeoji, tonight I'm going out to a club with some friends, okay?"


"Thank you." Gyu Won murmured before she rushed off to her room to grab a change of clothes for at Catharsis. Looking down at her two guitar cases, she decided to be safe and just grab both of them. Even though, she was probably just going to use the electric, but just in case. 

She put her change of clothes in her bag, and snuck out the back way so her grandfather wouldn't see her guitars. She grinned as she walked briskly down the road. Tonight was the night.




At the club, Lee Shin and his bandmates were all ready to go. "Come on! Where is this girl?" Lee Shin muttered darkly.

"Oh, so it's a girl?" Junha  asked. "Wonder if she's good-looking..."

"She's not." Shin said shortly. "I don't think she can even play guitar. We're going to have to try something else."

"Well, I'm hungry." Joon Hee complained.

The boys hadn't noticed Gyu Won slip in and go into one of the bathrooms.

She came out a few minutes later, her guitar on her back. She was wearing black skinny jeans with boots, paired with a bright red shirt and a black jacket. She was wearing bright red lipstick, with a little mascara and eyeliner. Her hair was slightly curled and she had given herself a bright red highlight for the occasion. In other words, she looked like a complete rocker. 

"Ahem," she humphed impatiently from behind the boys. They quickly turned and gaped at her. Shin's jaw almost dropped to the ground. Was this really Lee Gyu Won?

"Unni!" Joon Hee said excited.

"Hey," Gyu Won said, smiling slightly. Shin closed his mouth and looked between the two. They knew each other?

"Whoooo, you must be blind, Shin-a," Junha said admiringly.

"Yes, I would say he is," Gyu Won said giving him a cold look.

"Well then, um, what are you going to play?" Shin asked, quickly attempting to regain his composure.

"The Battle of Life." she said shortly. "I'll only need the drummer and bassist for this, you can stay back here." 

Shin gave her a strange look. "Fine." She was probably a fake anyway. "Go on up there." 

Gyu Won nodded once and confidently walked on stage, settling into Shin's spot in the center. Joon Hee and Junha settled into their spots, and Gyu Won began.

Everyone was blown away at her talent. She played every note perfectly, not missing a single one. Even when it came to the very quick of the song. She ignored everything, focusing solely on her guitar. But she was perfectly in sync with the drummer and the bassist. When the song was finished, she looked up and smiled slowly and mysteriously at the crowd, who burst into applause. Well, at least the guys. All the girls sat stunned in their seats, extremely jealous of Gyu Won, even though most of them didn't recognize her from school. 

Walking backstage, she confronted Lee Shin. "Well, how was that?" she asked, smirking.

"That was, okay." Shin said, trying to seem nonchalant. 

"Okay? She was fantastic!" Junha exclaimed, slinging an arm around Gyu Won's shoulders. "You're in the band, sweetheart."

"Hmmmm. Don't touch me," she said, swinging out from under his arm. "And thank you."

"Yay! Unni!" Joon Hee said, hugging her.

"What? You let him touch you!" Junha whined. Gyu Won simply smirked, and wrapped her arms around Joon Hee, smiling.

"Wait! Why is this all being done without my opinion?" Shin said, irritated.

" 'Cause we don't care, hyung, since you're gonna say no," Joon Hee said, letting go of Gyu Won.

"Fine. You're in the band." 

Gyu Won simply nodded. Joon Hee exclaimed excited, "Let's go have some meat! As a band celebration!" 

"Sure." Gyu Won said coolly. Subtly, she grabbed Joon Hee's hand. "Let's go. I have to go put my guitar away." Joon Hee nodded and smiled. Gyu Won turned back for an instant to smirk at Junha and Lee Shin, before turning back to Joon Hee. "So, your name is Joon Hee?" she asked.

Junha shook his head. "That girl sure is something," he said smiling.

Shin nodded. He was confused. Why was he so jealous of Joon Hee?




All done.


Thinking of posting two chapters today, since I don't have anything to do...

Well, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

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Just so you know, on my blog I'm going to start posting BETTER lyrics to korean songs, so if you need anything translated, just ask me!!!


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Starligthangelcnblue #1
Chapter 15: please update soon i cant wait please i beg you keep going with the story please yongshin shipper figthing saranghe
2heartstrings #2
Chapter 15: Pleas keep goinggggg
JiHoosgirl #3
Chapter 15: Please Update Author-nim!!
Chapter 15: Is it completed?
imanda #5
Chapter 15: please continue your story, really I love this story..
please continue this author
cheryizumi #7
Chapter 15: lee shin got jelousy! i hope gyu won feel guilty for that.. and start to love lee shin! :)
Villary #8
Lee shin is I think this event is good as it will make guy won realize that actually she loves him.....thanks authornim for the update that we are waiting for...keep ur amazing story coming....^^
Aww. Yong Hwa is jealous. I hope Shin Hye will be able to answer him soon...with a positive response of course! We'll be patiently waiting for your update. :)
Villary #10
I will be counting down day by day looking at the calendar....looking for the day u will update heartbreaking to see our princess sad...authornim,Please heal her wound with lee shin's love^^