That Autumn Night with Him

That Autumn Night with Him

  It's the season of autumn/fall. On that windy night, we held hands while walking down one of those pathways you would see in the park. It was cold but his hand gave me warmth and security. There maybe occasional silence between us but during those moments, we would happen to look up and just coincidentally look into each other's eyes. We would then smile at each other in bliss. Subsequently, we made our way to a sloping grass patch up ahead of us and sat down right beside each other with his right arm over me. We were enjoying the night breeze gently blowing against us, then he asked, "Did you enjoy tonight's dinner?"

  I replied, "Of course! Haha~". I couldn't help but smile bashfully at him right after replying him.

  "Aw come on we've known each other for quite sometime already I that good-looking and gorgeous that you have to keep smiling like a fool whenever you look at me," he asked playfully at me.

  I decided not to reply and turned away from him. I then move slightly away from him delibrately. "Hey don't you dare not reply me.." he said.

  I continued to move away from him. He played along and did not catch me into his arms at first. In the end, with one grip of his, I ended up in arms again, eye to eye with one another and faces were so close that we could felt each other's breath. Time seem to have stood still at that moment. My heart was beating so rapidly that I could hear it drumming in my ears. Before I knew, he stole a kiss from me in that split second and quickly look somewhere else and pretended as if nothing happened. I was stoned for literally a minute. 

  Seeing me being stoned there so adorably, he asked, " What? "

  By then, I already came to my senses and replied, "Nothing~ Oh and to reply your previous question Mr. Kim Jong In... I smile everytime I look at you because you're just that good-looking and handsome, happy? And I feel really happy and blissful whenever I'm with you..." My voice began to trail off while saying those last few words in my reply to him.

  Upon hearing those words, he sat upright and turned my body towards him, looked into my eyes and said seriously, "And I want you to know that I feel happy too whenever I'm with you. It's alright to feel this way because I feel the same way too sweetheart." Then, he gave me his signature smile that was brighter than anything else in the whole universe and pulled me into his embrace. 

 We spent the rest of the night gazing at the stars up above the sky. Before I knew, both my eyes were getting droopy, my eyelids were batting non-stop for the first few seconds but to only give in in the end to the sleepiness in my body and I fell into a deep slumber right in his embrace...




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