In The Future

In The Future

Some time in the future, the world changes. Fog starts to spread, the clouds thicken, rain turns into acid from all the toxic waste and the world goes quiet and dark. Don’t worry, the authorities say, but the rising death count makes the people worry regardless. In the end, rivers and lakes flood, the ocean takes over most of earth’s inhabitable space and only a few cities remain untouched. Big, heavy walls are built around them to ensure their safety, the people all learn to grow their own food and work for their own life; or well, those that survive do.

And then, when everything seems to have settled and past disasters have been adapted to, the real threat shows itself. Long, large, snake-like creatures coming from the depths of the ocean, slither onto the earth, going for the city walls or the mountains. Some are defeated eventually, some go back into the water, but some disappear without a trace. Frightened, the people reinforce their city walls - those that still remain at least. They build large aerodynamic domes over their cities and hide away in their new way of living for the next few generations. No one sees the sea monsters again, the water hardly even stirs.

Until a good five generations later the first shadow descends from the sky. A long, large, lizard-like creature with wings, spikes, a tail and paws, a forked tongue like the snakes of old and almost green-glowing orbs for eyes. The creature is instantly labelled a monster again. But then, when the second shadow descends over Pierval - green, shimmering and grotesquely beautiful - the people give these new creatures a real name: dragons.

Before long the skies are filled with their beautiful colours, the sun reflecting on their wide, strong wings, casts the first occasional few shimmers of light back onto earth. Where they live the clouds break, flowers grow once again and life slowly returns to the planet. The more of them fill the sky, the more the water pulls away from the city walls again. Earth becomes inhabitable once more, but those who try to leave the dome are faced with death from the hot blasts of fire the dragons unleash. The domes stay closed, but nature once against starts to grow in their midsts. Survival becomes easier, food no longer scarce and fresh water once again streams through the rivers.

Until one day, right outside Marlock walls, one of the beautiful creatures lands to never fly up again. The shimmering, lively scales turn to stone, its eyes close and nature starts to grow over it as it did over the ruins of the old cities The lilly flowers all wither that year and don’t grow back. No one sees the second one land, but the next year the willow trees are gone. Then the rhododendrons go, the pine trees, the butterflies,…

Eventually, in the eleventh year, the wheat dies. Panic rises, the people desperately try to figure out how this is all happening but no answers are found. Somewhere in the fifteenth year, Collonia opens its doors, albeit hesitantly, to a group of outsiders. It changes nothing about the city’s safety until a few days later, when the dragons suddenly start to attack the dome. Their heated breath doesn’t get through, but the message does; the newcomers need to be kicked back out or the dragons will destroy the world. The only problem is; suddenly no one remembers who or where they are.

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