Let's Talk About Love

Let's Talk About Us
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JiYong still slips into Seungri's bed at two in the morning when he can't sleep.

Seungri still relaxes into his arms and his insides still turn to putty at the thought of being able to stay like this forever.

It's always like this and Seungri has gotten ridiculously good at deluding himself.  But in the morning, when he wakes up to an empty bed or a stone cold leader, his worn out and tired heart collapses all over again.

But it's worth it. It's worth staying up until God knows when reassuring his hyung that he'll find someone someday, or that Kiko isn't going to leave him over something pitiful like that and that he'll always be here. It's worth holding him as he breaks down and loses all composure.

It's worth sitting through JiYong excitedly rambling about the pretty girl he had a date with and it's worth the pain he goes through as long as JiYong is okay.

It's all worth it because it's JiYong.


But he can't help but hate JiYong just a little bit. He can't help but hate him for not noticing how his heart jumps out his throat when their fingers brush or the way JiYong plays with his hair and doesn't know how happy it makes Seungri to know that JiYong, his JiYong cares. Even just a little.

And as JiYong's fingers lace themselves into his when he

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peggyw #1
Chapter 4: That ending quote is right up there with "don't worry about it". Well done though!
ThebombKat #2
Chapter 4: OMG why do you end all the chapters with ''he guess it's okay''?

TwT it's annoying and kind of uuhm..... making the story more addicting
meg_vvip #3
Chapter 4: What the effff was that jiyong..you're into self denial.thanks for the update!
Chapter 4: Ji is a jerk and panda is a block head for allowing ji to do that to him
soleyjun #5
Chapter 4: this is so intense, poor Seungri, on the other side Ji is lying himself!
greeen-tea #6
Chapter 4: jiyong jahat ;(
SeungriHasMyHeart #7
Chapter 3: I wanna hug Ri and kick Ji so bad. >.> I wish Ji would move on and leave Ri behind and then Ri gets happy and Jiyong regrets leaving him. >.> Hahaha. I'm a GRi shipper but I get carried away by fics. xD You really write well. Please write more. <3