Chapter 1

It's Come To This
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I paced back and forth on the tiled bathroom floor waiting as time went by. I kept taking small glances at the white stick placed by the sink.

I rinsed my face with cold water to calm my nerves but no such luck came.

Lately I haven't been getting much sleep at all. It felt like I had insomnia but I did wake every time I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep. My boyfriend Namjoon slept like a bear but I couldn't. Things haven't been working out very well with us either.

When he came home late than usual, he mentioned that it was work problems. It started to become a schedule and he'd be home at around three in the morning. I would wait for him until he came home but I ended up being greeted by a drunk pissed Namjoon telling me to leave him alone and that he was with his friends. Later, I didn't even bother to wait for him to come home and just headed straight to bed. He would come home reeking of alcohol and mixed with a sweet perfume scent.

He use to kiss me before he got in bed but now, he just slides in bed facing his back towards me not saying a word.

At one point, I almost did question him why he smelled so sweet and he said that I was just sniffing things and that I needed to mind my own business.

When I saw those two lines I didn't want to see, I was loss for words. I couldn't even think clearly but knowing that I have a tiny little human being inside me now. I sat on the floor wrapping my arms around my knees rocking back and forth. Tears streamed down my face tasting the saltiness that landed on my mouth.

I heard the door from the main entrance of the house open and close. He was home early today.

I got up sliding the stick right between the band of my pants and underwear. I didn't want him to know just yet. I wasn't ready.

Walking into the kitchen, Namjoon looks up from the mail that I brought not too long ago from the post office placed on the countertop in the kitchen.

"Did I get any mail?" He mumbled.

I grabbed a glass of water passing right by him not answering him. I've never felt so nervous till now. I shook my head in response and headed to the bedroom.

He grabbed my wrist pulling me back into his chest. Surprisingly he didn't smell of alcohol, but I could smell the scent. A scent that wasn't mine nor his. He lifts my chin up with his two fingers as he smirked making me want to place a chaste kiss on his lips. His eyes seemed to be full with desire and I pulled away from knowing what he wanted.

"Whats up with you?" He said roughly.

I couldn't even speak feeling nothing but mixed of emotions.

"Go take a shower. You look like . Who the hell would want to have with you in that state?" He eyed me up and down in disgust.

I turned around trying to take in the words he said. Wanting to cuss him out, but the two words I tried to keep away from him slipped out of my mouth saying "I'm pregnant."

"Who did you sleep with?"

I couldn't even cooperate with him anymore. My heart felt like it was being ripped apart. How could even think that I was seeing someone else when he is the only one  Wanting to cry, I leave the apartment not wanting him see me cry. I felt the cold wind hit my face making me numb as I got outside.

Of course baby was namjoons but how could he say that so quick? It happened when I was home and decided to drink a bit. Namjoon came also as drunk as I was and we had careless . I don't even remember the just only waking up with him, both in bed. Not sure if he even remembers.

After a few hours being around the park, I headed back. I was glad I b

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AndreeaRea #1
Chapter 1: whoa, this is really harsh, and sad, and REAL 0____0