Wedding Preparations


I was feeling better each day as the wedding day drew closer. With Hoshi continually poking his head into my room whenever Woozi was with me and Woozi carefully watching over my every move, I was able to be up and running by the week of the wedding.

“Guys, I think we should choreograph something, just for fun?” I asked the SEVENTEEN members on Sunday, who had gathered in my living room at my request. Hoshi nodded.

“We were lucky enough to ask for a 2 week break from training. What song though?”

I stopped to think. “Did you guys have anything in mind?”

The room fell silent, thinking.

“Maybe do one of our songs?”

“Michael Jackson?”

“One from our mixtape.”

“We curse too much in our mixtape songs though, especially Vernon.”

“Not all of them have cursing.”

“There’s gonna be kids at the wedding?”

“Dino for example.”

“Okay, okay!” I hurriedly stopped them when I saw Dino’s reaction. “I liked the first idea, let’s do a SEVENTEEN song. Which one should we do?”


“Adore U!”

“No FUN!”


“You cursed in that one!”

“Wait!” Seungkwan stopped everyone’s ideas. “We should use a song that doesn’t have any choreography to it. Use the lyrics and dance out its story. What do you think Soonyeon?”

“I think it’s a great idea, which songs doesn’t have choreo to it though? Vocal units?”

“And LOTTO,” I heard Vernon mutter.

“So we’re left with either 20 or When I Grow Up,” I said, ignoring Vernon.

“When I Grow Up seems easier. 20 has a lot of lyrics that will be hard to explain through dancing,” Woozi reasoned and everyone agreed. I turned to Hoshi, who was already silently dancing out a routine.

“Let’s get to the studio then, it’ll be easier,” I said, steadying a vase that Hoshi’s elbow almost knocked over. I told my mom where we were going and we all paraded to the studio. Once we were settled in a circle, sitting comfortably, Woozi and Hoshi began discussing the lyrics. We would throw in our ideas after each line.

“So how would we do this? In groups per verse? Then we all come out for the last verse?”

“By units!”


“Let’s try it randomly?” I went with Dokyeom’s suggestion. “I want to be a part of each verse though, I won’t sit out on any.”

No one refused my request, just nodding instead.

“Let’s random-ize then!” Seungkwan yelled and everyone got up, freezing after a few moments.

“How?” they asked, turning to me. I paused to think.

A few minutes later, we were drawing numbers and names.

“I got the number 3… so 3 people then? Who?” Minghao picked out a number.

“It’ll be 4 including me so…” I passed the container to Woozi, who picked out a name, then passed it down to another member. They handed me 3 pieces of paper. “Seungcheol, Mingyu, and Seungkwan. And me.”

Woozi wrote down our names next to the verse. We went through the process until we were arranged, making sure we weren’t repeating any twice after each verse.

We started on the choreo, putting out ideas.

“The first line, how do we symbolize a ‘low-hanging sky’?” Hoshi looked at the lyrics. Woozi shrugged. “But aren’t you the one who wrote it?”

“Why don’t we do something like this?” I suggested, getting up to demonstrate. Starting with my hands in the air as gracefully as I could, like a ballerina, I slowly lowered them along with my head as I bent my knees. “Like the sky is closing in on us?”

“Two of us could be doing that while the other 2 look on?” Mingyu suggested.

“Seungcheol and Seungkwan can do the looking part,” Hoshi began moving us around. “For the thinking of you part, you can all do it, maybe tap your finger to your head and then spin out as the next group goes in.”

Seungkwan, Seungcheol, Mingyu, and I did the first part, me spinning on the spot as they spun away. Vernon, Jeonghan, and DK took their spots, looking clueless as they looked at Hoshi for instructions.

“For Jihoon’s part, put your hands together, make your fingers look like butterfly wings and put them over your heart, slide them over at the drifting across line. Jeonghan's first two lines, bend down one at a time in a horizontal line, getting up in the same order at the last one.”

We struggled a bit, Hoshi running around to make sure we were in the right order.

“Soonyeon, make your butterfly more graceful please? Bend down more Vernon. There we go.”

“How do we switch out after this verse then?” I asked.

“You can stay in your spot, the rest just try to exit as smoothly as possible when the other group dances in? Since Jihoon is in this group, he should be next to Soonyeon. Make clock hands with your arms and fingers, turn them clockwise first then go backwards.”

Hoshi continued to issue directions for the verse.

“Soonyeon, that’s not clockwise! Jihoon, you can stop caressing her cheek now. YA, I SAID CLOCKWISE!”

After perfecting our clockwise and counterclockwise moves, Hoshi stepped back, nodding in approval.

“Let’s do one more verse then head home, it’s getting late,” he said, checking his phone. He looked back at us. “Next is Jun, Minghao, Dino, and Soonyeon. After you guys switch in, start by stretching your arms up as high as you can go, to symbolize the growing up part. For the ‘everything will change part’, spread your arms out and twirl a few times. Then hold your head and fall back.”

After we completed the verse, we packed up, heading home.

“What time should we come back? In the afternoon?” Seungcheol asked Hoshi. I checked my schedule.

“I’ve got a dress fitting in the afternoon…”

“And we need to get our suits tailored as well. Let’s meet up bright and early tomorrow, 7AM sharp!” Hoshi said. Everyone groaned.

“You’ll wake me up right?” I complained.

“That’s my job as your brother anyway,” Hoshi said, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

-6:30AM next morning-

A shrill whistle sound rang in my ears. I covered them, accidently elbowing Woozi, who was next to me in the bed, in the process. I opened my eyes to find Hoshi wearing a sweatband, decked out in shorts and a white shirt. He saw my eyes open and bent down, whistling once more.

“OKAY I GET IT!” I yelled and he pointed at Woozi, who didn’t budge. I called Seungkwan up.

“Wake up Jihoon for me please?” I asked and put the phone on speaker. Seungkwan immediately began singing.

“YO LADIES~” he began singing loudly through the phone, I heard his voice crack and silently laughed. Woozi moved and grabbed the phone.

“So noisy,” he mumbled, hanging up on Seungkwan's mid-note. He continued sleeping. I got up, brushing my teeth and then going to wake up Woozi.

“Jihoon, wake up~” I shook him but he didn’t move. I laid down next to him and stared, poking at his nose. “Wooooooooozi.”

He didn’t answer me, grabbing me and holding me closer instead.

“Jihoon, we have to finish the choreo, get up,” I tried struggling out of his arms. He groaned, finally opening his eyes. “Morning.”

“Morning,” he mumbled, slowly getting up. I dragged him out of bed, waiting for him to finish brushing his teeth. I changed into one of his t-shirts and my favorite pair of leggings. He came out of the bathroom and grinned.

“You’ll wash that for me when you start sweating right?” he joked, pulling on a hoodie.

“Sure sure,” I laughed and we walked downstairs together. My mom and dad were already having their coffee. “You two are up early.”

“So are you guys, what are you up to?” my mom asked. Before I could reply, Hoshi pushed us out the door.

“We’ll see you guys later!” he yelled back at them and they waved at us. We walked to the studio.

“Why?” I asked Hoshi.

“Why not?” he replied back, looking relaxed.

“A surprise performance?” Woozi asked and Hoshi nodded.

“Even though the performance focuses on us, maybe it’ll help them jog some memories of their good times together. What they were like at our age.”

“That’s cute,” I said, imagining how my mom and dad would have looked when they were our age.

“I know right,” Hoshi said proudly.

“Don’t get too full of yourself.”

We reached the studio, where Jun and Minghao were already waiting.

“Morning,” we all greeted each other. Minghao held up bags. “We brought some bread for breakfast if you haven’t eaten yet.”

“Ooh, chocolate chip?” I dug around in the bag. Jun held it out to me. “Thanks!”

“And me?” Hoshi stared at my bread.

“There was another one somewhere, go look for it yourself,” Jun held the bag out to him. As the other members arrived, taking their choice of bread, I fed Woozi.

“What’s our next verse?” he asked Hoshi, his mouth full.

“We stopped on verse 5, I think,” he checked to make sure. “Wonwoo, Mingyu, Vernon, DK, Seungkwan, Jeonghan, Soonyeon, and I are in this one.”

After finishing up our breakfast, we started. Hoshi positioned us carefully, leaving me in the middle, the boys in a circle around me.

“For the line when I grow up, we’ll do the same thing, we start off on the ground then get up, 3 at a time, each group for each line. Then we’ll walk around Soonyeon, who will pretend to be dizzy according to the lyrics.”

The boys bent down on one knee, facing the mirror. I stood still, watching as they got up in sync and walked around me.

“How should I pretend to be dizzy Hosh?” I asked him and he stopped.

“You know how in the old days, ladies would put their hand up to their head and faint dramatically? Try that, but don’t faint or fall down. Then when Seungkwan's part is done, the lots of energy part, we get down in the same position we were in before, bending down, including Soonyeon.”

After mastering that part, Seungcheol, Woozi, Joshua, THE8, Jun, and Dino came out.

“This verse is the same as verse 2 so we’ll do the same thing. Did you guys forget it already?” Hoshi looked at them and they shook their heads.

“We’ve got good memories you know,” Dino said. We practiced a few times then Vernon, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jeonghan, Seungkwan, DK, Hoshi, and I did the same dance for the chorus part.

“Who’s going in for the bridge part?” Woozi asked. Hoshi pointed at me and Woozi.

“Both of you two. Set the mood and then we all come out.”

“But that verse has me in it too,” Seungkwan said. Hoshi ignored him.

“Okay, circle around each other first, slowly, go with the timing of the lines. Now you can uh… caress her cheek? Hold her hand. Ugh you guys make me sick.”

He pretended to gag as Woozi and I stared at each other lovingly.

“OKAY! Now we all enter the scene, singing together. Vernon, this may be your time to shine. Don’t mess it up.”

We ended up spending another hour on the singing part, which Woozi was very sensitive about. The vocal unit relaxed with me as Woozi ran around, helping the other units.

“Hansol, your tone is getting higher with each syllable, keep it at the same level please. Seungcheol, your monotone is making me very sad. Wonwoo, keep working on it, I know you started as a singer. Mingyu. What are you doing? Stop sneezing. Hoshi, your tone is okay, same with Dino. Jun and Minghao, I can see you lip-syncing, stop it.”

After perfecting everyone’s singing, Woozi nodded in approval.

“Let’s run through this one more time. We have to get going soon.”

We sang in perfect harmony although Seungkwan's voice crack made everyone laugh. After finishing up, we went home, where a limo would come to pick us all up for the fitting. I changed into an easy to slip on and off dress, making sure the sleeves weren’t uneven before stepping out of my room. The boys were dressed nicely when I got into the limo.

“Your parents left first, they said to meet them there, then we’re going out for lunch with the Woo family later,” Hoshi checked his texts.

“Ugh, all of us?” Seungcheol asked and he nodded.

“Reserved a table for 20 I heard.”

“That’s gonna be a huge table,” Seungkwan commented.

“At least we’re dress properly. Kinda,” I added, looking around at their outfits. We reached the shop where we would be doing the fitting and hopped out of the limo. We walked in, where Jaehyun was talking with my parents.

“Hey everyone. Ready for the fittings? It’s just to make sure you haven’t grown within the past week or so,” Jaehyun led us to dressing rooms, where we changed into our wedding outfits. As the ladies helped me into my dress, I heard shouting from outside.

“KWON SOONYOUNG THAT’S MY SUIT ISN’T IT?” I heard Seungcheol yelling at Hoshi.

“IT ISN’T, CHILL MAN!” Hoshi yelled back. I quickly finished dressing and stepped outside, watching the scene unfold in front of me. Hoshi and Joshua were comparing their suits.

“Are you sure, that one looks like mine,” Hoshi pointed to the suit Joshua was wearing.

“They’re all the same Hoshi…” Joshua sighed.

Mingyu was walking around, trying to adjust the legs of his pants, which were too short.

“SOMEONE SWITCHED MY PANTS!” he yelled, poking his head into each dressing room.

Jun and Minghao stood quietly, comparing themselves. They entered their dressing rooms and I saw their suits fly over the top to each other.

“Where are my pants?” Seokmin asked Vernon.

“Oh, I threw them away,” Vernon said.

“Okay,” Seokmin said, leaving. I rolled my eyes at Vernon, who shrugged. While the chaos got crazier inside, I found Woozi already on the pedestal, tailors carefully pinning fabric here and there. His suit was white like my dress, making his pale skin look whiter than normal. I waited until he was done to give him my compliments.

“How handsome can you get?” I leaned against him.

“How beautiful can you get?” he poked me back as I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. He laughed.

“Go get fitted, maybe we can sneak away for a bit while the other members get theirs done.”

“Sounds perfect,” I said as he helped me up onto the pedestal. He left me as I stood still, letting the tailors do their thing. After finishing, I thanked them for their hard work and stepped off the pedestal. I changed back into my clothes and met up with Woozi outside. We held hands as people rushed by us.

“Where should we go?” I asked him. He looked around.

“Let’s just work up an appetite for lunch with the Woos shall we?” he pointed to a playground, where kids were playing. We sat on the swings until I felt a tug on my dress.

“Oppa! Unnie! Play with us!” a little girl said. She pointed to a group of kids, who looked prepared to run away at any moment, and tapped both Woozi and my legs. “You guys are it!”

“What?” I watched as all the kids cheered and scattered, running away. I looked at Woozi and we both got up, chasing the kids around. I tagged a little boy.

“You’re it!” I said. He shook his head, quickly tapping me back before I could run off.

“Now you’re it!” he said, laughing. While the kid and I went back and forth, Woozi was running away from a crowd of kids. The kid I was with joined them. Woozi wasn’t sprinting but he was too fast for the kids to catch up. Eventually one of them sped up.

“Cannonball!” the kid yelled, jumping forward. Woozi turned quickly, catching the kid as they both fell onto the grass. The other kids swarmed around them and I saw them laughing as Woozi played with them. I felt my heart melting at Woozi’s fatherly smile, joining them when I met his eyes. We all sat down as one of the girls poked at my ring.

“Are you two gonna get married?” she asked me. I nodded and she gasped.

“Are you gonna have cake?” a boy asked and Woozi nodded.

“It’s gonna be bigger than you!” Woozi spread out his arms to exaggerate the size of the cake as the kids’ faces got more excited.

“Are you gonna kiss?” a girl asked and they all either squealed in delight or turned away, looking grossed out as Woozi leaned forward to peck me on the lips. He checked his phone.

“It’s almost time for the lunch, we should get back,” he said as the children aww-ed.

“We’ll play some more soon okay?” I said, waving to them as Woozi and I ran back to the shop. The other SEVENTEEN members were just finishing up with the fitting. We piled into the limo, my parents included, and took off for the restaurant. When we got out, the first thing I did was look up. The building was tall, glinting in the afternoon sun.

“We’re eating here?” Hoshi asked in disbelief. My parents nodded as we walked into the waiting area. The waitress led us onto the elevator, taking us to the top floor in small groups. When we had assembled in the hallway, she led us to the door at the end of the hall. Knocking softly, she opened the door to let us in. My jaw dropped and I could feel the rest do the same. We had a sky high view of the city from our position.

“This is like a penthouse restaurant,” Hoshi whispered to me. Jaehyun's parents came to greet us.

“Please, take your seat. A seating arrangement has been made for you all,” Mrs. Woo said, gesturing to the 2 tables. I walked around, trying to find my seat. I found myself sitting in between Woozi and Jaehyun. Win-lose situation here. I sighed softly, taking my seat when Woozi pulled it out for me. We all sat silently and I looked around the table to find that I was sitting at a small table. Only Jaehyun's family and my family, including Woozi sat here. The rest of the SEVENTEEN members were at the other table, sitting by units. We sat quietly as we were served a salad with soup first.

“So how are the wedding plans going along?” Mrs. Woo asked us. My mouth full of soup, I almost choked trying to answer.

“Ahh, it’s going along very well, thanks to your generosity with the funds,” I smiled graciously at them and I saw Hoshi roll his eyes at me as he ate.

“Are you planning anything special for your sister?” Mr. Woo asked Hoshi. Caught off guard, he just stared blankly ahead. I kicked him under the table and he winced.

“Uh, it’s a surprise?” he said, smiling brightly.

“Aww how sweet of you Soonyoung,” my mom ruffled his hair. As we were served our next course, we chatted idly about the wedding. I answered each question carefully and I saw my family do the same.

“It’s great that Jaehyun is here to help us since you can’t be there,” my mom said as dessert was served.

“We’ll definitely make it to the wedding,” Mr. Woo said and we all laughed politely. After dessert, we headed back downstairs. The Woos waved us off as we piled into the limo. There was silence.

“I think that was the most stressful lunch I’ve ever had,” Hoshi commented.


A/N: Hey guys, I'm feeling better but I've been coughing and sneezing so much I could barely type this chapter. I also wanted to ask something of you guys who read this story: Have you created a ship name for Soonyeon+Jihoon yet? I was thinking something weird like Soozi or something but I wanted your ideas of a ship name for this couple. Leave comments about the story and any ideas for me! ~N

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neonfluffyunicorns #1
neonfluffyunicorns #2
neonfluffyunicorns #3
neonfluffyunicorns #4
neonfluffyunicorns #5
neonfluffyunicorns #6
neonfluffyunicorns #7
Chapter 22: cries... this is the i get for not being on aff for months...,dammit.... u hv no idea how much im cringing rn.... BIASSS BIAS WAAAAAI AND SOONYOUNG FIFGSDLVJ:AJGAER
avoidingyu #8
Chapter 30: I love how there's so much JungCheol moments here :))
lisse95 #9
Chapter 30: Yaaaaaaas a sequel.... I'm woozi biased to babe. Don't worry you're not alone.
Do you know how much i fangirled over this story *crazylaughter* sorry, uhm.... i'l looking forward to the sequel Xx