Chapter 4


This past month has been hell. I have to do a lot of things for the basketball team. I have to get them water, clean up the equipment - all by myself and I even have to study about basketball! Thankfully my weekends are free and I have sometime away from Hanbin. 
I was at my locker packing my things. Classes had ended for the day and now I only had to wait for practice time to come. 
"Hello!" I heard a high pitched voice shout. I looked to side and saw a girl slightly shorter than me. I gave her a weird look, I had never seen her face before "You are Song Woori, right?" she excitedly asked. Who is this girl...? How does she know my name...?
"Do I know you?" I'm not going to give important information to such a suspicious person. 
"That's right! I'm sorry! I didn't introduce myself...!" this girl is really weird "I'm  Jeon Yoonah, from class 2-C!" she stretched her hand for me to shake. I hesitated for a second before taking it. It would be rude if I hadn't. I looked at her, waiting to know what business she had with me "Um... you know... you're the basketball club's manager..." she started "I think that's great! No one has ever stayed as long as you!" she was all excited again. She's really weird...! I should be careful...
"Go straight to the point." I said. She looked up at me and then back at the floor. After a few seconds she finally decided to speak "You know Kim Donghyuk from the basketball club, right...?" she sheepishly asked. I nodded "I've... I've had a... a..." her face started getting all red. What's wrong with her...? I motioned for her to continue "I've had a... cr-crush on him... for a while..." Oh... what I have to do with that...? I looked at her for a while. She kept her eyes glued to the ground.
"Why are you telling me that?" I questioned. She opened to say something, but closed it. Then she looked me in the eyes "I would like you to help me...! if that's ok..." she said. What...? She wants my help? 
"No way." I stated. She looked at me with her eyes wide open. I walked away to the classroom. She immediately ran to my side "Please! I really need your help!" she begged. I ignored her and continued walking. Unfortunately for me she was really persistent. She continued bugging me. I stopped when we reached my classroom.
"Look. I'm not going to help you. You should do it on you own." I tried to convince her. She was about to say something, but I cut her off before she could "And if I did agree to help you what would you have me do?" There's nothing I can do to help her anyway...
"Well... you could... um..." she stuttered.
"You see there's nothing I can do to help you." I stated "Sorry." and I walked into the classroom to have lunch. Thankfully this time she didn't follow me. She must've understood I was right.
After lunch time, practice time finally came. I entered the gym and saw that someone - Hanbin probably - was already there. He came out of the storage room a few minutes later. He glared at me as soon as he noticed me. 
"Why didn't you come and help?" he questioned angry.
"Because you always say you don't need my help..." I answered. He should control his mood swings... it's really annoying...! He clicked his tongue and - like always - started doing warm-ups. Shortly after the rest of the members arrived. 
Today practice went smoothly. No one bothered me too much and I got to nap a little bit. 
"Yah, Song Woori!" Hanbin called with his usual annoying voice. He gained the habit of calling me by my full name. I hate it that he has to call me, moreover by my full name "Bring me a towell." he ordered. I can't stand him...! I unwillingly got up, grabbed a towell and walked up to him. Because I'm the luckiest person in the world I, somehow, tripped on god knows what and bumped into Hanbin. When I moved away I was suprised - and I wasn't the only one. Hanbin was grabbing his rib cage and from the look on his face he seemed to be in a lot of pain. 
"Are you ok?!" I worriedly asked "Did I hit you that hard?" Oh my god... what if the damage is too big...? I don't want to pay the hospital bill...!
He recomposed himself and acted like nothing happened. Everyone was giving him worried looks "Are you sure you're ok?" Jiwon asked him. He nodded and took the towell from my hand. Practice came to an end. I was getting ready to start cleaning up when Hanbin walked up to me "Suturday you need to go pick up our jerseys." he notified me "Here." he handed a piece of paper. It had an adress written on it. Ugh... he only gives me hardships...


"Excuse me!" a familiar high pitched voice called. I turned around to see the girl from the yesterday. I sighed. I thought she gave up...! I continued walking. If I ignore her maybe she'll go away. Unfortunately for me that was not the case. In no time she was already walking beside me "Please help me!" she pleaded like she had done the day before. I didn't say anything and just continued walking to my locker. She continued talking and begging for my help. Why is she so desperate...? How annoying... 
"Have you already found a away for me to help you...?" I asked, making her stop whatever it was she was saying. She looked at ground "No, but-" I cut her off "Then there's nothing I can do." I grabbed what I needed from my locker and started went my way.
"We could be friends...!" she exclaimed. I gave her an interested look "You know... friends spend time with each other... and hang out with each others friends..." she said. I get where she's going... she's not as innocent as she looks...
"Basically, what you're trying to say is you want to use me to get closer to him." 
"Well... T-That's not wha-" I inturrupted her again "Come on...! You can't fool me..." she looked down and didn't say anything. We stayed silent for while until I decided to make a deal "If we become 'friends'" I enphasized the 'friends' "You will stop bothering me with this?" she looked up with a smile and nodded excitedly "Have you at least talked to him...?" I needed to make sure I didn't have to do a lot.
"A few times... we were in the same class last year as well..." she stated. That's not bad... at least they know each other... I nodded. The bell signaling the beginning of class rang "I have to go, we'll talk later." I said and walked to my classroom. 


When classes finally ended that girl - Yoonah, I think that's her name - was waiting in front of my classroom. I motioned for her to follow us. Jiwon glanced at us from time to time. He must be thinking how weird it is that I'm talking to someone who is not from the basketball team. We arrived at the cafeteria and sat down at our usual table. Like always Donghyuk and Chanwoo arrived a few moments later. I tried to make small talk with Yoonah so we wouldn't look suspicious. Halfway through lunch Donghyuk noticed the new member on our table "Oh! Yoonah?" he said suprised. She waved shyly "What are you doing here?" he smiled.
"She's my new friend." I stated and continued eating my bread. Suddenly Jiwon started laughing "Friends? You?" he seemed really amused "Since when do you have friends?" he asked. I clicked my tongue.
"You were the one that said I should make friends. So here you go." he raised an eyebrow and didn't say more. Donghyuk, on the other hand, looked really curious "How did you two meet?" he asked. I looked at her, she was looking down at her food "By chance..." was the only thing I could say. 


I ran to the gate to make sure I caught him. I look around for a bit before I spot him with his usual bright smile. 
"Kim Jinhwan! Wait!" I shout. He turns around at the mention of his name. I run to him.
"Do you need something from me?" he asked.
"Do you have something to do right now?" I asked. Today I'm finally paying part of my debt. He gave me a confused look before answering "No..." he raised an eyebrow.
"Great! Came with me!" I dragged him with me for a while. We stopped in front of a cafe. He gave me a confused look. We entered the cafe and were greeted by a smiling boy.
"Welco- Oh! Woori-yah!" he smiled even more "Long time no see!" he messed my hair.
"Taehyun oppa! I told you not to do that...!" I whined while I smoothed my hair. He just chuckled. Taehyun smirked at me and came closer "Who is he? Is he your boyfriend?" he whispered in my ear. I looked at him dumbfounded. Is he really asking that? I rolled my eyes "No, he's just a friend." is it that weird that I have friends...? Taehyun streched his hand at Jinhwan "Hello. Woori's friend! I'm Nam Taehyun, pleasure!" Jinhwan shook his hand "Kim Jinhwan!" he smiled. We ordered and sat down on a table. There was an awkward silence. 
"Um... Why did you bring me here?" he asked awkwardly. Isn't it obvious...?
"To repay you, of course." I stated.
"Repay me...?" he looked even more confused now.
"Yes. For all the times you helped me in practice." I reminded him.
"Oh, That! You really didn't have to...!" he smiled.
Taehyun arrived with our orders, making the subject change to how good the coffee from this shop was. We talked for the rest of the afternoon. I think I never had such a long conversation with someone, not even my oppa. When we left the shop the sun was already going down. He offered to walk me home with the excuse that a girl shouldn't walk alone at this time of the day. 
The walk home was silent. I regretted not taking my brother's advice of bringing a scarf or a warmer coat because I was now feeling the Autumn cold wind. I hugged myself in an attemp to warm myself. It didn't work. Out of nowhere I felt something warm around my neck. I looked down and saw a scarf. I looked up at Jinhwan - who was smiling - and gave him a confused look.
"You're cold right?" I nodded. I was about to protest, but he didn't let me "Keep it! I won't accept it back!" he exclaimed. I sighed. After a walking a little more we reached my house.
"Well... thanks..." I said. This is really awkward...
"Good night." he said, messing my hair. Padam Padam! What is this...? Why do I feel embarrassed...? I watched him walk away. I entered my house and saw my brother waiting for me. He didn't look pleased.
"Who was that?!" he questioned.
I sighed. I'm not in the mood for his over-protectivness "A friend from school." I answered and walked in my room.


Chapter 4!!! I'm sorry for taking so long to update...! But my imagination is running low... Anyway! I hope you like this chapter and, again, thank you for subscribing and reading my story!

Bye bye!

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ktroct #1
Chapter 10: Miss you much authornim . I cant wait mext chapter >…<
anjakfana #2
Chapter 10: I miss your story authornimm :))
I wonder what will happen in dinner ^.^
Sykrh_ #3
Chapter 7: So cute
iiroyalangel #4
Sykrh_ #5
Chapter 6: Yes!Yes!Yes! You're back!!!
everdeen_ #6
GOnna read this ^^