Lesson Learned

Law Of Attraction
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Chapter 6

Mrs. Lorry heads out of the office and a few moments later, Tiffany and her fidgeting, noisy gaggle of nieces and nephews come into my office. She’s wearing a casual outfit—definitely “mommy wear,” but on that body it screams y. A cream white sweater that highlights the honey in her brown hair. Snug blue jeans tucked into ankle brown boots accent those endless legs—and the tight swell of her supple . That’s a pleasant surprise—I didn’t notice her the first time we met, but it’s ing gorgeous.

She adjusts her grip on the baby carrier and her smile is strained. “Hello, Mr. Choi.”

I stand up behind my desk. “Tiffany, it’s good to see you again. What brings you . . .”

My eyes scan each of the faces that crowd my office, and I realize one is missing.

“Where’s Jase?”

Tiffany sighs. Before she can speak, the grouchy girl—fourteen-year-old Jessica—answers for her. “The idiot got arrested. He stole a car.”

“A car?”

In a week, the little went from mugging to grand theft auto. That escalated quickly.

The small towheaded one, Jenna, continues. “And then he crashed it.”

The two-year-old supplies sound effects. “Brooocshhh.”

The smart one, James, adds, “And not just any car—a Ferrari 458 Italia Limited Edition. The starting price is around nine hundred thousand dollars.”

I look to Tiffany, who nods. “Yeah, that’s pretty much the whole story. He’s in juvenile detention—serious trouble this time.”

This time implies there’s been other times—my almost-robbery notwithstanding.

Jesus Christ, kid.

Tiffany explains in a strained voice, “My brother has dozens of attorneys in his contact list, but none of them are defense attorneys. I had your card . . . and you seem like a good lawyer.”

Out of curiosity, I ask, “What makes you think I’m good?”

She raises her chin and meets my eyes. “You look like a man who knows how to win a fight. That’s what I need—what Jase needs.”

I take a few moments to think—to plan.

Tiffany must interpret my silence as rejection, because her voice turns almost pleading. “I don’t know what your typical retainer is, but I can afford—”

My lifted finger stops her. “I don’t think that’s going to be necessary. Wait here.” Then I point to James. “Come with me.” And to the oldest girl. “You too, Smiley.”

As they follow me out the door, the brooding teen corrects me. “My name is Jessica.”

“I know. But I’m going to call you Smiley.”

“Why?” she asks, like it’s the stupidest, most vile thing she’s ever heard.

I smirk. “Because you’re not.”

Let the eye-rolling commence.

I lead them into the office next door. Kim Yura's head is bent over her desk, her perfectly manicured hands scribbling rapid notes on a document. She looks up as we enter.

“Hey, Yura.” I hook my thumb at the sullen girl behind me. “This is Smiley Hwang—her aunt is a new client and we have to head downtown for a few hours. Is it okay if she hangs with you?”

Jonghyun’s daughter, Aria, is almost thirteen. I figure if anyone is adept at dealing with a teenage female, it’s Yura.

“Sure. I’ll be here all afternoon.”

Jessica moves to my side. “My name is Jessica.”

Yura smiles. “Hi, Jessica.” Then she points to a chair in the corner, next to a wall outlet. “The phone charger’s over there.”

Jessica almost cracks a grin. Almost. “Swag.”

I turn to Yura’s office companion, who’s staring at images on his laptop. “Onew, this is James. James, Onew. Can you keep him out of trouble for a few hours?”

Onew nods. Then, with the excitement of a boy allowed to watch his first R-rated horror movie, he asks James, “You want to see pictures of blood splatter?”

The boy steps forward. “Is it as cool as it sounds?”

“Waaay cooler.”


And my work here is done.

I pop my head back into my office and crook my finger at Jenna. She looks up at her aunt, who nods permission, and Jenna steps out to join me in front of Mrs. Lorry’s desk.

“Mrs. Lorry, this is Jenna. Can you mind her for a bit while her aunt and I head to the courthouse?”

Jenna looks down shyly, and Mrs. Lorry pulls up a chair beside her. “Of course. I have a granddaughter about your age, Jenna. I keep coloring books right here for when she visits. Do you like to color?”

Jenna nods eagerly, climbing into the chair.

I stride back into my office, where Tiffany and the two youngest rug rats await. I point at them. “You two look like the real troublemakers in the group, so you’re coming with us.”

“Hi!” the two-year-old replies with a deceptively sweet smile.

“Oh no, you’re not roping me into that again.”

I take the baby carrier from Tiffany’s hands—and almost drop the thing. “Wow,” I say, glancing down. “You’re heavier than you look.” He gurgles back with a mouth full of drool.

I turn to Tiffany. “You grab Thing One. Let’s go.”

Her voice stops me. It’s a whisper, quiet and inquisitive.


It’s the first time she’s said my name. One small syllable that makes my gut tighten. That makes me want to hear her say it again—in a moan, a gasp. A pleasure-spiked scream.

“Can I ask you something before we go?”


She searches my face with an honest curiosity that could pierce body armor. “If it’s not the money . . . why are you helping us?”

It’s an interesting question. I’m not the noble type. I’m more of an “every man for himself” kind of guy. So why the hell am I helping them?

Because I want in her pants, of course. Doing Tiffany a favor is the most direct route to doing her. Really not that complicated.

I shrug. “I’m a er for a lost cause.”

And because I just can’t hold back any longer, I reach out one hand and gently the ivory skin of her cheek. It’s softer than I ever could’ve imagined.

“And for a pretty face.”

• • •

We walk out to the parking garage and as Tiffany buckles the kids into their seats, I check out her truck. Her gigantically large dark blue truck. She notices my gaze and remarks, “It’s my brother’s truck.”

I lift an eyebrow. “Your brother—the environmental lobbyist—drove a gas-guzzling Yukon XL?”

She climbs up into the driver’s seat. “With six kids, a bicycle wasn’t gonna cut it.”

I give her directions to the Moultrie Courthouse, where Jase was taken after his arrest this morning. I don’t have a lot of experience in family court, but I’m familiar enough with the process to fill her in.

“Jase will be assigned a probation officer who’ll review the charges and his history, and make a recommendation to the OAG. The probation officer decides whether he’s released to you today or has to remain at the Youth Services Center until trial. They’re also the

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Joker3248 #1
Chapter 10: Omg, this is getting good. I love jealous Minho<3 please update
Chapter 10: Wow, you totally took me by surprise!!! Update soon~
Chapter 10: This chapter was not what I expected though. I thought they were gonna do it without the fighting with each other part. But this is much better. Haha.
Chapter 10: You're back!! TT u TT You're finally back!! Sobs! I'm so happy!!
kpoprambler #5
Chapter 10: this is freaking awesome. love the sweetness and yet love the tough Minho. Tiffany had a rough night.
Authornim do update soon!!!! I can't wait for Minho to enjoy his dessert >"<
noknok3003 #7
Chapter 9: Oooooooooh~ manly Minho is letting his guards down for this family and i can't contain ma feels!! uality is always there whenever they r alone and i love it waaaaaw i cant wait for the next one i hope Minho gets his dessert though, he waited way too long and hopefully the kids won't take turns in being s this time !! You know a man should enjoy his DESSERT it's their favorite ;-)

GOD i'm so dirty-minded and all because of u ! Or is it a 'thanks to u' ?? =D
Chapter 9: Omg! Yes yes! I can't wait for the next chapter! I'm loving MinFany! There's a heat going on when they're together or just simply talking to each other!
buchielle #9
Chapter 8: Oooh!! Too short for my liking! I just cant get enough of this story! Possessive minho is love,haha. Tandadandaa! Knight Minho to the rescue! Pls pls update soon~ :)
Chapter 8: MINHO IS TIFFANY'S KNIGHT! OMG! I want more of Minho getting worried about Tiffany! And Minho getting jealous when someone talks or wants to get close to Tiffany! Update soon!