Chapter 1

Catch S.Coups's Heart

It's not your first time visiting your brother, Joshua, at his practice room.. But it's the first time you visiting your brother with the new hairstyle, which he already swore to death he hates it... You can't really help the squishy feelings you have ever since you walk out from your apartment..


'Okay, just knock the practise room door... Open it... Make sure you smile... He will only get angry for 5 minutes... Throw him some aegyo, he will let the issue go...' You cannot help but  to repeat the mantra in your head all the way to Joshua's company. Once you arrived, suddenly this crazy, over the top confidence coming to you and your hand without any hesitation knock the door of the practice room.

"Hello, who are you?? You're definitely not our dance teacher or manager.. Are you the new trainee??" ask a certain flower boy who look like he just come out from manga.

"No, Jun oppa... I'm not the new trainee.. I'm Liz, Joshua's sister, remember?? It's not like we haven't see each other that long for you to forget about me,right?"

"Sorry Liz, it's really hard to recognize you with your new hairstyle. It's pretty by the way.. Joshua hyung at that corner with his guitar"

"Thanks, oppa.."

"Hey, Josh..."

"Elizabeth Hong!!! What in the earth are you thinking dying your hair with that colour?? You still a student!! And it's definitely not appropriate for a girl on your age to have that kind of hairstyle!!

Well, here it comes....

"But oppa, i really like this colour and you know i'm really like Ginny Weasley..."

"Still, it's not proper for student..."

"Oppa...i already dyed it... At least let me keep it for a month...hmm?? Oppa...can i?? Can i??" There we goes, aegyo attack. By now, all the Seventeen members can't help but giggling at Joshua, cause it's a known facts that his weaknesses is his little sister aegyo.

"Joshua, come on... It's not that bad.. Plus, Liz look stunning with this hair..."

My knight in shinning armour... The walking perfection... The breath taking, super charming Seventeen's leader, S.coups is backing me up...And he caress my hair, his hand surprisingly gentle, he stand very close and i can even smell his shampoo... Ok, stop. We have Joshua to handle...

"Fine, i give you one month and one month only, Liz"

The happiness bubble in my body and i can't help to squel and hug Joshua.

"Thank you, i love you.. I promise i will not make you angry... I promise to do my homework and study diligently... I promise to listen to you..."

"To much promises, don't you think??"

"I love you....hehe"

"I love you too and your face is really red when Coups caress your hair just now, you know??"

"Shut up, Joshua.."

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JM_beauty01 #1
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha being love-dovey with his brother tho~