


after seeing that the applyfic world lacks a confession thread, i decided to make one. the rules are pretty simple, subscribe to get updates, any bashing confessions will be deleted (i'm serious with this), constructive confessions are welcomed. the confessions will be anonymous, don't worry. confessions disclosing specific individuals usernames won't be posted

   ✖ DEADLINE ・ revamped the whole thread


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Chapter 50: @105: i'm sorry i'm gonna take this explanation of plagiarism into the context of media law ( i'm dying here okay back to the subject ). plagiarism is the wrongful substantive reproduction of someone else's thoughts, ideas, language or expressions with no due credit or recognition of the original author/creator and their subsequent work for your own. it's copying something then just editing this and that to avoid suspicion and such.

so in a situational explanation, it's like this: someone had created an applyfic where, let's say, the main theme comes from a series ( let's say it's boys over flowers ) and they didn't cite that the whole idea of the applyfic was from that series, just changes a few things around ( like the kingka group has 7 dudes instead of 4, the reason of their chaebol statuses were changes, things like that ) and even went so far as to making the same things happen ( the head kingka gets beaten up by their love interest or smth like that ), AND claimed that the idea was their own, then that's plagiarism. on the other hand, if someone creates an applyfic based on the idea of an mv of a certain group ( let's say vixx's voodoo doll ) and (1) makes it publicly recognized that the idea behind the applyfic was based from there; and (2) develops their own twist to the story, then it's not a case of plagiarism.

what's important here is the "claiming".

using general ideas for your applyfics is never a case of plagiarism... unless you fulfill the elements of plagiarism; that is: (1) the knowing usage of the work, including its words, ideas, or other products; (2) that is attributed to another source like another author or to a show; (3) without due credit to the original source; (4) in a situation or place where there is a "legitimate expectation of original authorship" [in this case, AFF]; (5) to gain credit, benefit or other advantages to one's self.

this has been a lesson on plagiarism induced by media law studies /bow-
Chapter 50: @105 you need to differentiate between "plagiarism" and "inspiration". Plagiarism is when you copy someone else's work word by word or, in case of writing, the exact structure of the story, like making the same situations happen and using the same dynamics. Inspiration is when you look at what someone else made and do it again from scratch adding your own original color.
Chapter 49: @ 96 : w OW I LOVE YOU you're so nice i'm blushing
@ 104 : ,,,, same ,,,,,,,
Chapter 49: @96 : trying my best! :D
and im actually terrified of being ignored LOL
but i've sending greetings to alot of people
that i dont even realize some don't reply back XD

@98 : then don't feel pressured?
or you can just say you don't feel like socializing atm or something
idk why theres always someone who gotta react negatively

@101 : some applicants just take a while before they work on apps
and others work better with pressure LOL
like knowing the deadlines is coming up
so i'd say just be patient

@102 : i think the user might have accidentally skipped your wp or something
in the midst of all the other ones she's getting?
idk i'd try just once more
but if she still doesn't respond then, theres always a lotta other users or people in "clique"
that you can friend :)
Chapter 39: @54 i don't think it's fair to assume that the author will choose her friends basing off from the comments. friend or not, there are a lot of people who are interested in applying and just so naturally befriends the author just because they want to, not because that'll give them a fast pass to be chosen. sol is a friendly author and if she chooses to "ban" her friends from applying, then wouldnt she be bannrd half of the subbers from applying, then? this really irked me since not only are you assuming what kind of person she is, but you also underestimated yourself thinking that if her friends won't be included, then that's when you stand a chance. sorry if i appeared irritating : ^ (

@86 aw, whoever confessed this, thank you so much! basing off from the comments i receive on my fics, i can see that a lot are indeed friendly, but some are to be approached first. misunderstandings are bound to happen but once you get to know a person and hold a proper conversation with them, you wouldn't think they're as intimidating as they appear to be!
subreddit #6
Chapter 48: i still don't get the senpai thing can someone explain to me
Chapter 48: @94 Let's all remember we are all human beings who are obsessed over the same thing!
like love interests come and go but applyfic accounts stay forever.....
Chapter 47: yes a lot of em there are actually really nice! i can say this since i started to talk to a lot of people
some people just needa do the initiatives cause everything thinks they are awkward turtles?
but they're not!
start off with a simple step, send em a friend request!

@88: why do i feel like you're referring to me LOL
but then again i could just be self centered and think everything revolves around me