The Girl of Life ~Chapter 2~ (Naruto Story)

The Girl of Life ~Chapter 1~ (Naruto Story)

Winter had fit made its way to the Leaf Village and Christmas was coming up. Everyone was meeting up because Jirayia had something to tell them all. So Minato, Kishina, Rin, and the boys made their way over to Jirayia's place.

When they all arrived Mizuki was crawling all over the floor and Jirayia was just sitting on the couch smiling at her. Then Jirayia spoke up "well everyone as you know Christmas is coming soon and everyone wants to be with their family on that day. So I have to take Mizuki back to her parents tomorrow so they all can share their first Christmas together. That is why we're all here today so we can say goodbye to Mizuki." Then Obito spoke up "But when will we see her again?? It just wont be the same without Mizuki around." Minato then said "You'll see her again Obito you'll just have to wait because she has family to." Obito just sighed and made a pouty face.
Rin then questioned "When do you think will be the next time we see her Master Jirayia??" Jirayia sat there and thought for a minute then said "Well I would say umm she'll be back when she's about five, that way she will be able to start going to the ninja academy and get a team and all that fun stuff." Kushina then spoke up and said "Oh yes that's right Naruto and Mizuki will be going to school together."
While everyone else was talking Kakashi just sat there on the couch watching Mizuki rolling around on the floor while laughing like she usually does. Obito came over and sat down beside Kakashi and leaned over to his ear and said "We should get Mizuki a present tomorrow since she'll be leaving and we can have our own little Christmas present for her." Kakashi pushed Obito off his ear and said "I was thinking the same thing. After we leave here meet me at the store so we can decide what to get her." Obito smiled and said "Alright sounds good to me we'll get the best gift for her!!" Kakashi then punched Obito, of course Obito yelled ouch and Kakashi said "Don't scream Obito you don't want anyone knowing do you??" Obito then responded "Oh yea ha ha Sorry about that"

        So then the time came for Mizuki and Jirayia to leave and go back to Mizuki's family. They all gathered at the Leaf Village gates. Minato and Kushina said their goodbyes to Mizuki and gave her a little toy frog to play and chew on. Rin smiled at Mizuki and gave her a great big hug, and sat her down and patted her head. Then it was Kakashi and Obito's turn to say their goodbyes. They both moved forward and took turns hugging Mizuki. Kakashi made sure to put Mizuki down nice and easy and then Obito and Kakashi held out a little box for her.
When Mizuki saw the box her eyes got all big and round and she started yelling "Present!! Present!!" Obito held out the box and opened it to reveal a little charm bracelet. The two boys started blushing when they heard everyone have an aww session and then Obito spoke up and said "What?! We didn't want Mizuki to leave without something from us!!" Kakashi shook his head and took the bracelet out from the box and bended down and wrapped the bracelet around Mizuki's little wrist. Then Kakashi said "Look Mizuki it has a bit of everyone on your bracelet. Here's a lollypop for Obito, a frog for Minato sensei, a for Kushina sensei, a cross for Rin, and last but not least a lightning bolt for me." Mizuki looked up and smiled at Kakashi and Obito and said "Thank you silly boys!!" as she said that she stood up and started running and laughing. Everyone was so amazed that she started walking well running at such a small age. Jirayia smiled and said "Come on Mizuki its time to go." "Ok Uncle Ji Ji. Bye everyone I Love You All!!" Mizuki blew everyone kisses as she waved goodbye.

*3 Years Later*

It was another normal day in the Sand Village, a little girl with brown curly hair and big brown eyes made her way inside the house she lived at. Then as she would enter there would be an elder woman and a boy with red hair that would tell her good morning. The red headed boy was about 16 years old. The girl would run up and leap onto the boy's lap and start giggling and laughing. Then the boy would fall down on the floor and start laughing to. "Sasori!! Sasori!!" the little girl would scream, "What?? What??"The boy named Sasori replied."What are we going to do today??" Sasori sat there and thought for a minute "hmm lets see umm well me and Granny were going to practice fighting with our puppets would you like to watch??" the little girl's face lit up "Yes oh yes i would love to!!" Sasori smiled at the girl "Alright then its decided lets go out to the backyard."So Sasori and the girl got off of the floor and headed out back to the backyard to start the practice.


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