Accidental meeting

Which one will be my dream boyfriend?! Maybe both

"Mom, why?!?! I don't wanna leave school yet!" You whine and pouted , "but honey, you have to, your dad have a neww job at Seoul and-" before your mom finish her sentence, "NO NO NO!" you shouted and quickly ran upstairs and lock the door. Your mom sighed.

--In your room--

You lie down to your bed and sighed 'No, I don't wanna leave my school yet! besides, i have friends there!' Suddenly your phone rang your favourite ring tone "NYANYANYANNYANNYANYANYANYANAYAN" (Whut/ ._. it's a nyan cat ring tone. got a problem?) It was a message, from 'Cucumber Kyung' 

Cucumber Kyung : 

Hey  _____! how are ya? :3

You clicked some buttons 

You :

Not good :( I'm afraid i have to leave school tommorow.. TT . TT

You waited for a few minutes to let Kyung reply you.


Cucumber Kyung :

Wat? really?! D: nooooo TT.TT If you're going to another school, then i'm coming with ya!

You : Awh,, that's so sweet :)

You smiled and chuckled a bit.Then a knock on the door disturbs you . "_____! I'm coming in!" your mom said, you quickly put your phone in your pocket and hid yourself in your blanket..Then your mom turns the door knob and slowly walk to you."_____,Me and your father are going to your new school to tell their principle that you're going to study there, just stay at home okay?" You ignored her. then she leaves the room. You shot up from your bed and crawl to the wall and peered in to see if your parents are leaving.,and they are. you took out your phone and dialed kyung's number.

"Kyungie~ meet me at the park kay?" you open your closet and change your clothes.

you wore a red turtle neck sweater , a black hate , blue jeans, black hi-tops. you went out , and breath the fresh decide to take a short walk , the sky was all light blue coloured, the sun shines so brightly,TOO BRIGHT, The rays of the sun caught in your eyes "Ow! that " You rubbed your eyes , then you accidentally bumped into someone, you droped your phone "NO!" you cried . the screen of your phone broke into pieces. "Oh! Sorry!"  a voice of a person in front of you. "You im gonna-"

As you look up at that person , and he looked perfect, he had black hair, perfectly factured cheek bones , y eyebrows 

"Sorry, i'll buy you a phone now" He bowed. "Oh, uhg, no need! i have an extra one anyway hehe" He quickly showed you his phone , Iphone4 that is, "Here, take it, im rich anyway" you bit your button lip 'oh mai god, it's iphone4 ! i must!!'  You slowly lift your hand and grabbed the i phone 4. "Uhg, thanks" you bowed, he chuckled .  "Your cute." he pinched your cheeks you pouted.Then someone screamed "Seunghyunnie~! where are you?"  you looked at the person who said that it was another boy he had blond hear , "Coming!" The sexy boy shouted back. "I have to go now" He bowed , you nodded. He walk away (LIKE A BOSS)  and you sighed , "what a short conversation" you pouted, then you remembered the phone, you tilt your head down and see his, wait it's now yours, your phone. you smiled.

--At the park

Kyung was sitting on the bench ,he wore his glasses. " Kyung! " You shouted ."____! i've been waiting for 5 minutes where were you?! he stood up , you scratched our head a bit  "Well, uhg, i bumped into someone" Kyung pated you on the head "Clumsy ______" You chuckled .

So, you and Kyung spent time together playing at the park , went to the amusment park he was your only one best dude friends.After hours of spending time with Kyung you went home, and thank goodness they havent return yet. You walk peacefully into your house, and went into the kitchen to eat kimchi, you ate alone and went up stairs and started studying, but your eyes just follow every word in that book , your mind was'nt concentrating because you eep thinking about the boy you've met today, you stared at his phone , and you started clicking some random numbers in it,

Contacts :


Jerky Ri


Ji~ <333

JI ~ <333

JI ~ <333

'Must been his girlfriend or something' you thought







'MOTHER OF GOD, ALIEN?" you thought

'I better keep it, wait, what if one of them started messaging me?! better just ignore it' 

Then you decided to see some pictures in his phone.






'Is that.. Ji?' But you just forget about it and went back to sleep



You just pretend to not heard her and continue to sleep , but your mom just bash in your room and pulled off your blanket . you shouted "YOU MONSTER" and you curled up into a ball. "Honey! wake up! you know today is the first day to lay foot on your new school!" you rolled your eyes "yeah yeah whatever" Theen your mom suddenly gave you a beseeching look and you started to crawl down from your bed like a ghost just came out from your living room T.V

.--Minutes later...

"Kay mom! i gotta go now!!" You storm out from your home and went into the bus, you could'nt find somewhere to sit cause nobody wants to sit with you so you sit at the back. luckily you brought your phone with you, so you could text Kyung whenever you want. ou took out your iphone4 and start to press the screen and send Kyung the message 'This phone is AWESOME!!" you scream in your head. Suddenly whispers surrounded the bus. Every student is looking at you with a questioning look.

'Why are they staring at me? must be my phone...' so you slowly put it back in your bag.

once you arrive at the school, you walked out of the bus and look up to see what is the name of the school.


you nodded and went in. The place was HUGE, SHINY FLOORS BIG CLEAN MIRROS brown golden coloured you walked through the halls and try to pass the weird people who keep staring at you. then suddenly ...

"Annyeong! I heard you're the new student here so... WELCOME!!" a random boy started popping infront of you. he was cute, he had bags under his eyes and.. he look like a panda.  "Oh.. gomawo" you bowed . "I'm Lee Seunghyun but you can call me SEUNGRI! so let me show you the place, it's really--" He was disturbed by a screamed 



"Choi Seunghyun! ahh!! he's so dreamy!"

Random girls started gather around at the front door, squeling , you raised an eyebrow "Who's.. Choi Seunghyun?" you asked with a questioning look . Seungri laughed a bit "Oh, his just my favourite hyung, he's really popular here you know"

Girls started screaing louder and Choi Seunghyun was...... The boy you met before..!!! your jaws dropped.

Girls gather around him like hobos whi's really hungry trying to find some food.some girls fainted when the boy winked at them.And than he stopped walking his eyes were locked at you and shouted "OH, ANNYEONG!!" he waved.

"OH MY GOD IT IS HIM!"  you screamed in your thought












Thanks for reading! <33


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Can't wait to read XD