The Brighter Side of the Darkness

The note was written in Suho's cursive, small but incredibly messy. The bag of of groceries I was carrying slid off my back and fell on the living room floor with a thud, spilling tangerines everywhere. I blinked once, twice. The note still said the same thing.


"JinHee-Ah, oppa has to disappear for awhile. Don't worry though, I'll be fine. I have to deal with a debt that I own. Don't freak out but there might be people looking for me, so please leave the apartment as soon as possible. The address below is home to some of my closet and most trusted friends. They will take you in for sure. Again, don't worry about oppa, I'll look for you as soon as i can."     -JoonMyeon.


A key slipped out of the creme-colored envelope along with a slip of paper with a address scribbled on it. My brain couldn't comprehand this. What debt did Suho have? Didn't he always share everything with me? My knees gave out and I slumped against the wall, note falling beside me. Then it hit me.

I was alone.

For the past couple of years, it was only me and Suho. I was given up for adoption when i was just born, and luckily Suho's family adopted me and I lived a joyful childhood with him. But it was the dreadful car accident that his parents got in, that left us alone. Ever since then, we depended and supported only on each other. We always told each other everything. From the smallest of things, like a papercut to what we had for lunch. 

Tears crowded my eyes, but I refuse to let them down. Instead of mourning over him, I was furious. How could he just leave me on my own with just a note and telling me to pack up and move in with a bunch of unknown strangers. I was at a loss for actions. I sat in the same spot on my fluffy carpet before I accepted my fate and got up. Mindlessly, I began throwing my clothes into a large suitcase. My eyes settled on a framed picture of Suho and I on the beach. I was only 7 then. Suho was buried in sand while I held up a sand bucket with a goofy smile. My heart warmed at the recollection.

I safely tucked it in before closing the suitcase and walked out of our apartment. It was slightly raining  so I quickly hailed a taxi. I gave the driver the address and leaned back as my home got smaller and smaller.

I arrived at a shady looking warehouse that looked abandoned. Thunder rumbled through the sky as I quickly made my way to the front door. I knocked twice and waited. Just when I reached my hand up to knock again, a tall brown-haired guy with wide eyes opened the door. He was dressed from head to toe in black. Intimiated, I took a step back 

"Ummm... Can I help you?"

I froze up because I honestly had no idea what to say. Do I tell him that I was Suho gave me this address? That I was supposed to move in with him?

He waved his hand around.

"Hello? Who are you?"

"Uh hi, d-do you know who Suho is?"

Someone from inside yelled,

"Yah Chanyeol who's at the door?"

Chanyeol motioned me inside and I stepped in.

I did not expect the luxurious decor and the well coordinated furniture. On the outside, the house looked like a broken down factory, but the inside was quite the opposite.

Chanyeol closed the door and turned to face me.

"How do you know Suho?"

"He's my brother."

He gave me a look mixed with surprise and confusion before he answered,

"Suho never told me he had a sister..."

"Well technically, I'm his adopted sister but we've lived with each other long enough to be real siblings."

Anothe guy popped up behind Chanyeol.

"Yeollie, who's this?"

"She claims to be Suho's sister"

"Pshhh.. Suho has no sister."

More people gathered around and they each looked straight out of a movie. With leather jackets and frightening stares, these guys could double as gang members.

"Who the hell are you and why are you here."

I take a deep breath and show them the note.

They crowd around and silently read. 

A blond guy slicked back hair was the first to respond. 

"You really think we;re gonna believe this piece of crap?"

He moved suddenely and grabbed me by my shirt collar.

"You better reveal your true identity into 3 seconds before I knock you out."

I stuggle against his grip before he slightly lets go.

"I'm not lying. Suho wrote this before he disappered. He said that you guys could be trusted and that you would protect me."

"And why would Suho never tell us that he had a sister?'

"I don't know! I didn't know he had a large group of eyeliner-wearing emo friends."

Another guy scoffed and stepped towards me. He had gorgeous bronzed skin with dark chestnut brown eyes and full pink lips. But his look was ruind by the death glare and scwol he gave.

"We're not letting a stranger into our house, even if you are Suho's so-called sister. 

He reached out to open the door and shoved me out. Before I could protest, he slammed the door shut leaving me in the pouring rain.










Author's note:

Heyo readers. I hope you enjoy this first chapter and sort of got the background story of Suho and JinHee. I promise it will be cleared more in the next chapter. Please leave comments about your thoughts! Thanks!




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