The Coffee's Nice but it's You I'm Looking For (Yugbam)

GOT7 AU Drabbles

5. “I work in a coffee shop and you come in almost every day and I know your name and favorite coffee, and by now I know that you have to be interested in someone here so just say who it is” AU

Yugyeom glanced down at his watch and then back up at the doors, expecting them to burst open at any moment to reveal the glamorously dressed Kunpimook, or Bambam (as he’d asked to be called when Jackson butchered his name), with his classy hipster leather bag slung lazily over one arm. He wondered for a moment whether or not the foreign student would be wearing those wide-rimmed leopard print glasses again before turning back to cleaning the rest of the crumbs off the counter in front of him. If he did, Yugyeom would count it a step forward on figuring out who Bambam kept coming here for, since Youngjae had complimented him on them the last time. And since he and the rest of the guys were betting on (and kinda fighting over) who Bambam was interested in, he really wanted to know.

Before he could go too deep into thought, though, the bell over the door rang, signalling the arrival of someone, and Yugyeom didn’t even have to look up to know it was the Thai student, right on time. Jackson comes out from the kitchen and grins at him, waving with the hand not holding the extra whipped cream, and Yugyeom is already starting to key in Bambam’s order. He gets the same thing almost every time, unless Jackson or Mark talk him into ordering one of the new drinks, and he knows that they have no specials Bambam would be even remotely interested in today. (Yugyeom can just see Bambam’s reaction to their green tea frappuccino, the way he’d wrinkle his nose and say green tea wasn’t even good in its normal form, why make it a sugary drink?)

“Hey, Yugyeom, Jackson!” Yugyeom finally looks up and allows himself to smile as he takes in Bambam’s choice of dress. It’s always chic and fashionable, and today he has on a red and black striped sweater with little tears and rips in it that are obviously there for statement, a black shirt underneath, a black beanie, and black skinnies that hug his legs in all the right places. He even changed his piercings to match the outfit (it’s funny because Yugyeom is lucky if he remembers to put his in) and he has a necklace and rings to match those. He’s not wearing the leopard print glasses, probably because they didn’t match his outfit, but he is wearing the black ones that Jinyoung keeps threatening to steal because he likes them so much, so he guesses that counts for something.

“Hey, same as usual?” He casually pretends he wasn’t just looking Bambam over for a little bit too long and gives himself a mental high-five for guessing right when Bambam pauses his conversation with Jackson to give him a smile and an affirmative nod. He doesn’t have to tell Bambam the total, they both know what it is, and after he’s handed the card back, Yugyeom busies himself with making the drink he knows so well he could probably make it in his sleep. The only reason he’s the one who usually makes it is because Mark and Jackson always get too distracted talking to Bambam to do it themselves.

Yugyeom looks up just in time to see Bambam laugh at something Jackson said and thinks for a second that, if he hadn’t decided he wanted Jackson and Mark to get together before he met Bambam, he might like the idea of Bambam and Jackson dating. But he liked staying loyal to who he shipped with who, so he would always watch Mark when Jackson talked to Bambam, or the other way around. Like usual, as he walked over to hand Bambam his drink and complain about the fact that Bambam was blocking the counter, he glanced towards the door to the back and was satisfied to see Mark come out of them and head towards the counter, waving hello to Bambam as he did (Yugyeom had never seen anyone come out of the swinging doors like Mark did, all angelic and ).

“If I give you your coffee, will you stop blocking the counter from potential customers and sit down?” Yugyeom had on a little smile as he handed Bambam his coffee, and he struggled to keep it from getting any bigger when the other finally turned away from Jackson and gave Yugyeom his full attention, that attractive smile on his lips.

“Only if you come sit down with me,” Bambam replied, wiggling his eyebrows and shifting the expensive bag on his shoulder again. “It gets lonely over there by myself and I’d rather talk to you than do my reading.” Yugyeom laughs and turns to look at Mark and Jackson.

“Are you guys okay by yourselves for now? The rush wont be for a little while.” Mark grins at him, in that mischievous way that makes him look like he’s up to something but also about to ascend into heaven, and pushes his shoulder.

“We’ll be fine, I’ll cover for you if Jaebum gets pissy about it.” Yugyeom grins in thanks and walks around the counter to walk behind Bambam to the little corner table he always frequents.

“You know,” he says as he sits down and leans back, his head resting against the coffee-colored wall, “Eventually Jaebum and Jinyoung are going to put a stop to your habit of dragging me to come sit with you when there’s not many people here. I don’t get paid to talk to you.” Bambam laughs and places his coffee down on the table as his bag slides off his shoulder smoothly, landing on the ground without so much as a sound.

“Well, if I get your fired, then I’ll have even more time to spend with you.” Bambam winks, and it sends the butterflies in Yugyeom’s stomach somersaulting.

“Well, if I get fired, who’s going to make your complicated coffee perfectly? I’m the only one who ever makes it.” Bambam pretends to contemplate it, sipping his coffee as if he’s debating over whether he likes time with Yugyeom or the coffee more.

“Well, okay, I guess I’ll let you keep your job. But you need to come see me sometimes instead of me coming to see you.” Yugyeom’s eyebrows raised comically high, so high he’s pretty sure they disappear beneath the bangs he’s been forgetting to get cut, and he gapes at Bambam for a second before remembering to close his mouth.

“Oh, so you come in here for me?” He tried to sound nonchalant, like he hadn’t been betting on the fact that Bambam was here for Youngjae because he knew him outside of school too. He hadn’t really thought it would be him, but Jackson and Mark had. A faint blush crosses over Bambam’s cheeks, but he rolls his eyes anyway.

“Why do you think I come here only when you’re working? Even if I come in sometimes when you’re too busy to come talk to me, I only come in during your shifts.” He hides his embarrassment by taking another sip of his drink, letting the cup hide some of the blush spreading across his annoyingly perfect face.

“Well, I was wondering who you came here for. I thought it was Youngjae. Damn it, now I owe Jackson and Mark money. Although I’m the real winner here, so I guess it’s fair.” It’s Bambam’s turn to be surprised.

“You guys were betting on this?”

“Yes?” Bambam laughs suddenly, loud like always, and Yugyeom kinda wants to kiss his neck when he throws his head back a bit, but he refrains himself.

“And here I thought I was being obvious. Oh well, it looks like Mark and Jackson got a good run out of it, at least.” And then, he does something that surprises Yugyeom and almost makes him melt into a puddle of happiness and embarrassment. He leans across the table and places a little kiss on Yugyeom’s lips and then leans back, satisfied with himself when Yugyeom turns completely red. He covers his face to hide the smile that threatens to split his face in half, even if he can hear the other guys whistling and laughing.

“Congrats on finally confessing your obvious feelings to each other. Now get back here and start working the coffee machine, Yugyeom. There’s people coming in and the last time Jackson tried to work it, we ended up having to close the store for an hour to clean.” The end of the sentence is punctuated by a quiet yelp when Jaebum gets hit in the back of the head by Jinyoung, who still has an icing tube in his hands and the faintest smudge on his neck, and is shaking his head at Jaebum and rolling his eyes. He says something to Jaebum about ruining a cute moment or something, but Yugyeom stands anyways, too happy to care about having to go back to work.

Before he goes back, though, he pauses long enough to give Bambam a quick surprise kiss of his own, feeling replenished when Bambam scrunches his nose up and blushes. He figured losing the bet was all worth it in the end.

I hope you enjoyed that little story! Feel free to request an AU and ship for me to write from here. You can request here

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Chapter 3: so cute
anzlie #2
Chapter 2: Awww this was so cute :')
Chapter 1: Awwww, adorableeee > < ♡♡ lovelovelove
kanimelife #4
Chapter 2: So cute I would love if you did more
Blue82 #5
Chapter 2: This would make a great chapter story. There is some good positioning for back story and a lead up to a full romance.
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 2: My heart <3 this was so cute i love it!!
Chapter 2: cute markson <3