Falling and Rising


Kyungsoo has lived in an orphanage as long as he can remembers. He's lived together with different kids, faced hardships but also hand fun. He expected that he'd maybe get a decent job when he graduated, but not that he'd make a such a special friend like Kim Jongin.


Jongin had been bored his whole life, never caring about anyone but his older brothers, Kim Minseok, Kim Joonmyeon and Kim Jongdae. He's not going to inherit anything big, but his parents never let him be short on money. But his life get's new life when he transfers to SM High School, where he meets Do kyungsoo for the first time.


Jongin has the hair from the Overdose era because, blond Jongin is hot as .

I can't name one era because Kyungsoo has to many of them, where his hair is dark (it's going to be black)

Enjoy this pair and others that'll slowly pop up.



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