Chapter Seven

In The Other World (On Hiatus)

Hi, guys! Long time no see :) How are you all? I hope you're good.

Here's new chapter! That I worked hurriedly because I didn't update for a month (OMG!!!), I feel so guilty :(

I hope this make it up (despite it's shorter than before), and this story finally nearing it ~. I didn't believe it, I already write this long haha. Please look forward to the next chapter that will be told by Jimin's POV. By the way, I already promised to one of my readers on AO3 that I'll write a special chapter (like a deleted scene from each chapter to explain things for you who's confused about the story) when this story reached it's plot. I wish you didn't mind :)


That's all from me, have fun reading. Please comments your thought about this, I really want to hear your opinion. (Criticism is welcomed too!)








“Drinks for table number 4!” Yoongi shouted while balancing the tray on his hand and the other holding the paper that contains all order from customer.

He put down the tray on the counter and sticks the paper for the cooks to make. Taking another tray full of food to the table at the end of the room where's six people seated. Today the restaurant is packed with people like usual, all the worker walked around serving the customer and cleaning the table. The rush didn’t bother Yoongi, actually he liked it because with all the work he can forget his problem that still swarming at the back of his mind.

After having that unusual dream nothing big happened, he didn’t have that dream again. The usual nightmare still there, the pain he felt when that someone died or the desperation to reach that person are too real to be ignored. He really wants to know who that person is, he always dreamed about them but he couldn’t see the face clearly just a silhouette. Sometimes he could see the glimpse of their eyes, nose, or lips but things that frequently he saw are the smiles. Their lips will curl up to form a bright smile or soft and sincere smile and a sad, heart clenching smile.

He becomes more curious about that person after meeting his other self and the mysterious girl in that dream. He considered that person is the mysterious girl, because he thought the mysterious girl had a familiar smile at the dream and after so much pondering he remembered that person smile. Their smile looks alike but then he’s sure that the silhouette of that person is a male not female. He also spend his time thinking about what the mysterious girl means by saying he should remember her and the other him is weird like that they’re different person with the same face and body.

He shook his head to clear his mind, he shouldn’t think about this at work. He glanced down at his hand that wiping the table, he thanked his body that working on his own accord while he’s thinking. He glanced around finding his co-workers already heading to the staff room, his boss or the owner standing besides the counter telling all of them good work today. He changed his clothes, gathering his things then walked out from the back door. He saw Jin cars parked a few meters away from where he’s stood, he raised his eyebrow in confusion and walked to the car. Jin rolled down the car window when Yoongi’s nearing the car, smiling and waving at him.

“Jin-hyung? What are you doing here?” Yoongi said while crouched down to look at the older then glancing at his surrounding trying to find something that the reason why the older is here.

“Oh, I’m passing here a few minutes ago and remembered that you would finish work at this time. I decided to give you a ride home.” Jin said smiling and gestured to the passenger seat while looking at Yoongi.

“Alright.” He said walking to the other side opening the door and sat down while closed the door.

He adjusted his bag on his lap and leaned back with a sigh, realized that his muscle protested from the work he’s doing for the past hours. Jin started the car and drove slowly through the road, glancing at him sometimes. He noticed the older doing that but ignored it by closing his eyes and enjoying the cold wind caressing his skin from the opened window car. When Jin cleared his throat a bit loudly, he opened one of his eyes looking at the older questioningly.

“Um, Yoongi. Do you have anything to do at home tonight?” the older asked hesitantly.

He raised his eyebrow while looking at the elder curiously but answered, “No, I just wanna enjoy my free time sleeping.” He closed his eyes again.

“Then, want to sleep over at my place? You know, it’s been a long time since we spend times together.” Jin said.

Yoongi opened his eyes fully looking at the older that glancing back at him with a smile. “Hm, Okay…” he said while looking at the older with suspicious stare.

Jin looked at him and groaned slightly, “Oh come on Yoongi, don’t make that face. I didn’t have anything under my sleeve, I just want to spend times with you.” The older said with a pout.

“Alright, alright, but we must stop at my place. I want to take spare clothes and my laptop.” Yoongi said with a smile. Jin hummed and focused on the road.     



He plopped on the couch beside Jin who’s looking through the channel on the TV, he had a towel on his shoulder and hair slight damp from the shower he takes a few minutes ago. He dried his hair and from his side gaze he saw Jin already settled on some comedy program, he reached for his bag near the table and pull out his phone. Jin stood up saying he’s going to take the snacks and drinks for them, he just nodded his eyes focusing at his phone. He checked his message finding Taehyung send him a photo of a café asking him how about they gather this weekend at that place. He replied with an okay then put his phone on the table while Jin sat down with the snacks and drinks. Taehyung replied back with an eager message that Yoongi must come and the boy already spread the info to everyone, he chuckled and looked to Jin who's mouth full of food and grabbing his phone on the table. He predicted it was Taehyung and Jin looked back at him, showing his phone.

"You receieved this?" the older asked.

"Yeah, just read it." He said and reached his hand to take the snacks.

"The kid is so active until his message can make you know the kid is jumping up and down right now," Jin said while his phone and Yoongi's phone started to buzz in th same time. "Oh, Hoseok joining too." Jin shakes his head.

They ignored the buzz of their phone and watched TV while occasionally laughing at the funny jokes the comedians said, sometimes Jin commenting on the bad jokes and boosted that he can do better. Yoongi just scoffed while agreeing but with a sarcastic tone, making Jin frowns and huffed angrily. Jin asked him the question he already expected after some comfortable silence.

“How are your condition Yoongi? The dream I mean.” The older said with his eyes still on the TV.

He drew back the glass from his lips and turned to look at the older then glancing back at his glass. He put down the glass and cleared his throat.

“Fine, still has the nightmare. I didn’t have the dream again though.” He answered honestly.

“Hm….” Jin was silent for a while his eyes still looking at the TV but Yoongi can see that his attention was somewhere else because it’s not focused. “Do you…. Do you want to have that dream again?” the older asked, this time turning to look at him.

Yoongi slightly taken aback by the question and the gaze Jin gave him. Jin eyes looking straight to his own like trying to peer through the deep of his mind, he stared back with determined eyes. “Yes, I want to have that dream again. I want to know who’s that girl, and the other me. But I especially want to know this person that always appeared on every nightmare of mine.” He said.

Jin nodded and his eyes unfocused again like he’s thinking about something. Yoongi waited until Jin’s eyes focused on him, “Why?” Jin asked simply.

“Because… he was the one who makes the dream like a nightmare, he’s the one I saw dead, he’s the one I reached out to.” He answered while thinking about the person.

“He?” Jin asked while turn down the volume of the TV, both of them didn’t watch it anyway.

“Yeah, I think it’s a male. From the silhouette that I always see I’m sure he’s a he.” He said then a yawn escaped.

“Okay, the talk's over. I think you need to sleep now.” Jin said while smiling.

He hummed, blinked his eyes the sleepiness started to appear. Jin gathered their glass and plates to put down them on the kitchen, he didn’t make a move to help the older and Jin didn’t mind it the slightest. He grab his phone and bag then walked to the guest room put his bag on the floor near the bed and his phone on the table. He didn’t bother to set his alarm like always because Jin will wake him up. He settled on the bed, finding a comfortable position and covered his body with warm blanket.

Jin walked to the room, sat down on the edge of the bed near his middle. He looked at the older sleepily and Jin smiled warmly at him. “I hope you have that dream tonight, so you could find out that person and filled your curiosity.” Jin said.

“Yeah.” He answered when he closed his eyes he remembered something. “I forget to tell you before.” He said opening his eyes.

“Hm?” Jin said while looking at him confusedly.

“I’m having this dream after that weird dream lately. In the dream first I’m driving him-” Yoongi stopped to look at Jin conveying his thought with his eyes that the person he’s talking about from before, Jin nodded. “-to hospital then I’m crying, then I seated near a hospital bed where he’s laying.” Yoongi finished a bit of sleep wearing out when he told the older.

“You never had this dream before?” Jin asked while patting his side comfortingly.

“Yeah, it started to appear after the weird dream.” He stated thinking back to first time had them.

“Is there something more than that?” Jin asked with a soft and calm voice, soothing him with the rub of the older hand on his side making him lulled to sleep.

“Hm, I was sitting on a bench…. In the garden.” He answered sleepily his eyelids heavy with sleep.

“Is there someone with you?” Jin voice still like before soothing making him close his eyes. He hummed and Jin continued, “It’s a boy.” He hummed again eyes still closed and his conscious started to blur, “offering you some help to save him, right?” Jin voice seemed to fade away but still heard it. “Yeah” he breathed, his mind is clouded with sleep but he can still think why Jin know about this. “And now you’re stuck here.” Jin stated but Yoongi can’t answer that, he can’t ask Jin why the older knows and what’s that mean because his conscious slipped and he fell deep in sleep.




Jin sighed while looking at Yoongi’s sleeping face, he patted the younger head and muttering ‘I’m sorry’.

“Now, I already did what you told me to do.” He said to the silent night, his eyes unfocused.

“Our Lady and Master still had a hard time?” he asked to no one in particular.

“I hope they succeeded tonight, because we already triggered the main thing. How about Jungkook?” he calmed talked.

“I’m sure he’s going to beat her eventually, when the other two finished their first task to make our last hope awaken his power.” He said with a hopeful voice.

After some silence Jin sighed again, “I feel like a dumb talking to myself, and I really couldn’t believe I have someone like you inside of me.” Jin stated while huffed tiredly.

“Yeah, I should rest. So, you can store your power when Yoongi’s ready.” Jin said while stood up the walking out but before he closed the door he looked at Yoongi’s sleeping figure and smiled.

“Have a nice dream, Yoongi.”




Yoongi felt his body light like a feather, floating aimlessly through the white space. He opened his eyes, he’s indeed on some space of nothingness. He looked around trying to find something, then one door appeared on the far away at his right and the gravity pulling him slowly until his feet landing on the transparent ground. He walked to the door, feeling something pull him from behind the door. It’s white with yellow stripes adoring it’s side, the knob is gold and looks like a old model of knob. He twisted it opening the door, blinding light comes from the crack but nonetheless he stepped in and closed the door behind his back. After the light subsided he opened his eyes, he’s in front of the garden. He stepped forward then glanced back seeing a hospital building, he tilted his head trying to remember where he’s seeing this hospital and the image of dream he recently had flooding his mind.

This is where the person stayed, laying on the hospital bed. He looked back to the empty garden and walked to the bench he remembered on the dream. He sat there waiting for the boy to appear, the boy that offering help to him to save the person. Instead of the boy, the other him walked to him. He widen his eyes because the other him looks older and mature than him, then the mysterious girl from before appeared too beside the older him. The girl also looked older and matures than his dream, they walked to him with a smile and holding hands.

“I’m glad you’re here.” The older Yoongi stated.

“Yuki did a good job.” The girl said looking at him.

“What?” he said confused, why they’re here. Shouldn’t he meet the boy with black hair and bunny tooth.

“We’re here instead of Jungkook. Because the boy is still occupied with something.” The older Yoongi answered him.

“Jungkook?” he asked.

“The boy you should have met in here.” The girl answered.   

He still didn’t get it why are they’re in his dream though and his older self answered his question again. “We wanted to talk to you properly.”

“Last time we didn’t have much time.” the girl said with a disappointed tone.

“That blocked us, damn her for having that much power despite Jungkook attempt.” The older him spat angrily and the girl nudged with her elbow hard at the male making him winced.

He wondered who’s this ‘’ that the older him talking about and what is the meaning of this all, he’s confused like ‘what are he talking about’, but despite the urge to ask about that he asked the first thought he got when he saw them on the dream before.

“Why are we have the similar face?” he asked to his older self and turned to the girl, “Why are you familiar? And did I know you?” he finished while looking at her and then at his other self.

“Because we are the same person. But in a different world.” The older him answered.

“Because you already meet me on your life. But in an entirely different….persona. Basically you didn’t know me because like he said-” The girl pointed at the older him, “-we’re from another world.” The girl answered with a smile, a smile that triggered something on his mind.

He stayed silent processing the information and tried to remember when he meets someone like the girl before.

“Yoongi, the reason we’re here is to warn you to not be tempted to the pain, to the hollowness.” The girl said with pleading eyes.

“You also have to trust yourself, you have the power inside of you.” The other him said.

“The most important thing is-“ the girl sentence cut by a loud cracked sound. The sky is cracked and showing blac behind the crack.

“, something happened to Jungkook.” The other him said.

He looked confusedly between the pair in front of him and the sky, mind still numb with how much he’s thinking. The girl looked back at him after she stare at the sky, the pair body started to disappear.

“You must remember, Yoongi.” The same line the girl said from before. “There’s someone important to you, waiting for you.” The girl stated while the crack on the sky become bigger. “He always there for you, don’t forget him.” the pair body already disappear until their neck. “Don’t forget Jimin, Yoongi. Jimin’s waiting for you.” The girl said last time before their disappeared into nothing and the sky cracked and darkness surrounding him.


The name the girl said echoing through his mind.

‘Jimin, Jimin, Jimin, Jimin, Jimin.’

Then memories started flooding through his head, a beautiful face with chubby cheeks, big eyes that crinkled when a smile adoring the face, the button nose, the smile- kind, bright and sincere, the plump lips. Small frame with a bit muscle but slim waist, a fluffy and soft hair, small hands that perfectly slotted to his own and a figure with kind mind, beautiful inside and out, his other part, his precious and important person on the whole world. Jimin, his world, the person he sacrifice his own life with. The person all this time he kept dream, the person he should save.   

He pulled from his though when he felt his hands tugged upward, he looked around him. He’s in the darkness, something binding his both arms above his head. He struggled to let his arms go but something like a chain tugged harder making him hiss in pain. He looked up to see chain binding him, when he looked forward again there’s so many chains there lined haphazardly. He tugged at his arms, wriggling his body trying to let loose but a sudden force making him flying backward and hitting a solid like wall.

He choked on his breath feeling the searing pain through his back. He let out a groan when the chain tugged his arm making his body rested flat to the wall behind him. He let out a frustrated cry because when he finally remember Jimin, remember his reason why he’s in this place- to save Jimin, fate seemed to play with him. He didn’t know why he’s here on the darkness, who’s making him like this, miserable and vulnerable.

“Jimin.” He said with a sad voice, remembering that he couldn’t save Jimin before and now Jimin’s not here.

“Jimin.” He said with a groan when his arms tugged harshly.

“Jimin-ah, Jiminie… I miss you.” He said to nothingness.

“I miss you so much…”

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ceisyaxo #1
Chapter 15: I hope Everything will be okay for both of them..
What is their purpose?!?! Throwing Yoonmin into other dimensions....I really curious~~~
I know something is about to happen
Thanks for the update♥♥♥♥
Chapter 3: This fanfic remind me of the manga Amnesia
hyleess #3
Chapter 6: fighting and all the best authornim ♡
hyleess #4
Chapter 5: finally jimin's side story and that nightmare is so scary for him :( hope they'll meet up soon. Fightingg
hyleess #5
Chapter 4: noooooooooooooo what happened to jimin :( is he sick? nooooooooo i craved the next chapter alr omfg but i can wait for you ;-; fighting *YOONMIN LITERALLY JUST MADE MY DAY* thank you <3